Quan calmly walks into the Vice-GM’s Office and taking a baseball bat from the closet, tests its weight and strength in his hands. Following him is Qui Xhong his advisor and mentor who steps forward to address the Vice GM.
“Honourable master Dante. I have the privilege to address you on a matter of the up-most importance.”
(Quan nods approvingly)
“Quan, the illustrious master of Mongolian wrestling has noticed that the roster of X-force wrestling now includes a woman, Jade Blechman! In Mongolia women are often fierce wrestlers, Quan has no problem with that. But worse than that, she is a woman who practices judo, the least of all martial disciplines. And worse than that a woman who takes her credentials from, so called, Olympic games, games that disrespect Mongolian wrestling and pro wrestling by not including these honourable sports.”
(Quan rolls his eyes)
“Quan humbly requests a match against this upstart to prove the superiority of his technique against this judo novice. Although he will accept any decision made by master Dante or the General Manager. As a gift please accept this gourd of Quan's homemade rice wine to compliment your stock of refreshments”.
Qui opens his mouth to start another sentence when he is interrupted by Quan slapping him on the back, in a rough voice Quan shouts.
“Come Qui, we have bothered this man enough, lets get that side of beef on the barbeque and get back to our training”.
Quan and Qui leave and as they go out the door Quan grabs Qui in a head lock and they struggle and laugh as they leave the building.