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 A Celebration

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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 281
Registration date : 2009-12-19

A Celebration Empty
PostSubject: A Celebration   A Celebration Empty3/17/2011, 12:49 am

Part 1: The Arrival
~A long stretch limo is shown pulling up in the parking garage. The camera zooms in on the license plate which reads 'Destiny'. The limo stops and the driver gets out and goes to back door near the camera and opens it. The camera begins to approach the limo with Jaime Ray Newman right next to it. After a few moments Amber Destiny exits the limo. She is dressed in a stunning evening gown and is holding what appears to be a planner in her left hand. Pat Booker, Bosero, Big Cop and then Big Fatty V all get out of the limo in that order. They are all dressed in custom tailored Armani Suits. The members of Destiny all look around as if they are checking the area and they notice the camera man and Jaime heading towards them. Amber steps towards the camera as it gets closer and Jaime walks up to Amber~
Jaime: "Looks like Destiny is dressed for a big night, but where is Gobeer?"
~Amber points back to the limo and smiles~
Amber Destiny: "Tonight we have prepared a huge celebration for the 2011 Lord of Mayhem and the New XFE World Heavyweight Champion and you will all have the honor of seeing it all unfold as the night goes on. Now lets watch the first tribute video."
~Amber points to the camera and the members of Destiny all step away from the door as an arm reaches out of the limo and grabs the door~
~The camera then fades to a video. The video starts with a picture of Destiny celebrating and holding Gobeer in the air as he holds up the XFE World Heavyweight Championship. A generic voice begins to tell a story~
Generic Voice: "Gobeer...A great Champion."
~The video then shows a slide show of pictures of Gobeer as he is group up and the generic voice once again begins to talk~
Generic Voice: "Gobeer was born to a great family and raised from birth to be great. As he grew up Gobeer quickly realized just how superior he was to everyone else. As a kid growing up Gobeer won championships in everything that he did whether it was Football, Basketball, Baseball, Amateur Wrestling or Martial Arts. Gobeer used these events to prove his superiority over everyone else and one thing that remained constant was that he was Destined to be great no matter the competition."
~The video shows Gobeer holding up countless awards, trophies and medals~
Generic Voice: "After all of his triumphs, Gobeer knew he needed something else to challenge himself. It was then that he decided to join the world of Pro Wrestling and he was quickly signed to XFE by a genius owner."
~The video shows Gobeer shaking hands with The Sentinel and signing to wrestle for XFE~
Generic Voice: "Little did even Gobeer know that this would be the stage that would allow him to reach his Destiny and show the entire world just how great he is!"
~The slide show stops with a picture of Gobeer in the ring on his debut. The words "To be continued" show as the video ends. The image than fades the black and back to the ringside area~

Part 2: Destined for Greatness!
~The scene changes to a video once again the first image shown is Gobeer be handed the XFE World Heavyweight Title by Dan Tanaka. The words then come on the video as the voice reads them~
Generic Voice: "Gobeer, Destined for Greatness!!!"
~The video goes back to the beginning of Gobeer's XFE career and begins to show highlights from his career to this point~
Generic Voice: "After making his dominate debut in XFE, Gobeer quickly found other great superstars to join him and together they formed the group, Destiny!"
~The slide show shows Gobeer shaking hands with Big Cop, Pat Booker, Bosero, Amber Destiny and Big Fatty V. The images then go on to show the entire group of Destiny standing tall in the ring numerous times as they have been victorious in the past~
Generic Voice: "Destiny would go on to establish itself as the most dominate and decorated group in XFE history."
~The images then show the members of Destiny holding and wearing numerous belts in XFE including the Tag Team Titles, the Extreme Fight Championship, the Universal-X belt, the Young Gunz Title, and then it finally shows Gobeer wearing the Lord of Mayhem items and then the XFE World Heavyweight Championship~
Generic Voice: "And while some realized the greatness of Destiny..."
~The images show Sentinel talking with Destiny and Matt Scott cheering for the group on a number of occasions~
Generic Voice: "Other tried to stop the inevitable."
~Images are shown of Courtney Day and Justin Alsop as they got the upper hand on Destiny at random times~
Generic Voice: "But in the end they all failed to be more than a small bump on the road to Destiny."
~The images then show Courtney Day cleaning floors and Gobeer retiring Justin Alsop~
Generic Voice: "But it was these challenges that showed the entire world the power of Destiny. The group used these challenges to strengthen themselves as they survived and overcame all obstacles set before them. Now they stand on the top of the World, once again showing the dominance and greatness of the group."
~The images once again show Destiny celebrating Gobeer winning the XFE World Heavyweight Championship at Chaos 'N' Mayhem~
Generic Voice: "In this world some things are just undeniable and one of those things is that this is Destiny's world and we are all just living it in!!!"
~The image once again fades to black and the back to the ringside area~

