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 Show Opening (1st XFA Show of Season)

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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 1341
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Registration date : 2008-04-22

Show Opening (1st XFA Show of Season) Empty
PostSubject: Show Opening (1st XFA Show of Season)   Show Opening (1st XFA Show of Season) Empty3/25/2011, 9:15 am

~The crowd is buzzing, cameras panning around the arena, showing the Carnival Atmosphere as Brandon Routh starts to talk~
Brandon: "Welcome to a New Season of Aggression, I am Brandon Routh and along side me as always is Reggie Miller and we are still getting over what transpired on Wednesday Night, the arrival of former OcW Superstars."
Reggie: "That's an understatement. They go out of business and all come crawling here."
Brandon: "That's not all though. The likes of Jack Power, Saint Patrik and Marcus Idol. All Big names in OcW, Power and Patrik still big names here in XFE..."
~"Start Me Up" by The Rolling Stones blasts over the Arena, the crowd erupting in cheers as if The Rolling Stones were coming out~
Reggie: "The Rolling Stones. I love them!"
~A woman steps out from the Backstage area and starts heading to the ring with a confident stride. She has long Blonde Hair and is wearing a Pink Sleeveless Blouse, the top two buttons undone, A Black Mini Skirt and a Pair of Black High Heel Shoes. She is holding a Clipboard~
Brandon: "Who is that?"
Reggie: "My Date for later tonight."
Brandon: "Don't Bet on it."
~The woman steps into the ring and asks for a mic. A stage hand gives her one. She starts to speak as the crowd become quiet~
Woman: "Ladies and Gentlemen. Please Welcome to the ring, A Former XFE Aggression Champion, XFE Hall of Famer and My Fiance... "The Kiwi Icon" Jeremy Alsop!!!"
~The crowd rise to their feet as "Dr. Special" by Brant Bjork blasts over the Arena. Cheers erupt as Jeremy Alsop steps out from the backstage area and stands at the top of the Entrance Ramp. He is dressed in his wrestling gear, consisting of a Black T-Shirt with the words "I Am Iconic" in red on it, a pair of Black Knee Length Shorts and Black Sneakers with the letters 'OcW' in red on the side of them~
Brandon: "The Kiwi Icon is back!! And what an ovation for him!"
Reggie: "Screw Him. He's her fiance."
~Jeremy makes his way to the ring, slapping the hands of the fans sticking them out on his right hand side. He quickly runs back up the ramp and does the same thing for the left hand side, before circulating the ring and still slapping the hands of the fans. He slides into the ring and jumps onto the second turnbuckle, pumping the fans up more. He jumps down and takes the mic on offer by the Woman, giving her a kiss on the cheek as he takes it. He waits for the crowd to become silent before talking~
Jeremy: "WHAT'S UP Auckland, New Zealand?!?!?!"
~The fans erupt into cheers again. Jeremy has to wait for silence again~
Jeremy: "Guess Who's Back??"
~Again the crowd goes wild~
Brandon: "The last time we saw Jeremy Alsop in a XFE ring was before Stable Warfare last year."
Reggie: "I wish it had of been longer."
Jeremy: "First things first. The woman standing beside me, her name is Marnette Patterson and as she stated in her introduction of me, she is in fact, my fiance."
Reggie: "Won't be for long."
Jeremy: "Now, I've been walking around backstage, trying to familiarize with the surroundings, again, and I've noticed a few things have changed. I also noticed that some things haven't changed. For example the ringside commentator's. Brandon Routh and the former Snooker Champion, Reggie Miller."
Reggie: "I PLAY........"
Brandon: "Netball. We know."
Jeremy: "Slugger is still on Aggression, as is my good buddies "The Natural" Jesse Blue and Quan. I see Cryl and BO$$ from the OcW Days are here and if you look in the thirty-sixth row over there, you will find Billy the Popcorn Guy."
~The crowd cheers Billy, who can be seen waving towards the camera~
Jeremy: "I also see Jake Adams is here."
~The cheers turn to boo's at the mention of Jake Adams~
Jeremy: "It's only a matter of time before we run into each other but no point worrying about that now. There is plenty of time."
Reggie: "He should be worried. We've all discovered what Jake Adams is capable off."
Brandon: "I think Jeremy can handle anything that comes his way Reggie."
Reggie: "Except for his pending marriage, that is."
~Jeremy is seen taking the clipboard from Marnette, as he continues to talk~
Jeremy: "In my hand is a clipboard. On this clipboard is a piece of paper. On that piece of paper is a list of ten things I need to do before I decide to hang up my boots once and for all. Now, the chances are, I will start reading this and someone will decide to interrupt me. But, I'm gonna read it anyway."
~Jeremy clears his throat and starts to read the list out~
Jeremy: "Number One. Marry My Fiance."
~The crowd erupts into cheers as Jeremy turns and looks at Marnette, who is acting shocked by the first item on the list~
Jeremy: "Did you just add that on before you came out here?"
~Marnette acts all innocent as Jeremy shakes his head and smiles before continuing to read the list~
Jeremy: "Number Two. Become a Two Time XFE Aggression Champion."
~The crowd erupts into cheers as Jeremy continues~
Jeremy: "Number Three. Bury Jake Adams!"
~The cheers get louder~
Jeremy: "Number Four. Learn how to..."

