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 M.O.M Invade Video Company HQ (early XFW Show 7/8/09 RP)

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XFE Hall of Famer

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M.O.M Invade Video Company HQ (early XFW Show 7/8/09 RP) Empty
PostSubject: M.O.M Invade Video Company HQ (early XFW Show 7/8/09 RP)   M.O.M Invade Video Company HQ (early XFW Show 7/8/09 RP) Empty7/1/2009, 3:11 pm

~Jack Power makes his way to the ring accompanied by every M.O.M member except for Worthy and when he gets into the ring he grabs a microphone~
Jack Power: "As posted on the XFW website last week, our GM did not take kindly to Worthy planning an invasion of some crappy internet video company as he claims it would be him who would get sued and not Worthy and as a result he forbid Worthy from visiting that companies HQ today."
~The crowd boo that announcement~
Jack Power: "...but don't worry because if Worthy isn't going to listen to me, then of course he isn't going to listen to the GM of XFW, so he did it anyway and although I don't condone what Worthy did at that companies HQ, I let him do it simply to P@*$ off Dominator, so lets give a round of applause for the man of the hour, Worthy!!"
~Worthy makes his way to the ring wearing a t-shirt that's says "YOU" and in a red box "SUCK" looking similar to a certain video companies logo and as he enters the ring Jack Power hands over the microphone to him~
Worthy: "Thank you JP, but first things first, I would like to issue Jon Lum an apology for my behavior last week, I'm really sorry, I was just angry because that pathetic video company suspended my video account which made me lose my entrance video, so can you forgive me?"
Jon Lum: "Not a problem, it's understandable."
Morbid Distruction: "Yes we all get a little mad at times, but in future lets not beat down on our brothers shall we."
Worthy: "Yeah your right and as for all of you fans, I heard you all on internet forums saying that you want me to bring back my talk show, Worthy's Wrath and that's what I've done, but this time with a difference..... It's on the road!!"
~The crowd cheer~
Worthy: "So Mr X-tron worker, roll the footage of my debut episode of Worthy's Wrath on tour."
~The following appears on the X-Tron and shows the M.O.M outside of the video companies HQ~
Worthy: "Welcome to the first episode of Worthy's Wrath on tour and because it's the debut I thought I invite a few friends over to join me as we pay a warm welcome visit as good will ambassadors for X-Force Entertainment."
Jack Power: "That's the spirit Worthy, nice and calm because I'm sure you can sort out this issue out in a peaceful manner."
Worthy: "I agree JP because if they co-operate then there will be no need for violence, so lets enter the building shall we."
~The M.O.M enter the building and walk past some guy standing at the doorway welcoming people into the building~
Fred the Greeter (In a high pitched screeching voice): "HEY IT'S FRED!! HEY IT'S FRED!! HEY IT'S FRED!!"
~Worthy turns round and punches him repeatedly until the other M.O.M members drag him off~
Jack Power: "I thought you said you were calm and that you were going to sort this issue out peacefully?"
Worthy: "I did, but don't tell me you didn't want to punch the lights out of that guy the moment he posted his stupid videos on where he prances around talking like a girl whilst bragging about how many hits he got.... well guess what he got another hit, right across his nose."
Jack Power: "Yeah he was kinda annoying so I'll let you off, but go to the reception desk and speak to the receptionist to ask where the owner of this dump is."
Worthy: "Good idea."
~Worthy and the rest of M.O.M walk up to the reception desk~
Worthy: "Excuse me can we speak to the owner of this company please?"
Britney the receptionist: "Do you have an appointment?"
Worthy: "What is this the doctors or something?"
Britney the receptionist: "I'm sorry but you can't see him without an appointment."
Worthy: "Look lady, stop wasting my time and show me to your gaffers office because you are not worthy of my time and to be perfectly honest your not even worthy of working behind that reception desk."
Morbid Distruction: "Yeah look at all the make-up on her face, she looks like a birthday cake."
Britney the receptionist: "Oh says the clown."
~Jon Lum restrains Morbid then starts to talk to her himself~
Jon Lum: "Yeah she needs to crack a smile and dress herself up properly instead of looking like she is off to stand on the street corner after she has finished here."
~After Jon Lum said that some person, possibly male but looks more like a woman runs up to Jon Lum and starts ranting at him~
