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 Jake Adams RP March 2/2011

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Jake Adams
XFE Hall of Famer
Jake Adams

Number of posts : 191
Age : 30
Registration date : 2011-02-02

Jake Adams RP March 2/2011 Empty
PostSubject: Jake Adams RP March 2/2011   Jake Adams RP March 2/2011 Empty3/2/2011, 1:29 am

~"You think you know me..."~
~"Metalingus" by Alter Bridge blasts the sound systems as the crowd pops, cheering Jake Adams as he appears from the backstage area, dressed in sunglasses, black jeans and a chess-checkered shirt~
~Jake Adams arrogantly struts to the ring, taking his sunglasses off as he scans the crowd and shakes his head in disdain~
~He picks up a mic on the steel steps and as soon as he gets into the ring, he does his trademark Rated R Taunt, bringing in more cheers as his song stops playing~
~Jake Adams rubs his chin and smiles as he brings the mic closer to his mouth, waiting for the vocal crowd to calm down~
Jake: "Well, Well, Well!"
~The crowd cheer as they like Jake's tone and excitement~
Jake: "Last week, last week I beat a monster, I beat, a man who I have had history with in the past and well, its kinda always been in his favor BUT LAST WEEK, I beat him when I broke his soul, his hunger for blood and destruction when I leveled him with the Spear!!"
~The crowd give a mixed reaction as Jake gives an evil smirk~
Jake: "Cryl!"
~The crowd pops as Jake mentions that feared name~
Jake: "Cryl, I am here to stay. You and everyone else better get used to me winning a lot around here, and all of you people better get used to seeing and hearing the Spear around here because without a shadow of a doubt, Jake Adams is here to win titles, fulfill dreams and break someone's, for anyone, who gets in my way..."
~The crowd scream loud in cheers as Jake continues~
Jake: "But that's not why I'm out here, you see, ever since I left my traces in the previous company I was a part of, whose name and General Manager's name I shall not mention, have been hating and hating and trash talking about me because of the way I left. Well, I know one thing for sure...that I was right in doing what I did because I deserve a better Boss anyways."
~The crowd gives a mixed reaction as Jake runs his hand through his hair~
Jake: "And if I ever see any one of those tools EVER in my sight again, they'll get what's coming to them!"
~The people cheer once again~
Jake: "You think that those people have such high statuses that disables me to go against them...well, let me tell you something high status is not what I need to take care of anyone, whether its those (Censored) idiots or XFE."
~The crowd goes oooooooooh as Jake basks in the controversy~
Jake: "But lets move on to more important business, a issue I have with...*points towards the crowd and the camera, towards the people watching home*...YOU PEOPLE..."
~The crowd can be heard buzzing and confused as to what Jake Adams is talking about~
Jake: "I leave that company and what happens, you people criticize me and tell me that I have an attitude, then instead of giving me a second chance, all of you leave my side, ditching me like traitors in my hard times!! THEN, you people hate me even more when I land a spot in XFE, calling me lucky instead of respecting me, respecting me because I went through the tough times and still did what most of you FAT, SLIMY, IGNORANT (Censored) could never do even on your best days, and that's getting a job and making an impression!!"
~The crowd immediately boos as Jake continues to rant towards the people~
Jake: "You people betray me and when I try to gain back your respect you all hate me, boo me and cheer someone like Cryl over me!! Cryl, the same old man I beat last week to head further into the Lord of Mayhem tournament! The same old man who I nearly broke in half last week! Then All of you ignorant rats watching home around the world and all of you morons in this very arena go on to call my well-earned victory a tainted, undeserving win?? Seriously??"
~The crowd boos more as Jake keeps rambling~
Jake: "You people can say whatever you want, I've had enough of your hate, I've had enough of your talk, enough of your antics and I'm done with you people, you people betrayed me, then you know that what I'm gonna do about it, I'm gonna leave your sides and treat you like you've treated me!"
~The camera zooms in on several people booing and giving Jake a thumbs down as he looks ready to kill~
Jake: "Yeah, Yeah now you people are really showing me your true sides, completely disrespecting a living legend like Jake Adams and trying to boo him out of the building...that's what you people have always wanted to do ever since I left that crap GM's corrupt Federation just because I stood up for my rights and freedom. Well all you people can just kiss my ass!"
~The crowd boos big time while Jake Adams smiles~
Jake: "Tonight, I'm gonna face Gobeer, and I guarantee him one thing, that his destiny is now, in my hands, and obviously, his destiny will lead him to the unemployment line when I completely torture and humiliate him in this very ring!"
