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 Still Standing... RP For Aggression 06/08/2011

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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 1341
Age : 44
Location : Palmerston North, New Zealand
Registration date : 2008-04-22

Still Standing... RP For Aggression 06/08/2011 Empty
PostSubject: Still Standing... RP For Aggression 06/08/2011   Still Standing... RP For Aggression 06/08/2011 Empty8/4/2011, 10:36 am

~The crowd are anticipating the next match when without warning, "Walk this Way" by Run DMC and Aerosmith starts to blast over the Speaker system, the crowd erupting from the moment it starts~
Brandon: "This is surprising. We weren't expecting to see Jeremy Alsop at all tonight after the Brutal and Career Shortening Hell in a Cell Match a few nights ago at Stable Warfare,"
Reggie: "It's like Jeremy you know. We think we are going to have a Kiwi Free show and then he ruins it."
~The crowd erupt louder as Jeremy Alsop limps onto the Top of the Entrance Ramp. He stops and looks out at the Sydney Crowd, who are showing there utmost respect towards him. His attire consists of the "Kiwi Icon" Shirt, Black Dress Pants and Black Dress Shoes. He has a plaster on his forehead and his right hand is in a cast. He starts to limp towards the ring, slapping the hands of the fans as he limps by~
Brandon: "Jeremy Alsop and STB put on one heck of a show at Stable Warfare, STB ending up in Hospital after the Whiplash of the Cage."
Reggie: "What I don't understand is how did Jeremy not end up in Hospital. In fact, how is he even on his feet today? STB got a number one hit on Jeremy's Left Leg."
~As Jeremy cautiously makes his way up the Ring Steps, his theme song is drowned out by the crowd, who have started to Chant his name~
Brandon: "These fans are insane."
Reggie: "They have to be to support "The Kiwi Icon"."
~Jeremy makes his way through the ropes and moves to the middle of the ring. He takes a mic out of his pocket, taps it before he starts to talk over the noisy crowd~
Jeremy: "If this is the sort of Reception that I'm getting tonight, then what the hell is going to happen when Slugger makes his way out here?"
~The crowd go berserk at the mention of Sluggers name. They start to chant "We want Slugger" over and over, Jeremy even joining in himself before he continues~
Jeremy: "You will get Slugger, Trust me on that because he's leading Aggression in it's Ten Man Elimination Match against XFW later tonight but the reason why I came out here is a bit more serious than that."
~The crowd start to quiet down as Jeremy continues~
Jeremy: "Three nights ago, I was involved in the Main Event of a XFE Pay-Per-View for the every first time in my career. Hell in a Cell at Stable Warfare!"
~The crowd go nuts, remembering what an epic match it was~
Jeremy: "STB and myself went into the Satanic Structure and both of us will never be the same again. I've injured my left leg and re-broken my Right Wrist. Those who watched the old OcW will know that a certain Saint Patrik was responsible for that."
~The crowd start to boo as Jeremy mentions Saint Patrik~
Jeremy: "Now, I could come out here and tell you all that my body can no longer cope with the physical side of this business but I'll be letting myself down, my family down and worse of all, I'll be letting you down. The thousands of fans who come to see me wrestle week in and week out, put my body on the line every week just to entertain you!"
~The crowd all stand on their feet, cheering and going nuts in the process~
Jeremy: "There would never have been a Kiwi Icon if it wasn't for you fans which brings me to something else I've just realized. It's time for the Off-Season and during that time, I'm gonna make sure I rest up, get better and then come back next season to do all of this over and over and over again!"
~The crowd keep getting louder as Jeremy continues~
Jeremy: "No injury is going to stop me from completing my list and I will not stop until I become the XFE World Heavyweight Champion!"
~The roof has come off the Sydney Super Dome as the crowd show their admiration to Jeremy~
Jeremy: "The only thing that is going to stop me from completing my goal is death itself and let's hope that it doesn't come down to that!"
~Jeremy lowers the mic and looks out towards the fans~
Reggie: "That would work for me you know."
Brandon: "Shut Up Reggie."
Jeremy: "And now, it is time for me to go relax for a few weeks, plan what ever it is I'm going to do next season and start chasing my Goals!"
~Jeremy goes to toss the mic when...~

~I've left this open for a Heel, preferably Gobeer if he is keen....~
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 281
Registration date : 2009-12-19