(Need someone to interrupt. Anyone. Face... Heel... Tweener... Young Gun... Billy the Popcorn Guy....)
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 2682
Age : 39
Location : Manchester, England
Registration date : 2008-04-23

Show Opening (1st XFA Show of Season) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Show Opening (1st XFA Show of Season)   Show Opening (1st XFA Show of Season) Empty3/25/2011, 9:58 am

~You know my by Chris Cornell plays as Worthy makes his way to the entrance ramp to the sound of cheers from the crowd~
Worthy: "Sorry to interrupt but you forgot to mention XFA's new signing?"
Jeremy: "Who might that be?"
Worthy: "The Worthy one of course."
~The XFA fans cheer and chant “were not Worthy” whilst making bowing gestures~
Jeremy: "Sorry...I thought you were on XFW?"
Worthy: "I was, but after the rant I made at the GM's of this very show last season, they have asked the Board of Directors to move me here to this roster and assist them as official consultant of XFA."
~The crowd cheer, but they are still chanting “we want a Worthy GM” however~
Worthy: "Now come on Worthy followers, I know you have lost faith in our XFA gm's, but hopefully they will speak out more and with my help and the addition of former OcW members to this roster, I'm sure the threat of Destiny and Rebel Nation are watered down."
Reggie Miller: "That's if these OcW folk don't form there own stable and end up like them."
Brandon Routh: "What are you talking about?"
Reggie Miller: "They turned there backs on XFE and who's to say they won't do it again?"
~Worthy walks over to Reggie~
Worthy: "Look Reggie I've came down here to welcome Jeremy and the OcW guys back to XFE as most of them have kids to support and they needed the extra money that they were offering...and besides listening to the crap you come out with I often wonder why I never joined them."
Reggie Miller: "Is it because you weren't Worthy enough for them to sign you?"
~Worthy gets hold of Reggie's glass of water and chucks it at him as the crowd start laughing~
Worthy: "Now hear this, I know backstage that there is some hate towards the OcW members joining XFE, but hear this, as the official consultant of XFA and also an XFE original, it will not be tolerated as we should be celebrating the fact that these former OcW stars are going to bring everything that made OcW great to XFE...and besides, like OcW, XFE might get a crappy award from some internet marks on a wrestling game forum because of fancy HD graphics too."
Jeremy: "Your not bitter then Worthy?"
~Jeremy laughs as Worthy rolls his eyes~
Worthy: "No I'm not bitter...honest!!"
~The crowd laughs at Worthy's obvious sarcasm~
Worthy: "Any way, welcome back to XFE and sorry for interrupting you, just had to welcome you back in person, so I'll leave you now to continue."
~Just as Worthy is about to walk away, he turns around~
Worthy: "Oh just one other thing Jeremy...I couldn't help but over hear that your making retirement plans."
Jeremy: "That is correct."
Worthy: "Take it from me, walking away is the hardest thing to do when you don't like the mess you leave behind."
~Worthy walks off as a puzzled Jeremy and crowd looks on~
Jeremy: "Whats that supposed to mean?"
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 268
Age : 53
Location : Minden, LA
Registration date : 2009-09-12

Show Opening (1st XFA Show of Season) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Show Opening (1st XFA Show of Season)   Show Opening (1st XFA Show of Season) Empty3/25/2011, 11:18 am

~Pink by Aerosmith begins to play as STB makes his way out onto the ramp with the Aggression Championship strapped around his waist~
~The crowds cheers for Jeremy instantly turn into boos as STB raises a mic to his mouth and begins to speak~
STB: "Jeremy, let me welcome you back to Aggression."
~The crowd continues to boo as STB stands there with a grin on his face~
STB: "But there are a few things you need to know before you step back in here like you own the place."
~The crowds boos get louder and STB''s grin gets wider~
STB: "You had your chance at that and we see how that worked out for you."
~The boos continue and a few fans start to chant OcW, OcW~
STB: "The first thing you need to know is that while you were away playing owner there have been a few changes. When people like Saint Patrik, Jack Power, and yourself left here for the greener pastures of OcW. People like myself, my little brother Boo, and Gobeer with Destiny have stepped in and made XFE our house."
~The boos in the crowd lessen some as a chant of XFE faintly starts up~
STB:" I can't speak for Gobeer but I know that myself and my little brother aren't going to just step aside and let you come back here as if you never left. As for as I'm concerned you and the rest of your OcW flunkies are nothing but a bunch of new guys trying to make a name for yourselves and you will be starting at the bottom just like everybody else."
~The boos continue and the faint chants of XFE fade out as STB's grin fades away and turns into a deadly serious look~
STB: "The next thing you need to know is that I am the Aggression Champion and that it will be a cold day in hell before you or anybody else takes this from me. So be forewarned if you come after this."
~STB pats the front of the Aggression title~
STB: "You may be retiring sooner than you planned."
(over to you Jeremy or we can end it here.)
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 2682
Age : 39
Location : Manchester, England
Registration date : 2008-04-23

