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 It's not happening!! RP for AGGRESSION 30/07/2011

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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 1341
Age : 44
Location : Palmerston North, New Zealand
Registration date : 2008-04-22

It's not happening!! RP for AGGRESSION 30/07/2011 Empty
PostSubject: It's not happening!! RP for AGGRESSION 30/07/2011   It's not happening!! RP for AGGRESSION 30/07/2011 Empty7/30/2011, 11:15 am

~The crowd are still buzzing after the last match when "Pink" by Aerosmith blasts over the Arena, sending the crowd into a booing frenzy, only getting louder when STB, dressed in his usual Pink Suit, walks out from the backstage area~
Brandon: "Here comes the man who will face Jeremy Alsop inside a Hell in a Cell Structure."
Reggie: "It will be brutal. That's for sure and we will never recognize Jeremy Alsop again after it."
~Following him is a man, sharply dressed, holding what seems to be a folder. The two of them make their way to the ring, ignoring the fans as they walk past. Both men step into the ring, STB picking up the mic on his way in. Without hesitation, STB starts to talk~
STB: "I'm not out here to please you people, nor am I out here to fight. I'm out here because my lawyer, Mr. Wayne Kerr, has given me legal advice on the Hell in a Cell Match this Wednesday Night at Stable Warfare. But first, we need my opponent out here right now, so Jeremy...I know you're out there. Get your butt out here now!"
~The fans start to cheer, anticipating the music that will set them off~
Brandon: "This is becoming interesting you know. What could STB be up to?"
Reggie: "Maybe he's giving Jeremy the option to forfeit the match now?"
~A few seconds past when "Walk This Way" by Aerosmith and Run DMC blasts over the Arena, the crowd erupting into a fanatic cheer, Blocking out most other noise in the Arena. It only gets louder when Jeremy Alsop, dressed in his wrestling gear and the latest "Kiwi Icon" muscle shirt, walks out onto the Entrance Ramp~
Reggie: "That's one thing that Jeremy has heaps off...Stupidity!"
Brandon: "One is ready to fight, the other looks like he is going on a diner date with Lady Gaga."
~Jeremy slides into the ring, grabs a mic and waits for the music to die down before talking~
Jeremy: "OK STB. I'm here. What do you want?"
STB: "I want to give you several things. The first one, is a no contact clause meaning that you can no longer touch me in any way."
~The crowd go silent. Jeremy takes the piece of Paper, with a bit of a look off disgust on his face~
Jeremy: "Do you know what you just said? What you just implied? You may be that way, but I have a fiance and she's the only person I touch."
~The crowd cheer as STB realizes what he said and can't help smiling to himself~
STB: "So I worded it wrong. But you understand, don't you?"
Jeremy: "Yeah, yeah, yeah...Move along sunshine. What's next?"
~STB takes another piece of paper out of the folder~
STB: "This is the most important thing here. It concerns our match at Stable Warfare. Here you go. Read it now."
~Jeremy takes the piece of paper and starts reading it. After a few seconds, it becomes apparent that Jeremy does not like what he is reading, which makes STB smile as in he succeeded in doing what he wanted to do~
Jeremy: "So let me get this straight. Because you're afraid for your own safety and health, the Hell in a Cell match scheduled for Stable Warfare is to be cancelled."
~STB and Wayne Kerr both nod with approval as the crowd become enraged with what was just said. Jeremy scratches his neck before continuing~
Jeremy: "That explains why you gave me that restraining order before this. So, there will be no Hell in a Cell at Stable Warfare?"
STB: "Unless you can't read, that's what it says."
~The crowd continue to show their rage towards STB~
Jeremy: "Rather sad, that you are scared of getting a bit hurt considering everything we've been through. The spray in the eyes, constant interference and sneak attacks. Mostly by you and now...I don't even get my chance for Revenge for all of those actions? Well, I don't want to spend any time in jail as that will pretty match cancel my Visa so I guess..."
~A dejected looking Jeremy turns and goes to leave the ring, much to the dismay of the fans. STB and Wayne Kerr are both looking happy at the result. Just as Jeremy goes to leave the ring he stops~
Jeremy: "Hang on. I feel I'm about to have one of those moments."
~A small cheer can be heard from the crowd as STB turns around to face Jeremy, who is slowly turning around, looking like he is trying to figure something out~
Jeremy: "I know this moment. I've been there before. It's...It's...um...It's..."
~As Jeremy is talking, he is clicking his fingers. He suddenly stops and looks at a bemused STB~
Jeremy: "It's one of those...I know something...That you don't know...Moments."
~The crowd erupt into cheers as STB gets slightly worried~
Jeremy: "You see...His name isn't Wayne Kerr and he isn't a lawyer either."
~STB now realizes that he is in a bit off trouble, much to the crowds delight~
Jeremy: "It's really simple. These documents aren't even worth the paper they are typed on. And right now..."
~STB seems to be looking for a way out~
Jeremy: "YOU'RE MINE!!!!"
Jeremy Alsop open his arms
and strikes Simply the Best's face with both hands performing a strong Mongolian Chop!!
Simply the Best gets ready to hit Jeremy Alsop
and raises his arm rapidly hitting with the forearm Jeremy Alsop's jaw performing an strong European Uppercut!!
Jeremy Alsop open his arms
and strikes Simply the Best's face with both hands performing a strong Mongolian Chop!!
Simply the Best gets ready to hit Jeremy Alsop
and raises his arm rapidly hitting with the forearm Jeremy Alsop's jaw performing an strong European Uppercut!!
Jeremy Alsop turns against the adversary
and hits him with a strong Mule Kick on the groin!!
Jeremy Alsop grabs his opponent
and throws him to the ropes with an light Irish Whip!!
Jeremy Alsop grabs Simply the Best's hair
Jeremy Alsop grasps Simply the Best flipping him upside down with his opponents head between his legs
and slams him on the mat accompanying him, performing a devastating Belly to Belly Piledriver!!
Brandon: "And Jeremy Alsop has finally had enough."
Reggie: "This is unfair! Only STB can cook up plans as good as this."
Jeremy Alsop reaches into his tights and pulls out a knuckle buster, he puts it on his hand
and nails Simply the Best skull executing a powerful knuckle buster shot!!
~Jeremy Alsop slides out of the ring and grabs a steel chair, unaware the Kangjagal has arrived at ringside and has pulled STB out of the ring, the crowd's boos making Jeremy alert to this. He slides back into the ring and picks up the mic as Kangjagal and STB retreat up the Entrance Ramp~
Jeremy: "You may have been saved tonight by Kangjagal but come Wednesday...You'll have no one to help you because the two of us, will be locked inside Hell in a Cell and I'm not going to stop until I leave you a bloody mess in the middle of this very ring!"
~The crowd erupts into cheers as STB shakes his head with disdain and disapproval~
Jeremy: "And that's because I'm THE KIWI ICON and what I SAY..."
Crowd: "GOES!!!!!!"
~"Walk This Way" blasts over the Arena again to an eruption of cheers. STB and Kangjagal continue up the Entrance Ramp as Jeremy Alsop celebrates a moral victory in the ring~
Brandon: "And now, Jeremy Alsop and STB will meet in side Hell in a Cell, no interference, no disqualifications, anything goes and blood will most likely be spilled."
Reggie: "Both men will never be the same again after that."
~Jeremy starts to look up the Entrance Ramp at STB and Kangjagal one final time as the scene starts to fade~
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It's not happening!! RP for AGGRESSION 30/07/2011
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