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 The tag challengs is made - XFA March 3

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The tag challengs is made - XFA March 3 Empty
PostSubject: The tag challengs is made - XFA March 3   The tag challengs is made - XFA March 3 Empty2/28/2012, 11:10 am

After 3 days of collaboration, Vince, King David, Cryl and I have this one.


~Reggie Miller leaves the announcer table and begins to walk up the ramp to the stage with a microphone in hand~
Brandon: “Wha....where on Earth is he going?”
~The sound of papers shuffling is heard, and Brandon continues, as if he was talking to the staff in the production truck outside~
Brandon: “There is no mention of Reggie doing anything here. Anyone know what's going on?”
~At the top of the ramp, Reggie Miller turns and proceeds to the right side of the stage. Reggie Miller turns to the crowd and brings the microphone to his mouth~
Reggie: “Ladies and gentlemen, I have the distinct pleasure of having the opportunity to bring you...”
~Reggie Miller pauses for a second.~
Reggie: “...the top family in wrestling, The Aggression Champion and Tag Team Champions...”
~The crowd has already begun booing loudly.~
Reggie: “The Blood Family!”
~The guitar riff starting Pantera’s "Cowboys From Hell" begins to play over the PA system. Once the drums and the rest of the band kick in, Cryl, The Playboy and Seraphim step through the curtain as the crowd volume intensifies. Cryl and The Playboy stand at the top of the ramp, standing beside Reggie Miller looking to the crowd with the Tag Team Championship belts on their shoulders, while Seraphim has the Aggression Championship on her shoulder. The Playboy is wearing a grey suit, Seraphim a sparkling dress and Cryl is wearing his red wrestling body suit with a white tie. The music fades and Seraphim takes the microphone as the crowd continues to boo.~
Seraphim: “A fool.”
~Seraphim pauses and the crowd boos even louder. After a few seconds, she continues.~
Seraphim: “Only a fool would think that they are good enough for me. Everyone knows that old saying 'fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.' Slugger... honey... shame... shame... shame. You weren't good enough last season... you weren't good enough last week.. YOU WILL NEVER be good enough... for this.”
~Seraphim hands the microphone over to The Playboy.~
Playboy: “What you see before you is the greatest wrestling attraction in the world today. Feast your eyes on the Aggression Champ, come over here Sera.”
~The Playboy hold out a hand which Seraphim takes. He lifts her arm and she does a slow spin around to show herself as the crowd continues to jeer loudly. She lets go of the hand and resumes standing beside him, smiling.~
Playboy: “Take a look, but don't look too long... that's my sister. You have yours truly, looking only like The Playboy can, wearing the finest cashmere wool and silk blend suit, Rolex watch, gold cufflinks, and you have the man monster Cryl, who, although he doesn't like suits, I'll guaran-damn-tee you that he's wearing a tie that is worth more than all of you mental midgets make in a year.”
~The fans are now irate, yelling profanities and making select gestures to the family.~
Playboy: “And together, we are the epitome... the apex... of what's happening in wrestling today. We are up here...”
~The Playboy holds his hand at his head level.~
Playboy: “...while everyone else is down here.”
~The Playboy brings his hand to waist level. The Playboy then brings his hand back to holding the Tag Team championship on his shoulder.~
Playboy: “Slugger, you should have left wrestling a long time ago. The only thing that is in your future if you think you're going to stay around and keep coming at the Blood Family is one of those electric wheelchairs...”
~The Playboy brings his free hand to his mouth with his index finger and thumb forming circle, which he breaths into three times hard.~
Playboy: “... that you control by breathing into a tube because we will cripple you. A quadriplegic. Having to hire someone to change your diaper and wipe your ass. If you thought last week was the worst you will see, you haven't seen a damn thing yet.”
~The crowd begins to chant “Slugger... Slugger.”~
Playboy: “Whether it's Seraphim, or Cryl and I, this family is absolutely... undoubtedly... unbeatable. We have...”
~The crowd begins to cheer loudly as Vince Noir and King David have stepped through the curtain onto the stage and slowly walk toward the Blood Family. They are noticed by the family.~
Playboy: “..woa woa woa... just what in the hell do we have here, huh?”
~Reggie Miller takes a couple of steps away as Vince Noir and King David approach. As Vince Noir and King David walk closer to Seraphim, Playboy and Cryl, they are clapping with big smirks on their faces. Then, Jazimine walks out from behind them carrying two mics. She hands one to Vince Noir and one to King David. King David stops right in front of them still smirking and Vince Noir is walking around the trio still clapping. King David brings his mic up.~
King: “Well...”
~Vince Noir cuts King David off.~
Vince: “Look, what we have here. All dressed up and nowhere to go.”
~The crowd laughs a little and some boos mixed in. Vince Noir just smiles as he looks back to King David and Jazimine. Then brings attention back to the three before him.~
Vince: “Okay we get it... Slugger this, and Slugger that. WHAT we wanna know is are you going to give us a shot at those belts you guys have come across?”
~The Blood Family just look at each other and laugh. Vince Noir and King David are getting a little mad.~
