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 Destiny Opens the Show /// Backstage issues

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Destiny Opens the Show /// Backstage issues Empty
PostSubject: Destiny Opens the Show /// Backstage issues   Destiny Opens the Show /// Backstage issues Empty7/27/2010, 5:57 pm

~The camera cuts in at the arena as pyro fires off everywhere and the cameras pan the crowd as the entire audience is standing and cheering. As the pyrotechnics stop "Imma Be" by the Black Eyed Peas blasts in the arena. The cheers of the crowd quickly turn to boo's as Gobeer, Pat Booker, Big Cop, Bosero, and Amber Destiny all walk out towards the ring. All the members of Destiny are dressed in wrestling gear with Big Cop wearing the Young Gunz Title over his shoulder and Gobeer wearing the Universal-X title around his waist~
Matt Scott: "Normally I might be upset that our normal introductions are being cut off but since it is Destiny I know it will be worth it."
~The members of Destiny all enter the ring and pose towards the crowd causing more boo's. After a few seconds of soaking up the Boo's Gobeer goes over to the corner and grabs a mic. As Gobeer looks ready to talk a "You Suck" chant begins in the crowd~
Gobeer: "This Universal-X Championship around my waist says that I actually don't suck. Unlike all you vermin in the crowd here tonight who would not know talent if it came right up and smacked you in the face."
~The crowd boo's and "You Suck" chants get louder and Gobeer just waits for them to die down a bit before talking again~
Gobeer: "So the reason we decided to come out here to start the show is to make an announcement, It has been made official that at Stable Warfare we will have an 8 man elimination match between Team Courtney featuring her head lapdog Justin Alsop and whatever other idiots they can manage to pull together against the greatest, most dominate, Stable of all time Destiny featuring for the first time in our history all 4 male members of Destiny in the same match."
~A mixed reaction of fans looking forward to the match cheering and fans who hate Destiny still booing can be heard from the crowd now. Pat Booker walks over towards Gobeer who hands him the mic so he can talk~
Pat Booker: "You see it really does not matter who Courtney can get to try to do her dirty work for her because in the end they will be 4 individuals focused on personal goals while we are a unit focused only on our collective Destiny."
~The boo's in the crowd once again overtake all over noise as Pat Booker smiles a bit before passing the mic to Bosero~
Bosero: "What you all fail to understand is that we are here to stay and no force that Courtney can put together will ever be enough to take out Destiny. Tell em Big Cop."
~Bosero hands the mic to Big Cop as the crowd continues to boo loudly~
Big Cop: "Anyone who decides to fight against us will experience Justice as only Destiny can provide and that Justin Alsop will experience the greatest amount of hard justice anyone has ever got from Destiny."
~Big Cop smiles as the crowd boo's loudly and Amber Destiny comes over and takes the mic~
Amber Destiny: "I think what I am most upset about is that Courtney would not join her little team so that we could make this a 10 person match. She instead showed how much of a coward she was and if she really had any guts at all she would fight me and get the beating she deserves. For someone who said she wanted to give women in this company the chances they deserved and you have helped none of us."
~Boo's rain down from the crowd as Amber walks over and hands the mic to Gobeer who has a big evil smirk on his face. As he is about to talk he is interrupted by Courtney Day who is on the tron. The crowd cheers when they see Courtney even if she is just on the tron~
Courtney Day: "Not that I wanted to spoil your little self love fest but I have a huge announcement for all 5 members of Destiny as you will all be competing in matches tonight."
Gobeer: "Sounds like you just want to have a good show for a change and you know Destiny is all you have that can provide that in this company."
Courtney Day: "Very funny but studies have actually shown that these fans like the show more when you guys are not involved in it at all."
~The members of Destiny all seem angry by this comment~
Gobeer: "You know that without us this show, this company and you would...."
~Gobeer's mic turns off and we can see his mouth moving but can't hear anything that he is saying. When Gobeer realizes this he looks very angry~
Courtney Day: "Seems like you have some technical difficulties Gobeer now hopefully I can finish my announcement. Now let me tell you who you all are fighting tonight. Bosero you will be facing Justin Alsop and Pat Booker you will be fighting Worthy Phoenix and both of these matches will be Hardcore Matches."
~The crowd erupts in cheers and Bosero and Pat Booker both seem angry about these matches~
Courtney Day: "Now on to you Gobeer, Tonight you will teaming with your good friend The Sentinel's cousin, Milo to face Da_One and Vince Noir."
~Gobeer glares at the tron very upset about this match~
Courtney Day: "And this brings me to you Big Cop. You have now passed the rank of Young Gunz so that belt you have over your shoulder really should not be in yours."
~The camera guys close to Big Cop and you can hear him for a quick moment~
Big Cop: "You know you can't strip a champion of a belt and no one in the division can beat me."
~The camera goes back to Courtney who seem to agree with Big Cop~
Courtney Day: "Actually you are right. Due to the fact that you have passed the Young Gunz division up you probably can beat anyone in the division in a scheduled one on one match. So this is why I have decided that until someone beats you for that Young Gunz Title you will be defending it on every show against an opponent I will select for you on that day."
~Big Cop looks angry at the tron~
Courtney Day: "Which reminds me about you Amber tonight because you reminded me about my promise to give women chances in this company tonight you will get a huge opportunity."
~The members of Destiny seem interested at what Courtney is about to say~
Courtney Day: "Yes tonight Amber Destiny you will be competing in your first title match against non other than the Young Gunz Champion, Big Cop."
~The crowd begins to cheer as the members of Destiny all seem very upset about this announcement~
Courtney Day: "Now I suggest you all go get ready and good luck to all of you tonight, you are all going to need it."
~Amber and Big Cop stare at each other while Bosero and Pat Booker seem to try to stay between them and Gobeer stares at the tron still with an angry look on his face~
David Hood: "Looks like Courtney just got one up on Destiny."
Matt Scott: "I am not worried Gobeer will come up with some sort of a plan."
((On to the normal beginning of the show or whatever you want Sent, If you want to edit anything just do it.))


(Later in the show before Big Cop and Amber's match)
~The camera goes backstage to the Destiny Locker Room. Bosero seem to be trying to focus himself but Big Cop and Amber Destiny are incoherently yelling at each other about a plan or fixing the match. Bosero and Pat Booker walk over to Gobeer~
Bosero: "Come on man how are we supposed to focus on our match with them yelling at each other."
Pat Booker: "Yeah they will listen to you. Talk to them and come up with some sort of plan."
~Gobeer stands up and walks over to them~
Gobeer: "SHUT UP!!"
~Both Amber and Big Cop get silent and look at Gobeer~
Gobeer: "We don't need to fix anything or plan anything out. Tonight the two of you are going to have the best match the Young Gunz division has ever had and in the end the Young Gunz Title will still be in Destiny and the best wrestler will be wearing it."
Big Cop: 'I know I will but she seems to think she has a chance."
Amber Destiny: "You better not underestimate me Big Cop because I think that Young Gunz Title would be a nice new piece of Gold for me."
~Amber and Big Cop both go back to yelling at each other. Gobeer turns around and puts his head in his hands. Bosero and Pat Booker break Big Cop and Amber up and Pat takes Amber out of the Locker Room. Amber and Big Cop both yell at the other one as they get moved away from each other~
Gobeer: "This might get ugly."
~Gobeer shakes his head before the image fades back to the ringside area~
David Hood: "This Young Gunz Title match is the first real vulnerability we have ever seen from Destiny as a unit, it would seem Courtney's plan is working perfectly."
Matt Scott: "Gobeer and Destiny will figure out something."
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