~MATHLER is shown on camera throwing objects in the locker room, he has taken a chair and flung it across the room, and just flipped over a table. He is obviously bothered by something as he is slamming the chair against the wall~
MATHLER:"HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?! Mathler, the GREAT, UNDEFEATED MATHLER, has been put it in a match with a worthless adversary like Jay Ammerman, who admits his love for being beaten to a pulp! Jay will not have to worry, because I will take this rage out on him, and he will never wrestle again! While I'm beating the snot out of a jobber this week, Krusher Kayls will be getting a shot at JD Allgood for the #1 Contender for the UXC title! A shot that I earned last season, at the least I should be included in this match! This is a travesty to the fans of XFA, and this will not be the last you hear of me!"
~MATHLER throws the chair and storms out of the locker room~