Still Standing... RP For Aggression 06/08/2011 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Still Standing... RP For Aggression 06/08/2011   Still Standing... RP For Aggression 06/08/2011 Empty8/4/2011, 11:57 pm

~"Imma Be by The Black Eyed Peas begins to play in the arena. The cheers Jeremy was getting are now reversed into boo's as Destiny starts to make their way to the ring. Big Cop and Big Fatty V are in front with Bosero and Pat Booker right behind him and Gobeer walking out with Amber Destiny clutching his arm~
Brandon Routh: "Oh what in the world are these guys coming out here for."
Reggie Miller: "To make this segment worth watching probably."
~The members of Destiny all are wearing the same attire they were wearing earlier in the night. Gobeer still has the XFE World Heavyweight Championship Belt on his shoulder as the walk down the ramp. They enter the ring, but Amber gets a mic and hands it to Gobeer~
Jeremy: "Look who we have here Gobeer and his 5 minions."
Gobeer: "Always looking to make jokes aren't you, Jeremy."
~Jeremy nods his head yes with his posture clearly showing that what Gobeer said was obvious~
Gobeer: "Actually as much I was would love to end the career of another Alsop tonight, that is not why I came out here tonight."
~Jeremy looks around ring seeing is outnumbered, but not backing down~
Gobeer: "I came out here tonight to thank you. If it was not for you always having to stick your nose into our business last season I am not sure we would have been able to pull off such a brilliant scheme this season."
~Jeremy stares at Gobeer and sarcastically mouths 'Your Welcome' to Gobeer~
Gobeer: "But in the end just like everyone else you were just a Pawn in a game of chess that I would have won even without the game plan just because I am the personification of Greatness!"
~Gobeer looks at Jeremy and flashes his Cocky Smirk~

(Over to you, then I will finish it with what we discussed or you can take it to the end whatever. It is not like we did not discuss.)
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 1341
Age : 44
Location : Palmerston North, New Zealand
Registration date : 2008-04-22

Still Standing... RP For Aggression 06/08/2011 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Still Standing... RP For Aggression 06/08/2011   Still Standing... RP For Aggression 06/08/2011 Empty8/5/2011, 9:21 am

~Jeremy limps a few steps to the left~
Jeremy: "So, I was just a pawn in your so called game of chess that you would have pretty much won with your eyes closed, correct?"
~Gobeer nods in agreement~
Jeremy: "So let's get this straight. So my little attempt to get inside the head of who I presumed to be the weakest link, Serious Pat Booker, was used to Destiny's advantage over Marcus Idol, correct?"
~Gobeer nods in agreement again~
Jeremy: "I bet Marcus feels like he's been here before but that's not what I'm getting at. In fact, I have no idea what I'm getting at."
~The crowd cheer as Gobeer starts to get annoyed a little~
Jeremy: "But I know I'm right, regardless what any of you think. Their Destiny *Pointing at all of the other members of Destiny* is to help you with *Points at Gobeer* your Destiny. Everyone here knows I'm right. When it comes down to the crunch, they are the first ones to go attack and then you come and feed off the scraps."
~The crowd Cheer louder as Gobeer is seen shaking his head in disagreement~
Jeremy: "Whenever you are faced with a one on one situation and you don't have Destiny watching your back, you choke and you lose as was evidence in that cage match last season where Marcus Idol took that title. Even at Super Force, the only reason why you won was because of the so called mighty leader of the congregation. You can't do anything for yourself. Everyone has to do it for you."
~The crowd cheers as Jeremy lowers his mic, seemingly waiting for anything that comes his way~

(Back to you Gobeer, and I'll get you to finish it off... I feel an extremely long sleep coming my way.)
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 281
Registration date : 2009-12-19

Still Standing... RP For Aggression 06/08/2011 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Still Standing... RP For Aggression 06/08/2011   Still Standing... RP For Aggression 06/08/2011 Empty8/5/2011, 9:26 pm