~The crowd give a mixed reaction~
Jake: "After crushing Gobeer with my pinky toe, I will go on win this tournament and fulfill my lifelong dream, a dream of becoming, the World, Heavyweight, Champion!!!"
~Jake puts the mic down as the crowd boo him~
~Suddenly, the Halloween music hits the arena as the crowd pop, giving Cryl a mighty ovation as Jake looks a bit hesitant of standing in the middle of the ring~
~Cryl already has a mic in hand and before he talks, Jake interrupts~
Jake: "Hey, Hey, Hey, What the hell are you doing out here, I beat you last week! You have no business being out here!!"
~The crowd boos as Cryl replies~
Cryl: "Jake Adams...I, don't, like, YOU..."
~Jake tries to swallow fear as the crowd cheer~
Girl: "You tell him my giant."
Cryl: "I think its safe to say that everyone watching home and everyone in this facility, wants to see you put out of your misery!"
~Jake trash talks the cheering audience and Cryl~
Voice: "Don't hold back on this scum."
Cryl: "Jake, you think I've forgotten about what you put me through back in 2009, you think I would forget the past so easily huh?? Well you know what, last week doesn't even matter because now, you're in my backyard, standing in the same area as mine, in the perfect position for me, to get my retribution!"
~The crowd cheers as Cryl proceeds to scare Jake Adams even more~
Voice: "Drain him off his blood."
Girl: "Yes my giant, drain him of his blood."
Cryl: "You can't escape the bloodbath that I will put you through Jake, you won't be able to run or hide anywhere! After I'm done with placing you in a hospital, you will see that this wasn't some act of revenge from a week ago, this...was a long time, coming!"
~Cryl puts the mic down and lets the crowd chant his name as Jake looks worried and frustrated at the same time~
Cryl: "You think that I'm just bitter for what happened last week?? I've been wanting to destroy you ever since the last 2 years...I've waited and waited Jake, and now, your time of falling has come, and its gonna be something that I'm sure that everyone will love, to see!!"
~Jake yells at Cryl, telling him to STHU, while Cryl, stands in his threatening and large demeanor, simply staring a hole through Jake~
Voice: "Drain him already, Cryl."
Cryl: "So what do you say Jake, do you accept my challenge, YES?? or NO??"
~The crowd cheers Cryl and chant his name while some of them chant JAKE SUCKS as well~
Jake: "Cryl, I was never scared of you, and I'm not, and I never will be! No matter what these idiotic fans say, the truth is, I've always been better than you, and I still am. So if you're gonna try to end this whole long time coming rivalry, I suggest you think again, because really, you're not worth my troubles. You're not worth anything, I would choose to be unemployed rather than wasting my time beating on you yet again, so my answer is...NO!"
~The crowd boo Jake's cowardly antics as Jake continues to talk~
Jake: "In my future, there is success, Cryl. Success, winning championships, becoming a superstar, accomplishing dreams, not beating on a worthless old idiot who's addicted to blood! So screw you, Cryl, you're not worth my time! I have better things to do so do something a wise man would do..."
~The crowd boos very loud, keeping Jake from talking on as he turns his attention to them~
Jake: "SHUT UP!!"
~The crowd lets out a huge wave of boos as Jake addresses his rival~
Jake: "Cryl, do what a wise man would do, just shut the hell up, and walk away...its that simple Cryl, just walk, away!"
~The crowd boos Jake as Cryl looks down on the floor, then immediately rushes to the ring with a purpose~
~Jake Adams reacts quickly and gets out of the ring at 200 km/h, horrified from Cryl's actions, avoiding a potential disaster~
~The crowd boos him but quickly turn into cheering Cryl as he taunts Jake, with the Halloween music triumphantly ringing through the arena~
~Jake looks scared as hell and slowly backs away onto the ramp way, never taking his eyes off of the blood-thirsty, revenge seeking monster, Cryl~

Last edited by Jake on 3/2/2011, 3:00 am; edited 7 times in total
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 1668
Age : 32
Location : melbourne ,Australia
Registration date : 2008-05-01

Jake Adams RP March 2/2011 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jake Adams RP March 2/2011   Jake Adams RP March 2/2011 Empty3/2/2011, 2:37 am

loved this one, great work jake.
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Jake Adams
XFE Hall of Famer
Jake Adams

Number of posts : 191
Age : 30
Registration date : 2011-02-02

Jake Adams RP March 2/2011 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jake Adams RP March 2/2011   Jake Adams RP March 2/2011 Empty3/2/2011, 3:03 am

Thanks Slug Smile
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Jake Adams RP March 2/2011 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jake Adams RP March 2/2011   Jake Adams RP March 2/2011 Empty

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