King: “You see, you two, we have joined forces to take what you call the tag team championships away from you. As you may have seen we have been mopping up what ever they can throw at us. So, now, we want the two of you and to take away the belts from you. Now that a better tag team is here.”
~The crowd starts to cheer, but you can still hear boos in the mix. The Playboy and Cryl can't help but chuckle.~
Playboy: “Ok... let me get this straight. You guys come out here... HUGE 2 MATCH WINNING STREAK!!! And, suddenly, you just want a title shot?”
Vince: “That's right don't look surprised at what King just said to you. It is true we have just become a tag team and now we have to take what we want and you're not going to stand in our way in to our glory.”
~Cryl and The Playboy just shake their heads at what they have just heard.~
Playboy: “You know what guys? I'll give you one thing. For the entire time that we have been tag team champions, you are the first team to show any kind of *BEEP* whatsoever and got up in our faces. You see an opportunity and you step up to try to capitalize on it. But you guys have no damn clue what you're in for if you really want to take a shot at us.”
Vince: “You see, Blood Family, you might remember I was going for the Universal X belt. But, that division is dead to me cause, you see. I threw that match at the last PPV, cause King David came to me with something better. GETTING those tag belts away from you guys."
~The fans start to boo Vince Noir over his last comment.~
Vince: “So, now it's Vince's and King's turn to take what belongs to us and you TWO will not stand in our way.”
~The fans are still booing Vince Noir a bit. After a few seconds of The Playboy smirking and chuckling. Vince Noir hauls off with a slap to The Playboy's face, resulting in an eruption of cheers from the crowd.~
King: “I think, I know what Vince is trying to say. That, are you two game? Do you want to take this tag division to the next level? If so, then get in the ring with us. So we can prove that we can beat you? But, instead of waiting let's do this match right now!”
~The fans start to cheer. That, they wanna see the Blood Family and Vince Noir and King David to get in the ring. Vince Noir and King David rush to the ring, beckoning the Blood Family as they remain on the stage staring and fuming. Jazimine makes her way to their side of ringside. Since the Blood Family are not moving off the stage, the crowd starts chanting “chicken...chicken”. The Playboy, Cryl and Seraphim are pacing around, yelling at the crowd, reacting to the chant. Finally, the Blood Brothers hand their belts to Seraphim. The Playboy takes off his suit jacket and put it down on the stage. The group start to make their way to the ring, not taking their eyes off of Vince Noir and King David. They climb up onto the ring apron as the crowd roars in excitement. Vince Noir and King David continue to stand in the ring in a fighters stance, waving the brothers into the ring. Cryl puts a leg over the second rope and begins to bend over to enter the ring, but The Playboy grabs Cryl's shoulder and stops him. Cryl returns to a standing position on the apron as the crowd begins to quiet down and boo a bit.~
Playboy: “So you guys really want a title shot?”
~Vince Noir and King David are both saying yes and are waving the brothers come into the ring right now.~
Playboy: “Let me tell you this. You will get a shot at the titles...”
~The crowd cheer, anticipating the match.~
Playboy: “... but not tonight.”
~Now the crowd is back to booing, angrily.~
Playboy: “We're not going to do this right here, in front of these morons, for free. If they want to see this match, and the idiots at home want to see this match, then they can pay for it. You will get your match... but you'll get it at St. Patrick's Day Massacre.”
~The crowd boos as “Cowboys From Hell” begins to play over the PA system again. The Playboy and Cryl jump down to the arena floor and walk backwards up the ramp with Seraphim as both groups continue jawing at each other. When they get to the stage, The Playboy picks up his suit jacket and the family proceeds through the curtain. Reggie Miller has returned to the commentators table.~
Brandon: “Looks like we have a match set for St. Patrick's Day Massacre already. A tag title match between the Blood Brothers and the team of Vince Noir and King David.”
Reggie: “Well, Vince and King have been impressive with a couple of wins in their short tag career together, but their careers will be short lived. The Blood Brothers will absolutely destroy those two.”
~Once the music stops, the crowd begins to applaud Vince Noir and King David, still standing in the ring with Jazimine. Unsure how to react to a favorable response from the crowd, they step through the ropes and slowly walk up the ramp, looking uncomfortable gently slapping hands with the crowd.~
Brandon: “Vince and King are not used to having the fans on their side, but they made a statement out there tonight and the fans respect that.”
Reggie: “They made a statement, all right. The statement is that they have absolutely no respect for their own mortality. The Blood Brothers will show them what St. Patrick's Day Massacre is all about.”
~Vince Noir, King David and Jazimine walk through the curtain to the backstage area~
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 990
Age : 53
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Registration date : 2010-02-05

The tag challengs is made - XFA March 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The tag challengs is made - XFA March 3   The tag challengs is made - XFA March 3 Empty2/28/2012, 4:03 pm

awsome work from all involved!
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The tag challengs is made - XFA March 3
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