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 A Champion Among Pretenders... (First Aggression show)

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Finger of Destruction
XFE Hall of Famer
Finger of Destruction

Number of posts : 117
Registration date : 2011-09-27

A Champion Among Pretenders... (First Aggression show) Empty
PostSubject: A Champion Among Pretenders... (First Aggression show)   A Champion Among Pretenders... (First Aggression show) Empty4/4/2012, 8:51 pm

~The arena goes silent as the lights go out and then flash back on while 'I'm Sexy and i Know it'' is played over the speakers as the four turnbuckles burst into flames revealing Finger of Destruction Standing at the entrance to the arena~
~The One and Only Finger of Destruction makes his way to the ring. Wearing is Trademark Black Cut Jeans and White Boots. With the Young Gunz title around his waist~
Brandon Routh: "Well Reggie I guess it just wouldn't be right if we didn't have a visit from FoD at some point."
Reggie Miller: "Let us all pray that it doesn't just turn into a FoD is the greatest ever speech Brandon."
~FoD brings the microphone to his lips and pauses too allow the crowd to settle down~
Finger of Destruction: "I stand here tonight at the start of a new season as your Young Gunz champion, I am here to tell you all the days off looking up to pretenders are over and you will no longer have to cheer for unworthy champions like Hawke and Danny Young and I promise I take my duty to deliver you the best matches very seriously and I just couldn't live with myself if I let you idiotic morons being forced to cheer on those pathetic excuses for wrestlers."
Brandon Routh: "Well that took less then a minute for the true FoD to appear Reggie and I have to admit he almost had me believing he wasn't a complete ass."
~Crowd loudly boo and chants of 'FoD sucks' can be heard~
Reggie Miller: "You may have been fooled for a few seconds but I have had the misfortune of bumping into FoD a few times during the off season and I can tell you that he has got worse since he picked up that Young Gunz title."
Finger of Destruction: "Having dealt with the problem of Danny Young or Hawke cheating their way to a quick win to regain my Young Gunz title I have found myself wondering why all the focus has to be centered on these two pretenders, the division is full of talent that never gets a chance to shine due to them always getting their ways but thanks to me all you simpletons have a champion who wants to give you all the best matches and have someone to cheer on and I will be doing this week in and week out because I believe it is about time you morons got to see what I am really capable off."
Reggie Miller: "I guess he saw how obnoxious and egotistic he was last season and felt he needed to step it up a notch or two?"
Brandon Routh: "Love him or hate him Reggie he is the champion and in his own deluded way I guess he believes everybody loves him and he thinks he is really helping people."
Reggie Miller: "Well guess he is about to speak again he has walked around the ring a few times taking in all the boos the crowd are projecting towards him."
Finger of Destruction: "So back to my point I guess. I have been looking over the Young Gunz division and I have seen some potential hiding away in the shadows and I believe giving the chance they could really put up a decent challenge before I destroy them in the ring and if they are lucky I won't end their careers and I have been thinking about the best way to do this and while thinking that over I really couldn't resist thinking about Danny Young and Hawke and whether they really do have what it takes to potentially end the other wrestlers careers just to get a shot at my Young Gunz title and I feel my new idea may just be the kick up the ass they need to get the ball rolling and I know all you fans want to see them go at it and that is why I am the champion I am going to make sure all you fans that love me so much will get to witness some great moments this season."
~Crowd continue chants of 'FoD Sucks'~
Reggie Miller: "Is he ever going to get to his point or are we going to have to sit here all night Brandon?"
Brandon Routh: "He may be taking his time to get to the point Reggie but FoD is smart and he does enjoy winding Hawke and Danny Young up whenever he gets the chance and I am sure whatever his plan is it will be with those two in mind."
Finger of Destruction: "Well looks like I keep getting side tracked but well I guess trying to explain things to you idiots demands that I have explain everything as simply as possible so you don't just forget it and I know you all thank me for being so understanding of your short comings and I just want to say you are welcome getting back to it though my plan is simple and will involve each week on Aggression two members of the Young Gunz division battling it out for the chance to fight me for my title, that is right my Young Gunz title will be on the line and there will be no gimmicks or surprises it will be whoever comes out on top of those contender matches facing me at the very next XFE show for my title and well it doesn't get any easier to understand than that right?"
Brandon Routh: "Did I just hear that right? This is pretty huge news Reggie and what a surprise I was setting myself in for another long pointless FoD speech."
Reggie Miller: "I am stunned I mean how often does a champion willingly put his title on the line and out of all of them FoD would be the last I would expect this from."
Brandon Routh: "I know we are stunned but how do you think Hawke and Danny Young are going to feel, they are going have to watch every week someone else getting the chance that FoD is denying them."
Reggie Miller: "I guess FoD was right earlier in his statement that if they want this title they are going to have to fight it out and seeing these other stars getting shots at the belt will be good motivation it will be interesting to see how this all unfolds."
Brandon Routh: "Agreed Reggie and well it seems that FoD isn't done just yet he is about to speak again."
~The crowd are still booing loudly but the chants have stopped as they seem focused on what FoD has to say next~
Finger of Destruction: "So while Hawke and Danny Young get to think about whether they have what it takes to do what is needed to face me in the ring at the end of season PPV we have to decide on who the first two challengers are going to be and well although this may disappoint many that decision will be made at the first XFE of the season as I want to make sure we pick two worthy talents for you idiots but I can not be that mean and as I am sure you will cry like little babies if I left it at that I have decided I will be defending my Young Gunz title at the first XFE of the season and our glorious boss The Sentinel has decided he would like to give American Dragon the honor of being the first young gun to have a crack at my title and on that bombshell I bid you all farewell and I hope you enjoy tonight's show."
~As the crowd show for the first time tonight a mixed reaction to FoD the turnbuckles ignite and when they die down FoD is no longer inside the ring and has disappeared out of sight~
Reggie Miller: "Although I still cringe every time he enters this arena Brandon for once he has delivered some juicy news and I can't believe he is so relaxed about having his title on the line on the XFE show."
Brandon Routh: "Every season he brings something new to the table and you have to respect even an ass like FoD a little and see whether is cocky attitude will cost him his title at the XFE show and I think we better get back to our own show tonight and just wait and see on the next XFE show who the two lucky guys are that get a chance at FoD's title."
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A Champion Among Pretenders... (First Aggression show)
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