~Morbid Distruction steps in to calm things down~
Crocker: "What do you want clown?"
Morbid Distruction: "With all that eyeliner running down your face I'd say your a clown too.... an ass clown."
Crocker: "It's not eyeliner, it's guyliner."
~Jon Lum turns to Jack Power and asks him a question quietly~
Jon Lum: "Is he really a man? Surely not."
Jack Power: "Yes he is and he's also famous for ranting like this on his videos because people in the real world are fickle and find some guy having a nervous breakdown whilst dressed as a woman hilarious."
Jon Lum: "Now you come to think of it, he is kinda funny when he is angry."
Jack Power: "Who Crocker or Worthy?"
~The two laugh a while, then Jack Power walks up to Crocker~
Jack Power: "Excuse me can you tell me where the owner of this place is please?"
~After Jack Power asked that, Worthy from out of nowhere dives into a forward roll dives into Crocker executing a MORTAL Rogue Spear as Jack Power looks on shaking his head~
Jack Power: "Worthy are you for real, he was about to tell me where the owners office is."
Worthy: "Sorry, he was annoying me."
Jack Power: "Doesn't matter now as the sign says the C.E.O's office is this way, so lets go guys."
~Worthy and the rest of M.O.M follow Jack Power to a room that says C.E.O Office on the door~
Worthy: "Please could you stay out here guys as I need to deal with this myself."
Jack Power: "Go on then but make it quick as this place has so many geeks and weirdos that they should turn this place into an asylum for the mentally insane."
Worthy: "Not a problem and I will make it quick."
Jack Power: "...and try to deal with it peacefully."
Worthy: "Will do if that scum bag who suspended my video account co-operates."
~Worthy enters the office and the camera stays outside so you don't see nothing, but the camera can pick up the sound within the office~
Worthy: "You suspended my account which has resulted in me having no entrance video, so I want an explanation that is worthy of me coming all this way past a bunch of wannabee celebs, lazy employees and that bloody 'Chocolate Rain' song that is constantly playing all over this building.... I swear if I ever meet the person behind that song, I will dip my fist's in chocolate and make him taste chocolate pain.... anyway enough about him, why has my account got suspended answer me!! ANSWER ME NOW DAMMIT!!"
C.E.O: "Your account has been suspended because you failed to follow our guidelines."
Worthy: "Okay so what part of the guidelines exactly did I not follow?"
C.E.O: "We don't know exactly, but we'll look into it for you, however in the unlikely event that your video account gets restored, sadly we will be unable to restore your videos."
Worthy: "So what your saying is, you've suspended my account for a reason that you don't exactly know and if you discover that you've made a mistake, I still won't have an entrance video? WHAT KIND OF MICKEY MOUSE ORGANIZATION IS THIS?"
C.E.O: "Look you masked moron I'm sorry you have no entrance video, but there is nothing we can do and besides it's your own fault for doing something wrong."
Worthy: "Firstly don't ever disrespect the Worthy one as I am Worthy by name, worthy by nature and you better recognize that fact before you run your mouth off and secondly what have I done wrong exactly?"
C.E.O: "You failed to follow the guidelines, but I don't know how exactly."
C.E.O: "We can't do that I'm afraid."
Worthy: "Then you leave me no choice."
~Next thing you hear is a load of banging noises followed by glass shattering and the sound of the C.E.O screaming then Worthy walks out of the office dusting off his hands~
Worthy: "Problem solved guys, now lets head out to the pub as it's my round."
Jack Power: "Whatever lets just get out of here."
~Jack Power and the other M.O.M members follow Worthy out of the building whilst peeping in the C.E.O office~
Jon Lum: "That's weird."
Jack Power: "What is?"
Jon Lum: "Nobody is in the room, just a load of blood stains and a smashed window."
Morbid Distruction: "Looks like Worthy mashed him good."
~The camera shows the M.O.M standing in the ring all laughing except for Jack Power shaking his head whilst the crowd chants Worthy's name~
Jack Power: "Right you've had your fun now can we concentrate on more important things like my match tonight against the GM who you probably angered by showing this video."
~Worthy walks out of the ring and pats Jack on the back before saying one last thing~
Worthy: "Don't worry Jack as I didn't do anything because it was my creator who did it."
~Worthy walks of laughing manically whilst Jack Power and the other M.O.M members look on~

