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 Brandon interviews Playboy...

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Brandon interviews Playboy... Empty
PostSubject: Brandon interviews Playboy...   Brandon interviews Playboy... Empty10/13/2011, 11:01 pm

~The camera shows Brandon and Reggie at ringside~
Reggie: "Last Aggression, we saw what seems to be the formation of a new tag team, resulting in new Tag Team Champions..."
Brandon: "...and during the break, I got to sit down with Playboy, the man who surprised everyone, for a little one on one. Let's bring you to that footage."
~The scene changes to a room where Playboy and Brandon are sitting across from one another on sofas. Playboy is wearing his Tag Team Championship belt on his shoulder~
Brandon: "Playboy, thank you for sitting down with me for this interview today."
Playboy: "It's a pleasure, Brandon."
Brandon: "Now, Playboy, you haven't said much since Cryl revealed the secret about you two being related, so let's go back to that day."
~Playboy adjusts how he's sitting~
Playboy: "Sure."
Brandon: "When Cryl handed you those documents, in the middle of the ring, live in front of all the XFE fans in attendance and watching on TV, what was going through your mind?"
Playboy: "Well, first thing, I thought this guy is absolutely full of *BEEP*. He's totally lost it. There is no way. Then...he hands me these papers and I'm trying to figure out just how in the hell this guy was able to forge all this *BEEP*."
Brandon: "Then you brought them backstage and what?"
Playboy: "I was having a look at them, and just saw everything turning upside down. I was determined to prove this to be a bunch of bull*BEEP* right away so it didn't drag on. There were photocopies of photographs, newspaper clippings, birth records. Like, this guy was totally off his rocker, man. There was the photograph of the house, the article detailing what happened, the house address and everything, so I figured I'd go check it out, sure way to discredit everything."
Brandon: "We saw the footage of you going through the house, as well as your reaction. What was that like, and did you remember anything?"
~Playboy again shifts how he's sitting~
Playboy: "I don't remember Jack *BEEP*, man, yet, in a way, it did feel like I had seen it before. It was creepy. Abandoned, yet fully furnished, like people moved out and never took their stuff. That basement, though, was something I don't want to see again, though."
Brandon: "Tell us about the basement, and the mask."
Playboy: "The basement reeked of pure evil. I mean, this *BEEP* supposedly happened so long ago, yet that stench was very fresh. I mean, hell...I've smelled blood before, both my own and others, so I know that smell, and that basement was horrible. And finding that mask there was enough."
Brandon: "And your psychologist tells you that the mask was yours?"
Playboy: "You know, I think that idiot is off his rocker, too. I never went back to that house, so I can't tell you if the mask he had was the mask from the house. For all I know, that mask is still there and he's trying to *BEEP* me up to keep me going there, pumping money into him. I just don't know how credible he is about that mask."
Brandon: "Now, after your visit, you went out to look into a barn where you eventually found Cryl and Seraphim. At that point, the footage ended. What happened there?"
Playboy: "What happened in that barn stays between us. Only those that were there know what happened, and that's the way it'll stay."
Brandon: "So take us from there to last Aggression, when you came down to the ring."
Playboy: "Well, after the house visit, there were more sessions with the psychologist, hired investigators to look into things to either validate or discredit what Cryl had said, and they came up with a ton of information."
Brandon: "So, I take it that you, Cryl and Seraphim are really siblings, then?"
Playboy: "That's the information I have."
Brandon: "So, take us through the moment you come to the realization that Cryl wasn't pulling your leg."
Playboy: "Well, let's go back quite a bit before that. You see, I lived a really sheltered life, very protected when I was young. Very calm, very quiet childhood. Not an angry word was spoken in the house. At the same time, it was quite lonely. I always wondered what it would be like to have a brother or sister to play with. Everything was prim and proper, everyone acting properly in school and stuff, no horsing around and stuff like that. Then, I get to junior high school, everyone wants to hang with me, chicks and stuff, and I see these guys playing football, and I was instantly attracted. We talk a bit and they tell me they're getting ready to tryout for the school team. I went home that afternoon and it took me hours to try to convince my mom...uhh..."
~Playboy shifts how he's sitting again and wipes his hand across his mouth~