~Gobeer chuckles to himself slightly before he talks~
Gobeer: "You can say and believe what you want, but you know that around here No One steps up for the bright lights like I do. The simple fact that I have friends while the rest of the roster only looks out for themselves is not my problem, but I am able to do many things on my own."
~Gobeer hands the XFE World Heavyweight Championship belt to Amber before he motions and Big Cop, Big Fatty V, Bosero, Pat Booker and Amber Destiny all leave the ring. Jeremy looks around cautiously waiting for something to happen~
Gobeer: "Because I sure as hell can do this!"
~Gobeer swings a left hook at the head of Jeremy who instinctively puts his right hand up to block it. The force of the punch sends a shock into the injured hand and wrist of Jeremy. Jeremy grips down at his injury and which gives Gobeer the opening to unload on Jeremy with an onslaught of right and left hands backing him into the corner~
Brandon Routh: "Gobeer with the sneak attack trying to take Jeremy out once and for all, but listen to this crowd!"
Crowd (chanting): "Kiwi...Kiwi...Kiwi..."
~Somehow through the pain Jeremy gets back into the offense and begins to strike back at Gobeer with a string of left hands. As Gobeer backs up the crowd erupts to Jeremy taking control of the situation. Jeremy pulls back for a big clothesline but Gobeer quickly kicks Jeremy directly in the injured left leg causing him to crash down to the mat in pain~
Reggie Miller: "Maybe Jeremy will finally be shut up here."
~Gobeer jumps down and starts to punch at Jeremy until Jeremy rolls over and Gobeer jumps to a mount position and begins to unload on Jeremy who is taking most of them with little resistance. Jeremy pulls his arms up to cover up and Gobeer quickly rolls over and grabs the left leg of Jeremy grapevineing it before he grabs the ankle and begins to twist it~
Gobeer keeps on his ruthless submission on as Jeremy is screaming in pain.
Brandon Routh: "Enough is enough. You made your point Gobeer now let him go."
~Gobeer continues to wrench on the ankle until he finally breaks the hold leaving Jeremy writhing in pain. Gobeer motions and the rest of the members of Destiny re-enter the ring. Big Cop has the Tonfa stick out and Big Fatty V is bringing in a steel chair. Big Cop hands the tonfa stick to Gobeer and Big Fatty V lays the chair down in the middle of the ring~
Reggie Miller: "I think Destiny has some bad plans for Jeremy."
~Gobeer walks up to Jeremy who is trying to crawl his way to the ropes and he steps right on the injure right hand causing Jeremy to scream once again. After a few seconds of stepping right on the hand of Jeremy he strikes down with the Tonfa stick right on the wrist of Jeremy. He slams down on the wrist of Jeremy a few more times before nailing Jeremy in the head with the Tonfa stick opening up a wound from the Hell in a Cell match~
Jeremy Alsop is BUSTED WIDE OPEN!!!
Gobeer picks Jeremy still groggy up to his feet.
Brandon Routh: "Jeremy is not able to defend himself here. This is not good."
~Amber walks over with the mic Gobeer dropped and leans it in so everyone can hear what Gobeer is about to say~
Gobeer: "You may be the Kiwi Icon but this is XFE and what Destiny says GOES!"
Gobeer stalks Jeremy Alsop waiting for the right moment to strike and when that moment arrives Gobeer hooks Jeremy Alsop's arm around his head
Gobeer then lifts
Jeremy Alsop into the air and turns 180 degree's slamming Jeremy Alsop into the steel chair executing LEGENDARY Gobeer Slam!!
Reggie Miller: "Looks like the Kiwi Icon is out cold after that."
~Gobeer looks down at Jeremy Alsop who is now out cold in the middle of the ring face first against the steel chair. His blood is running off the chair and Gobeer moves to stand over Jeremy. Amber walks over and hands Gobeer the XFE World Heavyweight Championship and he holds it high in the air as all of Destiny walks up and the pose to the crowd, who responds with a massive amount of anger and hatred~
Brandon Routh: "This was completely uncalled for and I hope someday Jeremy can get some revenge on Gobeer for this."
Reggie Miller: "He may try, but in the end he will fail like the Alsop's always do. He might want to remember that Gobeer and Destiny retired his brother too. I doubt he wants to end up like that."

(Edit anything as you see fit Jeremy)
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 1341
Age : 44
Location : Palmerston North, New Zealand
Registration date : 2008-04-22

Still Standing... RP For Aggression 06/08/2011 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Still Standing... RP For Aggression 06/08/2011   Still Standing... RP For Aggression 06/08/2011 Empty8/5/2011, 9:51 pm

I don't like it........ I LOVE IT!!!!!

Excellent Work Gobeer!!!
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Still Standing... RP For Aggression 06/08/2011 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Still Standing... RP For Aggression 06/08/2011   Still Standing... RP For Aggression 06/08/2011 Empty

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Still Standing... RP For Aggression 06/08/2011
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