Last edited by Worthy on 7/4/2009, 2:55 am; edited 16 times in total
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 458
Age : 36
Location : Richmond, Indiana
Registration date : 2008-05-03

M.O.M Invade Video Company HQ (early XFW Show 7/8/09 RP) Empty
PostSubject: Re: M.O.M Invade Video Company HQ (early XFW Show 7/8/09 RP)   M.O.M Invade Video Company HQ (early XFW Show 7/8/09 RP) Empty7/1/2009, 10:13 pm

i love how i just quietly follow ^^ clown
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 1668
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Registration date : 2008-05-01

M.O.M Invade Video Company HQ (early XFW Show 7/8/09 RP) Empty
PostSubject: Re: M.O.M Invade Video Company HQ (early XFW Show 7/8/09 RP)   M.O.M Invade Video Company HQ (early XFW Show 7/8/09 RP) Empty7/1/2009, 10:32 pm

love it i like the part where you kicked crockers ass
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 2682
Age : 39
Location : Manchester, England
Registration date : 2008-04-23

M.O.M Invade Video Company HQ (early XFW Show 7/8/09 RP) Empty
PostSubject: Re: M.O.M Invade Video Company HQ (early XFW Show 7/8/09 RP)   M.O.M Invade Video Company HQ (early XFW Show 7/8/09 RP) Empty7/2/2009, 3:02 am

Morbiddistruction wrote:
i love how i just quietly follow ^^ clown

Morbid I have added you too it and I remember that you were a member of M.O.M but I keep forgetting who is who as a whole week goes by since the next XFW show and even then people are not doing M.O.M stuff (including me) so come the following week I forget who is in it.

BTW can someone post up a full list of M.O.M members as I've lost track because one day they are in it then they don't do anything related to M.O.M (same can be said for me too) then after a few weeks I forget who's in M.O.M as i'm sure one of the tag teams is in it too.

Also for those wondering who the people are here is a list with there videos:

Fred the greeter = Fred Figglehorn here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRgE15sSmmc

Crocker = Chris Cricker here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHmvkRoEowc

The Choclate Rain song by Tay Zonday is this = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwTZ2xpQwpA

So you can't blame Worthy really can you, lol!!
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 2682
Age : 39
Location : Manchester, England
Registration date : 2008-04-23

M.O.M Invade Video Company HQ (early XFW Show 7/8/09 RP) Empty
PostSubject: Re: M.O.M Invade Video Company HQ (early XFW Show 7/8/09 RP)   M.O.M Invade Video Company HQ (early XFW Show 7/8/09 RP) Empty7/2/2009, 9:38 am

Judging by the lack of comments of here it seem's that people can't find anything wrong with it (PHEW as I though I may get the fed into trouble).
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M.O.M Invade Video Company HQ (early XFW Show 7/8/09 RP) Empty
PostSubject: Re: M.O.M Invade Video Company HQ (early XFW Show 7/8/09 RP)   M.O.M Invade Video Company HQ (early XFW Show 7/8/09 RP) Empty7/2/2009, 1:04 pm

I'll suggest some changes when I'm more aware of my surroundings. Slept too much last night
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 2682
Age : 39
Location : Manchester, England
Registration date : 2008-04-23

M.O.M Invade Video Company HQ (early XFW Show 7/8/09 RP) Empty
PostSubject: Re: M.O.M Invade Video Company HQ (early XFW Show 7/8/09 RP)   M.O.M Invade Video Company HQ (early XFW Show 7/8/09 RP) Empty7/5/2009, 1:21 pm

Not a problem, thats why I put it up early for M.O.M members to make changes to it (and also see if it's contraversial in the sence that we could get into trouble for it).

Seems okay to me, but what does everyone else think?
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Jon Lum

Jon Lum

Number of posts : 103
Registration date : 2008-11-26

M.O.M Invade Video Company HQ (early XFW Show 7/8/09 RP) Empty
PostSubject: Re: M.O.M Invade Video Company HQ (early XFW Show 7/8/09 RP)   M.O.M Invade Video Company HQ (early XFW Show 7/8/09 RP) Empty7/5/2009, 4:40 pm

i'm ok with my parts. looks great.
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 2682
Age : 39
Location : Manchester, England
Registration date : 2008-04-23

M.O.M Invade Video Company HQ (early XFW Show 7/8/09 RP) Empty
PostSubject: Re: M.O.M Invade Video Company HQ (early XFW Show 7/8/09 RP)   M.O.M Invade Video Company HQ (early XFW Show 7/8/09 RP) Empty7/6/2009, 3:28 am

Thanks for letting me know Jon Lum
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M.O.M Invade Video Company HQ (early XFW Show 7/8/09 RP) Empty
PostSubject: Re: M.O.M Invade Video Company HQ (early XFW Show 7/8/09 RP)   M.O.M Invade Video Company HQ (early XFW Show 7/8/09 RP) Empty

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M.O.M Invade Video Company HQ (early XFW Show 7/8/09 RP)
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