Playboy: "...Mrs. Andrews, to let me try out for the team. It was too violent, she said. Eventually, she let me do it and I loved it. Everything came natural to me. Running backs coming at me, supposed to run over me, and I lower the shoulder, take him off his feet and he lands 3 or 4 yards back from where I hit him...it was incredible. I loved the violence of it all. Most guys, if someone got hurt on the field and you heard a leg crack or an arm snap, they'd head over to the sideline and puke. I lived for that *BEEP*. I never had a brother or sister to horse around with at home like siblings do."
Brandon: "So you're accepting the fact that you have this family now?"
Playboy: "At first, it was tough to handle. I mean...Cryl's there under a mask, so who knows what's under there. Seraphim is strange in her own right. But these days, who is to say what is 'strange' and what is 'normal', you know? I could either accept the fact that we are family, or I can push away the siblings that I always wished I had in the first place. What is one to do? I know it sounds cheesy, but, regardless of what we have been through in that ring, blood is thicker than water they say, and we're family. I've never had siblings growing up, nothing, and I mean nothing, is going to take that away."
Brandon: "And now you sit here, in familiar territory. I'm talking about the gold you're wearing on your shoulder."
Playboy: "That's right..."
~Playboy taps the belt on his shoulder, takes it off and lays it across his knees~
Playboy: "...tag team champs, man. You know, the last time I held this belt, the Natural Born Thrillers ruled this entire federation. We brought the tag team belts from the mid card to the main event. People packed arenas just to see JD and I. We were the boldest, cockiest... everything was about us. No one could touch us. We were the greatest tag team this fed had ever seen, and no one has come close since. The merch flew off the shelves, you saw NBT gear everywhere you went. Some guys wanted a piece of us because they knew the rub they would get working with us would mean some fortune their way, but most didn't want to come near us. To this day, there are guys out there saying that they're the best that's ever been, but you're a blow hard unless your peers say that you are the best. But this time is totally different..."
~Playboy leans forward toward Brandon~
Playboy: "...this time, it's not about fun and games. Times have changed. Fans don't want to see the same things anymore. These days, fans are saying things like 'Did you see that submission move? YAWN'...'Did you see that jump off the top rope onto that guy in the middle of the ring? YAWN' Fans don't want to see technical wrestling. Fans don't give a rats ass about moves. What fans want to see is absolute destruction. Fans are leaving arenas saying 'wow... did you see his head split open when he got hit with the chair?'..."Did you see all that blood everywhere?' That is what excites and attracts the fans now. Cryl and I are the two most destructive forces in X-Force individually. Together, we will wreak havoc throughout this entire federation. Everyone knows full well what to expect from us, and there is nothing they can do to stop us."
~Playboy leans back into the sofa~
Playboy: "Every evening, when guys walk into that dressing room and see their names on the chalk board against us, they're going to get that sick feeling in their stomach because they know...they're going to bleed...they're going to get hurt...and we won't be stopping until we want to. It's one thing to have two guys form a dominant tag team. It's a totally different ball game...no...it's a totally different *BEEP*ing sport, when those two guys are brothers. Including Seraphim, there is nothing that is going to stand in our way...and there is absolutely nothing that is going to come in between this family ever again. I'm excited, the fans are excited. This fed, and this entire industry, hasn't seen anything like it. The world is a-buzz because they know we're going to destroy everything and everybody in sight."
~Brandon extends his hand to Playboy, who shakes it~
Brandon: "Thanks again, Playboy, for taking some time to sit with me for the interview."
Playboy: "It's my pleasure, Brandon."
~The scene fades as they stand up and continue to talk, the new scene shows an angry Worthy watching the Playboy and Brandon interview on a monitor in his office~
Worthy: "What an ungrateful parasite, not even mentioning the Worthy one, let alone thanking him!!"
~Worthy then punches the monitor screen in anger~
Worthy: "Cryl and Playboy wouldn't even have them belts if it wasn't for my Worthy games."
~Worthy flips his office table over~
Worthy: "Looks like I'll have to teach them some manners...the only way I know how?"
~Worthy gets opens the door, gets on his tricycle and heads out of the office~

Last edited by DieHard on 10/15/2011, 11:44 am; edited 1 time in total
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XFE Hall of Famer

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Registration date : 2010-02-05

Brandon interviews Playboy... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brandon interviews Playboy...   Brandon interviews Playboy... Empty10/15/2011, 5:55 am

holy *bleep* damn man you should really think about writing a book... I could sense everything, saw it form in front of my eyes reading this.. damn goosebumps everywhere... total awsomness and thank you for this great RP!!

I am finally HOME and hope to come close in getting something as great as this together... hell even I cant top this with a vid!

Unless..... Seraphim AND Cryl in a vid at one time...
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XFE Hall of Famer

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Registration date : 2008-04-23

Brandon interviews Playboy... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brandon interviews Playboy...   Brandon interviews Playboy... Empty10/15/2011, 7:33 am

#Use this as a response to Playboys RP, with my other RP (Mask Massacre returns) directly after it.#

~The camera shows an angry Worthy watching the Playboy and Brandon interview on a monitor in his office~

Worthy: What an ungrateful parasite, not even mentionioning the Worthy one, let alone thanking him!!

~Worthy then punches the monitor screen in anger~

Worthy: Cryl and Playboy wouldn't even have them belts if it wasn't for my Worthy games.

~Worthy flips his office table over~

Worthy: Looks like i'll have to teach them some manners... the only way I know how?

~Worthy gets opens the door, gets on his tricyle and heads out of the office~
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Number of posts : 1390
Location : Ottawa, ON
Registration date : 2008-04-30

Brandon interviews Playboy... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brandon interviews Playboy...   Brandon interviews Playboy... Empty10/15/2011, 11:45 am

Thanks Cryl!

And I've spliced your RP directly into mine, Worthy, so it looks as one.
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 2682
Age : 39
Location : Manchester, England
Registration date : 2008-04-23

Brandon interviews Playboy... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brandon interviews Playboy...   Brandon interviews Playboy... Empty10/15/2011, 12:06 pm

Thanks and i've added that response as a reason for Worthy to go out in the arena in my 'mask massacre returns' RP (plus it adds possible suspects for who the racer guy could be?).
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Brandon interviews Playboy... Empty
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