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 Airing Out Destiny Issues...

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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 281
Registration date : 2009-12-19

Airing Out Destiny Issues... Empty
PostSubject: Airing Out Destiny Issues...   Airing Out Destiny Issues... Empty4/29/2011, 9:12 pm

~"Imma Be" by the Black Eyed Peas begins to play in the arena. The crowd erupts in boo's knowing the music and what it means. After a few moments Big Fatty V and Big Cop come out from the backstage area. After them Amber Destiny, Bosero and Pat Booker all come out. They are all dressed in wrestling gear and all wearing Destiny shirts. When they all make it half way down the ramp they turn and point to the top of the ramp as Gobeer finally comes out. Gobeer has a very obvious limp in his step and is walking very slow. He is wearing a custom tailored Armani suit and is holding the Lord of Mayhem Specter and wearing the Crown. Around his waist is the XFE World Heavyweight Championship Belt. The entire group of Destiny makes it way to the ring and when Gobeer gets to the ring they hold the ropes as he struggles to get into the ring~
Brandon Routh: "Gobeer may have retained the belt but he was in a battle with Argo that will take him some time to recover from for sure."
Reggie Miller: "Being a Champion will help that recovery process for sure."
~As Destiny taunts the crowd Amber Destiny goes over and grabs a mic and hands it to Gobeer who is now standing in the middle of the ring with the members of Destiny all surrounding the ring. The crowd is booing loudly but eventually it quiets down a bit~
Gobeer: "At Super Force 3 I did what no one thought I could do. I defeated Argo in the middle of the ring with the members of Destiny all banned from ringside. Lets take a look."
~Gobeer points to the tron as stills are shown from Super Force III. We see Gobeer hitting Argo with the World Title as he dives out of the ring, Gobeer hitting the Gobeer Slam off the Top Rope, Gobeer locking in the Triangle Choke to counter the Argo Bomb and then taking a Argo Bomb only to end with Gobeer's arm over Argo as the ref counts to 3. After that the camera goes back to the ring and Gobeer is turning back to the camera after watching the tron~
Gobeer: "The man everyone said was the best in the company, the man that had the longest run as XFE World Champion, a man that was supposed to beat me in no time flat and a man that was Unstoppable; slain by the 2011 Lord of Mayhem, The only Triple Crown winner to also be a Lord of Mayhem, The leader of the most Dominate group in XFE history and most importantly right now the XFE World Heavyweight Champion, Gobeer!!!"
~The members of Destiny all clap as the crowd erupts in boo's~
Gobeer: "You can boo all you want but just look at the history and you will see that everything I am saying is true."
~The boo's once again begin to rain down on Gobeer but he ignores them and turns towards the members of Destiny~
Gobeer: "But now I have to address something else that happened at Super Force..."
~Gobeer looks at all the members of Destiny before stopping on Big Fatty V~
Gobeer: "How in the world, even with the help of Amber, Big Cop, Bosero and Pat Booker, did you fail to beat Marcus Idol?"
~Big Fatty V looks at Gobeer with worry in his eyes~
Gobeer: "I put you in charge of your match and it ended up looking like a bunch of losers out there and not the most Dominate Group in XFE history. How can this happen?"
~Gobeer tilts the mic towards Big Fatty V who leans in to talk~
Big Fatty V: "It was simple miscommunication. Obviously Marcus had other intentions when he decided to team with me and he was sandbagging so we...I underestimated him."
~Gobeer pulls the mic back and looks at Big Fatty V then he looks at Amber Destiny~
Gobeer: "Is that what happened?"
~Gobeer tilts the mic toward Amber Destiny~
Amber Destiny: "Well I was going for the distraction when Marcus dodged Big Fatty V and sent me off the apron into Bosero and Pat Booker. It really was just miscommunication and accidents."
~Gobeer looks at Amber looks at Big Cop, Bosero and Pat Booker~
Gobeer: "So is that how you all saw it go down?"
~Big Cop, Bosero and Pat Booker all nod yes~
Gobeer: "Okay then, if that is how you all saw it go down then obviously that is how it happened, there is only one question left to ask."
~The members of Destiny all look confused as Gobeer looks around~
Gobeer: "After over a year and a half how in the world are we not on the same page and suffering from accidents and miscommunication?"
~Gobeer looks angry at all the members~
Gobeer: "I told you all when I recruited you that we as a group were Destined for great things but lately it seems like only I have done anything well while the rest of you have been less than impressive."
~Gobeer walks back and forth looking at each of them~
Gobeer: "Are any of you champions? In a Title Hunt? Or doing anything special at all?"
~Gobeer nods no~
Gobeer: "The answer is NO. That is why you all need to understand that tonight and then going forward through next season I will be evaluating each member of Destiny and if by the end of next season you guys are not impressing than maybe I was wrong about your Destiny's and you will be removed."
~The members of Destiny all seem worried~
Gobeer: "Each of you were selected to this group for a reason and I believe you can all achieve greatness so consider this a wake up call. It is time to shine because if you don't your futures and your Destiny will be no more."
~Gobeer starts to walk towards the ropes as the members of Destiny all seem worried and are not really moving~
Gobeer: "Lets go we have things to discuss in private."
~Gobeer motions for everyone to come with him as "Imma Be" by The Black Eyed Peas begins to play in the arena. The members of Destiny all quickly leave the ring and follow Gobeer out of the ring. The group makes it way to the backstage area~
Brandon Routh: "Gobeer failed to mention he still had help tonight and he was very harsh on his group members here tonight."
Reggie Miller: "When you are leader sometimes you have to motivate your team to step up to your level so you can all continue to improve."
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 1341
Age : 44
Location : Palmerston North, New Zealand
Registration date : 2008-04-22