Part 3: Gobeer: A Destiny Achieved!!
~Once again a video airs. This time the video slide show starts with a series of Triumphs, Gobeer has had including wins over Big Fatty V, Worthy, Da_One, Justin Alsop and ends with a split image of Gobeer pinning both Quan and Argo at Chaos 'N' Mayhem~
Generic Voice: "Gobeer: A Destiny Achieved!!"
~Images are shown of Gobeer winning each of his matches in the Lord of Mayhem Tournament including Malkyto, Jake Adams, Cassandra Cain and finally Quan~
Generic Voice: "In the long history of XFE no man had ever been a Triple Crown Winner and the Lord of Mayhem until Chaos 'N' Mayhem 2011. This night will go down in the record books as the most historic night in XFE history."
~The slide show changes to highlight clips from Gobeer Career once again. First we see the highlights from Gobeer and Pat Booker winning the Tag Titles~
Generic Voice: "First, Gobeer won the Tag Titles with his partner from Destiny, Pat Booker."
~Next the highlights show Gobeer winning the Universal-X Championship.~
Generic Voice: "Then Gobeer, defeated both Worthy and Da_One to become the Universal-X Champion."
~We then once again see highlights from Gobeer winning each of his matches in the 2011 Lord of Mayhem tournament~
Generic Voice: "Gobeer than easily dominated the Lord of Mayhem tournament and in the finals beat the former Aggression Champion, Quan."
~We see Gobeer being crowd the 2011 Lord of Mayhem. The the highlights show Gobeer hitting both Gobeer Slams on Argo and then getting the pin~
Generic voice: "And finally, Argo learned the only thing that was Unstoppable in this world was Destiny!"
~The clips show Destiny celebrating from after Chaos 'N' Mayhem and we hear the announcement from Maria Menounos~
Maria Menounos: "Here is your winner, and NEEEEEEEEEEEW the XFE World Heavyweight Champion, GOBEER!!!"
Generic Voice: "A New Champion Crowned. A Lord of Mayhem and a Triple Crown Winner, The Great, Destined Champion; Gobeer!!"
~The clip ends by zooming in on Gobeer's face as he is holding up the XFE World Heavyweight Championship belt with a huge smile on his face. The image than fades the black and back to the ringside area~

