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 Jake Adams runs down Jay Thorn, verbally...RP for last XFA

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Jake Adams
XFE Hall of Famer
Jake Adams

Number of posts : 191
Age : 30
Registration date : 2011-02-02

Jake Adams runs down Jay Thorn, verbally...RP for last XFA Empty
PostSubject: Jake Adams runs down Jay Thorn, verbally...RP for last XFA   Jake Adams runs down Jay Thorn, verbally...RP for last XFA Empty8/4/2011, 10:34 pm

~Jaime Ray Newman is standing backstage in the interview area as she talks into her XFE mic~
Jaime: "Ladies and gentlemen please welcome my guest at this time, still the Extreme Fight Champion, Jake Adams."
~Jaime looks at Jake Adams with a sort of worried look on her face as the camera turns around to reveal the Show Raider, who has a mild look on his face as him being on top of the World isn't good enough, while the Extreme Fight title gleams on his shoulder~
Jaime: "Jake, what is your opinion on the triple threat match happening for the Number One Contendership for the Extreme Fight title tonight, especially with Jay Thorn being involved in it?"
~Jake simply smirks a bit and answers~
Jake: "Jay Thorn keeps getting chances and chances and chances. You see, the XFE brass just doesn't get it and they probably never will. You have to work your way back to the top and not bud you way to the first spot in line...that's what the XFE brass is allowing Jay Thorn to do. But its alright, because no matter how many chances Jay Thorn gets, he will do what he always does best, LOSE."
~The crowd boos with venom as Jaime asks a question again~
Jaime: "But Jake the XFE brass would have let Jay stay at the back of the line if it wasn't for you using underhanded tactics to retain the Extreme Fight Championship at both Guilty Conscience and Stable Warfare, what do you have to say about that?"
~Jake surprisingly looks only just a bit annoyed as he answers~
Jake: "I wouldn't call them underhanded. You shouldn't call them underhanded. Jay Thorn shouldn't call them underhanded. None of the moronic XFE brass executives should even think about it as underhanded. None of these moronic XFE fans should call them underhanded. No one has any right to call it cheating because Jaime, what it really is, is superior intellect. Something that I obviously possess and know very, very well how to use. Jay Thorn on the other hand, just goes out there with all the support of the XFE brass, and the fans...puts on a classic...and LOSES."
~The crowd is booing the hell outta the Show Raider as Jaime asks a question again~
Jaime: "Well Jake with that put aside, what do you have to say regarding Evan Matthews getting involved every time?"
~Jake is pissed off now as he looks at Jaime with disgust as he snatches the mic from her, as the crowd boos him~
Jake: "I think I've had enough of you..."
~He pushes her off the screen and talks straight into the camera with a angry look on his face~
Jake: "Jay Thorn...aka World's largest dumbass, listen to what I have to say carefully you idiot. You ain't nothing but a letdown, to XFE brass, and to your fans. You know why I'm the Extreme Fight Champion, its because of a slight little difference in the way you and me roll. You see, you always impress, while me, I always win."
~The crowd boos as Jake keeps taunting~
Jake: "You coming back from an injury was the biggest mistake you ever made because four days ago at Stable Warfare, I killed your momentum despite of having the Illegal blatant support of 20 of your own fans at ringside beating up on me, but I raided your hopes once again. Jay, you would probably say I escaped with the title right? Well, you know deep down that when it comes to me and you, there's one thing that always escapes you but never escapes me, and that's victory."
~The crowd is chanting YOU SUCK as Jake ignores them while he keeps running down the Murder City Machine Gun~
Jake: "Despite having overwhelming odds against me, I tackle the seemingly impossible and I always find a way. I use all of my assets, I use all my resources Jay Thorn. But you wouldn't know anything about that would you Jay..."
~The crowd keeps booing as it doesn't look like Jake is gonna shut up soon~
Jake: "You call yourself the Murder City Machine gun right? Well your machine gun ain't big enough, its not fast enough, its simply not good enough Jay Thorn. On the other hand, I'm the Maple. City. Nuclear. Bomb!! And your machine gun isn't going to be good enough tonight too, because you see, the Board of directors listened to my complaints and did me some justice, and you know what it is...its that if you lose tonight, you will never get to face me for this title as long as I'm champion!"
~The crowd boos as Jake laughs~
Jake: "And whoever wins in that triple threat tonight, which is obviously not going to be Jay Thorn as I'm gonna make sure myself, WILL get to face me the first week on Aggression next season in a match where the winner, decides a Aggressive match stipulation for the title match at All or Nothing."
~The crowd cheers the announcement as Jake goes on~
Jake: "And Worthy, you better give me my long deserved vacation the season after the next one, because if you don't...the board of directors will have a nice little chat with you."
~The crowd boos Jake's cowardly demands in order to duck out of competition~
Jake: "But until then, I'm gonna keep winning like I always do, because everyone else is a troll, and me on the other hand, I just avoid staying for too long in a hellhole in Sydney Syndrome!"
~The crowd boos loud and full of hatred, as Jake smiles before leaving~
Jake: "See, I can come up with stupid little jokes too Jay Thorn...only thing is, I don't need to have them written for me, while your brother and your shabby fiancee help you write your BULL CRAP."
~The crowd gives a loud OOH as Jake leaves, smiling and also doing his signature wicked laugh, loving it that he took a nice, personal shot at Jay's personal life~
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Jake Adams
XFE Hall of Famer
Jake Adams

Number of posts : 191
Age : 30
Registration date : 2011-02-02

Jake Adams runs down Jay Thorn, verbally...RP for last XFA Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jake Adams runs down Jay Thorn, verbally...RP for last XFA   Jake Adams runs down Jay Thorn, verbally...RP for last XFA Empty8/4/2011, 10:34 pm

Also, can you put this a while before Jay's Rp...thanks.
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Jake Adams runs down Jay Thorn, verbally...RP for last XFA
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