Airing Out Destiny Issues... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Airing Out Destiny Issues...   Airing Out Destiny Issues... Empty4/29/2011, 9:38 pm

(OOC: I have to.....)

~As Destiny start to head towards the backstage area, "Imma Be" by The Black Eyed Peas stops and "Dr. Special" by Brant Bjork blasts over the Arena, the crowd erupting into deafening cheers~
Brandon Routh: "Stop the Press!! The Kiwi Icon has arrived!!"
Reggie Miller: "This has ruined a perfectly good segment you know."
~Jeremy Alsop steps out on to the top of the Entrance Ramp and stops. He is wearing Sunglasses but some of his swollen right Eye can be seen. All the members of Destiny have stopped halfway up the Entrance Ramp, Gobeer in particular not happy about been stopped. The music dies down as Jeremy takes a mic out of his pants pocket and begins to speak~
Jeremy: "Ladies and Gentlemen, please give it up for your XFE World Heavyweight Champion, Gobeer!"
~The crowd erupts into boo's as Gobeer starts to smile a little~
Jeremy: "I have to tell you Gobeer, you put up one heck of a fight against Argo and I was one of your doubters but you proved us wrong and you won the match without the outside interference of Destiny."
~The crowd continue to boo, knowing what actually happen in the match~
Jeremy: "Saint Patrik however, I won't mention. But I know what you're wondering Gobeer. I know. Right now, you are wondering whether you will be better off...without Destiny. A group that you started as soon as you got into the XFE locker room. To be honest with you, I think you know that they have held you back. You should have been World Champion a long time ago..."
~Jeremy looks out to the crowd before continuing~
Jeremy: "Just kidding. You don't deserve to be champion and the next person who challenges you, will kick your ass from here to Canada and become Champion."
~The crowd erupts into Cheers as Jeremy lowers the mic, Gobeer kind off laughing at Jeremy~

(You can take over if you want)
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 281
Registration date : 2009-12-19

Airing Out Destiny Issues... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Airing Out Destiny Issues...   Airing Out Destiny Issues... Empty4/30/2011, 5:01 am

~Big Cop, Bosero, Pat Booker, Big Fatty V and Amber Destiny all start to move like they are going to attack Jeremy when Gobeer stops them still kind of laughing~
Gobeer: "Hey everyone it is the New Aggression Champion..."
~Amber taps Gobeer on the shoulder and he looks back, and she whispers something to Gobeer~
Gobeer: "Oh wait, you lost? STB is still the champion of this show? With all due respect I think I'll take my career advice from someone who is not from a family of failures and losers."
~Gobeer looks around as the crowd boo's. Gobeer just laughs a bit before continuing~
Gobeer: "So how about you go back to whatever eye doctor is trying to fix your little problem you have going on and leave the entertainment to those that are winners like Destiny."
~Gobeer shakes his head as the camera shows Jeremy's face that still has damage on his eye from the spray used on him at Super Force by STB~
(Back to you, don't expect much more from me I have places I have to be so I won't be able to respond probably. I trust you if you want to add some lines for Destiny just do so.)
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 1341
Age : 44
Location : Palmerston North, New Zealand
Registration date : 2008-04-22

