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 Jake Adams cuts a promo... First Aggression RP!

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Jake Adams
XFE Hall of Famer
Jake Adams

Number of posts : 191
Age : 30
Registration date : 2011-02-02

Jake Adams cuts a promo... First Aggression RP! Empty
PostSubject: Jake Adams cuts a promo... First Aggression RP!   Jake Adams cuts a promo... First Aggression RP! Empty7/15/2011, 1:20 pm

"You think you know me..."
~The crowd instantly lets out a wave of boos as "Metalingus" by Alter Bridge blasts the arena. As the heavy drum beating rocks the arena, white smoke appears as Jake, dressed in a affliction shirt, stonewashed blue jeans, sunglasses and a black jacket. His imposter, dressed in formal wear, accompanies him to the ring~
~Jake, like a rock star, plants his feet on the floor and raises his title over his head with both his hands, as several dozen shots of pyrotechnics blast the arena while the booing frenzy continues~
~Jake struts along with the title on his shoulder, displaying a proud and satisfied look on his face~
~As he looks at all the JAKE SUCKS and YOU SCREWED JAY posters, he stops but the imposter keeps him going, helping get the offended look on his face off~
~He snatches the mic from Olivia Wilde and looks at her with disdain as his music stops playing~
Jake: "Looks like you forgot to do your job yet again, skank!"
~The crowd laughs and boos as Jake raises the mic up and his head, about to yell~
Jake: "Ladies and gentlemen, please give a standing ovation to a man...who is, The Showwww RRRRRaiderrrrr, and STILL, your Extreme Fight Champion....Jake! Adams!!!"
~The crowd boos as Jake looks at them with disdain, talking to his imposter, who tries to calm the champ down~
Jake: "Where is your decency???"
~The crowd boos as Jake looks pissed off~
Jake: "I was in the best mood of my life and as soon as I came into this state known as Indiana (pauses as the crowd cheers)...I had a feeling that I wanted to leave as soon as possible!"
~The crowd boos as Jake lays into Indiana~
Jake: "Don't you Indianans have any manners, look at all the paper you've wasted writing JAKE SUCKS, if you had a brain, the least you could have done was write JAKE OWNS on it, don't you guys even have a big enough brain for that??"
~The crowd rains down boos while Jake keeps talking~
Jake: "You people remind of a guy who I beat at Guilty Conscience...you remind me of a guy I just injured at Guilty Conscience, a guy who came in, talked a lot of bull crap, and said that he was going to walk out with my Extreme Fight Championship..."
~The crowd start a Jay Thorn chant, which makes Jake and his imposter do a face palm~
Jake: "Well, as you already oh so well know, he didn't walk out as champion, hell he didn't even walk out on his own two feet! He was carried out of this arena, on a stretcher!"
~Jake lets out a wicked laugh as the arena boo him in unison. The imposter claps as Jake raises his title over his head. Jake walks in the ring with swagger as the crowd start chanting YOU SUCK as loud as possible. Jake raises his voice so the people can actually hear him~
Jake: "Oh I don't suck! If I sucked then Jay Thorn wouldn't be in the hospital would he??"
~The crowd doesn't like it one bit as Jake tries to rub it in~
Jake: "You see, me and my friend here, (points at his imposter)...came up with an elaborate plan to take out Jay Thorn before he became a threat...we targeted his knee, a part of his body which has been well documented of coming close to snapping off during several occasions due to his spot-whore like style..."
~The crowd boos as they sense Jake's jealousy towards Jay as the fans show more commitment towards him because of his risky style~
Jake: "So me and my buddy here did some homework and decided, that Jay Thorn, needs a nice vacation for a very, very long time..."
~Jake grins and the imposter laughs, as the crowd boo them~
Jake: "And of course like always, my plan worked, and my prey, in this instance, Jay Thorn, who had oh so elaborately managed to pissed me off, had his knee, broken, shattered into pieces..."
~Jake smiles, getting some sort of sick pleasure from his disgusting actions while the crowd jeer him~
Jake: "You won't see Jay Thorn anymore, trust me. Not as long as I'm champion around here. And with the way things are going, not even Brandon Routh, or you gosh damn people in Indiana or people watching anywhere, can argue with me...that's gonna be a long long time."
~The crowd boos as Jake and the imposter taunt them~
Jake: "Now, here's something a lot of people have been wanting to know recently, I know that it's that how Jay Thorn is doing and when he's gonna come back, but screw that, I'm gonna give you something else..."
~Jake looks at his imposter and smiles~
Jake: "It's time to break the silence!"
~He hands over the mic to his imposter, who talks. He is interrupted by the people who obviously boo the crap outta the sneaky stooge of the Extreme Fight Champion. Jake takes the mic and yells at the crowd before giving it back to his stooge~
Jake: "Shut up! The man's about to speak!"
~The crowd rains down nuclear heat as the imposter finally speaks into the mic~
Imposter: "My name...is Evan Jones...ever since I got into the production booth here in XFE, I've been hanging out with Jake Adams like a friend, like a brother. He's a cool guy to be around with, and he's gotten me out of a lot of little knick-knacks backstage and I owe him for them. So that's why, I think its only fair that a man as amazing as him deserves to be handed everything to him, instead of struggling for it every-time like you moronic people."
~The crowd boos as Jake laughs, who takes the mic back again~
Jake: "Well said, Evan, well said. I've got some words for my opponent tonight as well, and I wrote a nice little poem on her, to make her feel a bit more "confident" before she faces me tonight. Trust me she's gonna need it, stepping in the ring with Jake Adams, can be a pretty dangerous order to take. Just ask Jay Thorn, and of course, my opponent tonight's brother."
~Jake grins from ear to ear as the people boo him~
Jake: "Evans, so may you please, present me with that encouraging piece of a poem I wrote for Seraphim tonight."
~Evans takes a q-card out his shirt pocket and hands it to the Show Raider~
~Jake clears his throat as his heavy, motor-bike like voice goes over the poem~
Jake: "Seraphim, when you step into this ring with Jake Adams, there's really no way you can fathom, that I the deadliest opponent you can imagine, If was to meet you in a dark alley at 11, I would take your money and your condoms, because I'm strong like a bear, cunning like a croc, fast like a cheetah, and evil like bin laden. If you think you've got a chance, you might as well be put down, because Jake Adams's going to lay an ass kicking on your stupid ass clown!!! *Censored*!!!"
~Jake's poem brings an outrageous amount of laughter and booing from the Indiana crowd, as Jake's imposter rolls around in laughter while Jake smiles, basking in the environment that he has just created~
~The Halloween music starts playing as Jake and the imposter stop their playtime fun. They quickly get out of the ring as Jake speaks, finally shows signs of leaving~
Jake: "Okay, its been nice hanging out here and all but I'm gonna go handle some business backstage, everybody please don't forget to throw your garbage into Jeremy Alsop's mouth or the dustbin or whatever...good night everyone!"
~Jake and his buddy Evan Jones scurry to the back as they leave the mic on the ramp. The camera fades into a commercial break as the intimidating music keeps ringing, haunting the arena~
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Jake Adams cuts a promo... First Aggression RP!
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