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 XFE headqauters (early on in the show)

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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 1668
Age : 32
Location : melbourne ,Australia
Registration date : 2008-05-01

XFE headqauters (early on in the show) Empty
PostSubject: XFE headqauters (early on in the show)   XFE headqauters (early on in the show) Empty3/26/2012, 2:32 am

~The footage begins to roll displaying 'filmed early in the week outside XFE headquarters' the footage then cuts to the outside of the XFE headquarters were slugger is standing~
~Slugger looks down the lens~
Slugger: "Whats up people! Today I have traveled very far! Today I stand in front of the very building that runs this business! Yes I'm out front of the XFE headquarters."
~The camera pans across the area showing the main building and a couple next to it~
Slugger: "Today I have a meeting with some of the big suits and I thought everyone would like to watch what happens behind the scenes in XFE, so lets not let the bosses wait."
~Slugger begins to walk as the camera follows him, He walks through the front doors and up to the desk, there is a big security guard and a young girl sitting there~
Young girl: "Hello, how may I help you today?"
Slugger: "Hey the names Slugger, I have an appointment with sent and the executives today."
~The girl looks up at slugger, as a big smile comes across her face~
Young girl: "Oh my god, I love you! Just let me call the bosses and see if they're ready."
~Slugger reaches over the desk and hangs up the phone~
Slugger: "No need for that beautiful, I will just go up and see if they ready."
~The security notices slugger touching the phone and stands up~
Security guard: "Sir can you please step away from the girl and the desk?"
~Slugger takes a step back~
Slugger: "No worries, I was just leaving anyway."
~The security guard seats back down, but instead of heading for the door slugger quickly makes his way to the elevators~
Young girl: "Wait, you can't go up there!"
~As the security tries to quickly get up and stop slugger, he enters the elevator with the camera man, Slugger now presses the button for the top floor, the elevator then arrives at the top floor and the two men step out~
Slugger: "Alright they have to be around here somewhere."
~As slugger walks though the office area, people all around are looking at him and whispering~
Office worker (whispering): "Do you think his butt hurts?"
Office worker 2: "Probably, Seraphim got him good."
~Slugger keeps walking through the office as more people begin to talk, as he nears the end of the office, a big conference room can be seen, but you can't see into it~
Slugger: "They must be in there."
~Slugger again looks directly into the camera~
~Slugger now opens the conference room door, you can see The Sentinel sitting at the top of a long table. Worthy and Courtney day are also there, along with DANTE and a few other business men and assistants~
The Sentinel: "What are you doing here slugger? Your meeting isn't for another hour, get out!"
~Slugger continues to walk, he stands next to The Sentinel~
Slugger: "WAR GAMES!"
~Slugger pulls out some pieces of paper and shoves it into Sentinel's chest. The Sentinel quickly stands up and gets right into slugger's face. The camera looks down at the paper and it shows a few sketches of what looks like a cage and on top it clearly says 'WAR GAMES'~
Worthy: "Slugger..."
~Slugger steps back as The Sentinel gets even more angry. Security walks through the door and grabs slugger. He motions for The Sentinel to look at the papers. Security start to drag Slugger out of the room~
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 2682
Age : 39
Location : Manchester, England
Registration date : 2008-04-23

XFE headqauters (early on in the show) Empty
PostSubject: Re: XFE headqauters (early on in the show)   XFE headqauters (early on in the show) Empty4/8/2012, 3:44 am

Worthy: "Let him go!"
~The security lets Slugger go whilst they and everyone else in the room look confused~
Worthy: "Slugger, I'll make you a deal. If you do me a favor, I will take your war-games idea on board...what do you say?"
Slugger: "Depends on the favor?"
Worthy: "Well Justin Alsop hired Cryl to take me out, so I was thinking of putting them in a tag match and long story short, I need a tag partner."
Slugger: "So basically you want me to team up with you?"
Worthy: "Exactly! So what do you say?"
The Sentinel: "That sounds like an a abuse of power..."
Slugger (interrupts): "Okay, I'll team up with you."
~Worthy and Slugger shake-hands~
The Sentinel: "Then it's official and the match will take place this Tuesday."
Worthy: "Don't you mean Saturday? Aggression is on Saturday."
~The Sentinel gets up and shakes his head~
The Sentinel: "Not anymore, it's Tuesdays now."
~The Sentinel leaves the room as everyone else looks on confused~
Slugger: "Is it me or is Sentinel acting odd?"
Worthy: "The stress is probably getting to him, I wouldn't worry too much about it."
Slugger: "Maybe it's time he retired?"
Worthy: "Oh yeah, and who could honestly replace him...Jeremy Alsop perhaps?"
~Worthy walks out of the room whilst laughing and doing a mocking OcW chant~
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 1668
Age : 32
Location : melbourne ,Australia
Registration date : 2008-05-01

XFE headqauters (early on in the show) Empty
PostSubject: Re: XFE headqauters (early on in the show)   XFE headqauters (early on in the show) Empty4/8/2012, 5:41 am

love the add!
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 2682
Age : 39
Location : Manchester, England
Registration date : 2008-04-23

XFE headqauters (early on in the show) Empty
PostSubject: Re: XFE headqauters (early on in the show)   XFE headqauters (early on in the show) Empty4/9/2012, 3:00 am

Thanks Slugger and I like your rp here too.

I just realised Aggression is on Tuesday, so I thought i'll add to this so it links with the tag match.
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 1668
Age : 32
Location : melbourne ,Australia
Registration date : 2008-05-01

XFE headqauters (early on in the show) Empty
PostSubject: Re: XFE headqauters (early on in the show)   XFE headqauters (early on in the show) Empty4/9/2012, 3:52 am

yeah, it works really well Smile
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XFE headqauters (early on in the show) Empty
PostSubject: Re: XFE headqauters (early on in the show)   XFE headqauters (early on in the show) Empty

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XFE headqauters (early on in the show)
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