Airing Out Destiny Issues... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Airing Out Destiny Issues...   Airing Out Destiny Issues... Empty4/30/2011, 11:57 am

Jeremy: "You got me there, Gobeer. I'll give you that. But, in saying that Gobeer, this family of failures hasn't finished with you yet."
~The crowd erupt into cheers as Jeremy continues~
Jeremy: "And once I'm finished here on Aggression...I'm coming for You! Regardless of your status."
~The Cheers become louder as Gobeer reacts with a mocked scared look on his face~
Jeremy: "And that's because I am "The Kiwi Icon" and what I say..."
Crowd: "GOES!!!!"
~"Dr. Special" blasts over the Arena again as the crowd erupt into cheers, Jeremy raising his hands out of respect, the members of Destiny completely ignoring the fans and Jeremy alike as the scene ends~

(4am Sunday Morning NZL time..... It was the best I could do.)
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 29
Registration date : 2011-03-21

Airing Out Destiny Issues... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Airing Out Destiny Issues...   Airing Out Destiny Issues... Empty5/2/2011, 7:48 pm

~Just as "Dr. Special" music begins to fade, abruptly a crescendo of music (“Thunderstruck”, AC/DC) blasts through the arena. Suddenly, the X-Tron starts flashing but there’s nothing on the screen. As the music continues to build in volume, pyrotechnic explosions and flashes erupt and emit from the ramp and the entranceway. As the smoke billows from the top of the ramp, but no one emerges. Destiny is posturing for the emergence of Marcus Idol, but again only smoke emanates from the entranceway. Suddenly the X-Tron comes into focus and Marcus Idol appears~

~The fans erupt with cheers when they see Marcus Idol on the X-Tron~

~Gobeer, Big Fatty V, Amber, Big Cop, Bosero and Pat Booker all glare at the X-Tron with frustration~

Marcus Idol: “At Super Force III, the people’s choice, Marcus Idol, prevailed and joke was on you, Destiny. I infiltrated the ranks of team Destiny, exploited their weaknesses, and defeated the ultimate enforcer--Big V. And now I’m on a path to win the most covenant prize in professional wrestling, the XFE World Heavyweight Championship title. With that being said, there’s only one man that stands in my way and that would be you—Gobeer.”

~The crowd almost blows the roof off the arena with the thought of Idol and Gobeer competing in a title match~

~Gobeer, Big Fatty V, Amber, Big Cop, Bosero and Pat Booker all share a look of disbelief of what’s being said and the crowd’s reaction~

Marcus Idol: “The fact of the matter is this…..I’m gunning for your title Gobeer, so you better be looking over your shoulder every time you enter the arena. You can object, protest, or try to avoid the issue, but it will not do you any good because my sights are set and there’s nothing you can do about it. It’s going be mano-a-mano....me and you competing for the championship. Enjoy your reign as the heavyweight champion for now because your destiny is about to change.”

~The crowd erupts with a thunderous sound of cheers~
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Creator of X-Force Entertainment

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Airing Out Destiny Issues... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Airing Out Destiny Issues...   Airing Out Destiny Issues... Empty5/2/2011, 10:53 pm

You do realize that this show has already aired and the season is over?
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 29
Registration date : 2011-03-21

Airing Out Destiny Issues... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Airing Out Destiny Issues...   Airing Out Destiny Issues... Empty5/3/2011, 6:58 am

LOL......no worries. R/Marcus
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XFE Hall of Famer

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Registration date : 2008-04-23

Airing Out Destiny Issues... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Airing Out Destiny Issues...   Airing Out Destiny Issues... Empty5/3/2011, 7:47 am

A tip for future refrence Marcus, if the rp is in the Archive section then it means it has already been added to the show.

So only add to rps in the normal rp section.
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Airing Out Destiny Issues... Empty
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