Short but sweet, Jeremy hope you dont mind.
~whistling along a song played on the radio The Baseballs - Umbrella Seraphim gets ready for her match~
~as the song dies, outside her locker room you can hear a chant~
Charity: "Gimme a S! ... Gimme a E!... gimme a R..."
~Seraphim slams the door open and stares at Charity~
~undisturbed, Charity Divine continues to chant~
Charity "A...A... what does that spell!!! SERA!!!"
~Seraphim now walking toward Charity with a purpose gets into Charity's face~
Seraphim: "You know... I always wanted to break that nice skinny neck of yours"
~As Seraphim reaches out Charity hits a backflip and flip flops down the aisle.~
~as if she had flipped into a wall she crashes and looks up slowly into the eyes of the masked bloodthirsty monster everyone knows as Cryl~
~Cryl looks down as he hears his sister running toward them, he grabs her wrist and picks her up with ease.~
~Seraphim coming to a halt say's~
Seraphim: "You have done it now my nemesis... my Brother will break that..."
~From a corner Jeremy turns and taking in the sight he rushes to Charity's side~
~with a hiss he say's~
Jeremy: "Touch her again and it will be your neck that will be broken!!"
~Cryl stands and lets go of Charity's wrist and under his mask you can see his eyes squinting unimpressed by the threat spoken from Jeremy.~
~As Jeremy takes Charity's hand and pulls her away down the hall she turns and Cryl looking into her eyes releases from his hate and pain and as if a puppy has come to life his eyes follow...~
~Seraphim ablaze with rage hits Cryl on the chest and only say's~
Seraphim: "STAY focused!!!"