Show Opening (1st XFA Show of Season) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Show Opening (1st XFA Show of Season)   Show Opening (1st XFA Show of Season) Empty3/25/2011, 11:54 am

~The X-Tron shows the GM's watching from there office with concerned looks on there faces as Worthy bursts in~
Worthy: "You see gentlemen that's how you lay down the law around here."
John Smith: "Yes that's why the champ has just gone out there and blatantly disregarded your policy for hating on former OcW members."
Jack Roberts: "Yeah well done Worthy."
~The XFA GM's sarcastically clap~
Worthy: "Well maybe it's time that the two General Managers of this show go out there and make a match instead of staying back here and hiding like gutless cowards."
Jack Roberts and John Smith (together): "Erm...no!!"
~Worthy lifts them both up by there throats~
Worthy: "Either you two go out there or I ego trip you both through this desk?"
Jack Roberts: "You can't do that, your just a consultant, you'll be fired if you hit us?"
Worthy: "Hey I'm retiring soon, so why should I care...now whats it going to be gentlemen, face Pinky or face up in a hospital bed?"
~The two GM's quickly run out of the office~
Worthy: "That's more like it."
~The X-Tron footage ends and the camera goes back to ringside showing both STB and Jeremy looking away from the X-Tron and turning to each other whilst shrugging there shoulders~
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 1341
Age : 44
Location : Palmerston North, New Zealand
Registration date : 2008-04-22

Show Opening (1st XFA Show of Season) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Show Opening (1st XFA Show of Season)   Show Opening (1st XFA Show of Season) Empty3/25/2011, 5:28 pm

~Jeremy turns to Marnette and nods his head, motioning for her to leave the ring. He then looks at STB, keeping what Worthy said in the back of his mind~
Jeremy: "So...I have to start from the bottom of the Food Chain? You see STB, while I may have left for the "Greener Pastures" of OcW, I was trying to take my Family Business, get it out there and noticed. And as it turns out and Worthy pointed out, we won a nifty little award. So I did what I went out to do. I got OcW noticed."
~Jeremy looks out towards the fans~
Jeremy: "Anyone here can tell you that this so called return was always gonna happen. But for you to say that I should start at the bottom, you need your brain screwed back into place."
~The crowd cheers as Jeremy continues~
Jeremy: "When X-Force Entertainment opened it's doors back in April 2008, I was the first one to sign. If it weren't for the likes of The Sentinel, DANTE, Malkyto, Quan, Slugger, Worthy, GD Pato, Playboy, The Sorority Girl, JD Allgood and myself, just to name a few, there would never have been a chance for idiots like you with in these walls to begin with."
~The fans cheer at the mentioning of most of the names~
Jeremy: "What you need to realize, whether you like it or not, is that I'm here and as of right now...I'm here to make your life in the XFE...A Joke."
~Jeremy steps closer to STB, who isn't backing down~

(If you want to finish it STB, go for it. If not, I'll just add my ending line to it.))
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 268
Age : 53
Location : Minden, LA
Registration date : 2009-09-12

Show Opening (1st XFA Show of Season) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Show Opening (1st XFA Show of Season)   Show Opening (1st XFA Show of Season) Empty3/25/2011, 9:21 pm

~STB continues to stare at Jeremy with a look of pure hatred not budging an inch as the crowd is cheering at the top of their lungs in anticipation of a fight~
~As Jeremy continues staring STB down, STB finally starts backing slowly towards the curtain never taking his eyes off Jeremy lifting the mic to his mouth just as he is about to exit~
STB: "You've been warned old man, you've been warned."
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 2682
Age : 39
Location : Manchester, England
Registration date : 2008-04-23

Show Opening (1st XFA Show of Season) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Show Opening (1st XFA Show of Season)   Show Opening (1st XFA Show of Season) Empty3/31/2011, 2:53 am

~The XFA GMs make there way to the entrance ramp blocking STB from exiting~
John Smith: "Worthy suggested we should make a match, so tonight Simply the Best, you will face..."
Jack Roberts: "...Worthy."
Jeremy: "Erm...sorry to interrupt you guys, but when Worthy suggested that you two should make a match, I think he meant sort out the dispute between me and Simply the Best by putting us in a match."
~The crowd cheer with even Simply the Best nodding in agreement~
Jack Roberts: "Don't be silly as we all know Worthy wanted a match with our champ and considering the two faced each other at last years Super Force, well I guess we can call it a Super Force rewind match."
~The GM's leave the entrance ramp as both Jeremy and STB look at each other~
Jeremy: "Oh I remember that match, that was when Worthy beat you STB for the Universal-X title and became a triple crown winner."
~The crowd cheer after Jeremy's comment~
Simply the Best: "He got lucky that night, but mark my words, once I dispose of him, I'm coming for you."
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