Part 4: The Celebration
~"Imma Be" by the Black Eyed Peas begins to play in the arena. The crowd immediately erupts in boo's as Big Cop, Big Fatty V, Bosero, Pat Booker and Amber Destiny. They are all still dressed as they were upon their arrival to the arena earlier tonight. The ring is now decorated for a celebration with streamers, balloons, and now a carpeted ring. In the middle of the ring is a painting of Gobeer. The members of Destiny all enter the ring, they quickly pose causing the crowd to get even angrier. The members of Destiny all stand in the middle of the ring and Amber Destiny goes over and grabs a mic before heading back to the middle of the ring~
Amber Destiny: "As you have all witnessed throughout tonight we are here for a celebration. This is a celebration of a man that has achieved what no other man has ever done."
~Amber hands the mic over to Bosero~
Bosero: "This man is the Leader of the most dominate group in XFE history."
~Bosero hands the mic to Pat Booker~
Pat Booker: "He is a Triple Crown Champion which makes him a winner, unlike the all you people in this crowd tonight."
~The crowd gets extremely angry now with a huge eruption of boo's. Pat Booker hands the mic to Big Fatty V~
Big Fatty V: "This man is a former Universal-X Champion and Tag Team Champion."
~Big Fatty V hands the mic to Big Cop now~
Big Cop: "And the man that Wednesday night made history as he became the 2011 Lord of Mayhem."
~Big Cop hands the mic back to Amber now who steps forward as everyone else steps back. The crowd continues to boo and yell other things to show their disapproval of what is going on~
Amber Destiny: "Let us introduce to you, The NEW XFE World Heavyweight Champion, Gobeer!!!!"
~"Into the Fire" by Disturbed begins to blast in the arena but the music is almost drowned out by the eruption of the boo's from the crowd. After a few seconds the lights in the arena go out and a spotlight shines on the entrance way as Gobeer is now standing there. Gobeer is wearing a custom tailored Armani suit, the Lord of Mayhem Crown and he opens up his suit coat to reveal the XFE World Heavyweight Belt. As he does this pyro begins to rain down from the X-Tron. As Gobeer takes the belt off and holds it in the air the lights come back on in the arena but the pyro continues to rain down from as Gobeer poses. The camera cuts to the ring where Destiny is all giving applause to Gobeer as he makes his way to the ring. The camera then shows Gobeer slowly walking to the ring taunting the crowd as he makes his way to the ring. Gobeer enters the ring and confetti and balloons begin dropping from the rafters. Gobeer looks around at everything that is going on around him and he gets a huge smile on his face. Gobeer goes around and shakes hands and shares an embrace with each member of Destiny. After he finishes Amber hands him the mic and he takes the center of the ring. The other members of Destiny all back up and stand in a line behind Gobeer. The crowd continues the eruption of boo's and Gobeer looks around and starts laughing~
Gobeer: "I told you all so!!!"
~Gobeer walks around the ring and points out to the entire crowd~
Gobeer: "Each and everyone of you, I told you so. From you stupid Argo fans, to the fat guy in the upper deck, to the few people who were smart enough to be Destiny Fans. All I have to say to each and everyone of you is that I told you so!!!"
~The crowd continues to be overwhelmed with boo's but Gobeer does not seem to care at all~
Gobeer: "From day 1 in XFE, I told everyone that I was destined for greatness. I told everyone that I would make history in XFE and do what no one before me had ever done."
~Gobeer looks at the XFE World Heavyweight Championship which is on his shoulder now. He tilts his head to best see his reflection in the belt and smirks~
Gobeer: "In the entire existence of XFE no one, Not Legion, Jade, Jack Power, Playboy or even Argo achieved what I finished off in one night."
~Gobeer looks to the crowd and flashes his evil smirk~
Gobeer: "You see last night I became the first person to ever win the XFE Triple Crown Champion and be the Lord of Mayhem!"
~Destiny applauds as the crowd continues to boo~
Gobeer: "Now I have to thank a few people for making all of this possible."
~Gobeer turns towards the rest of Destiny~
Gobeer: "First, I must thank all of my fellow members of Destiny. The support and teamwork you have all provided for me is the reason we are the most dominate group in XFE History. So to all of you I say, Thank You!'
~Gobeer gives the members of Destiny an applause before he continues to talk~
Gobeer: "Next I would like to thank, The Sentinel for being intelligent enough to hire me and then put his backing on me because he realized my true greatness from the beginning."
~Once again Gobeer gets an evil look on his face. As he looks out to the crowd now~
Gobeer: "Lastly I have to thank all the other wrestlers in this company. If it was not because of all your flaws, achieving this greatness myself and Destiny have achieved would have not been so easy. This especially includes the former XFE World Heavyweight Champion, the (sarcastically making quotes with his fingers) Unstoppable, Argo."
~The crowd pops for Argo and begins chanting for him. Gobeer once again begins laughing~
Gobeer: "All of you ignorant fools would love for Argo to come out here right now and Argo Bomb me right in the middle of this ring wouldn't you? Wouldn't you?"
~The Argo chants now even overwhelm the constant booing in the crowd for Gobeer and Destiny~
Gobeer: "Well that is not going to happen tonight or ever."
~Once again the boo's overtake all the other noise in the arena~
Gobeer: "You see, Destiny has granted me skills and abilities that all you people can only wish you had. It is because of this that I made history at Chaos 'N' Mayhem and why I will be holding this belt for a long time."
~The members of Destiny all surround Gobeer now~
Gobeer: "This is Destiny's World and all you fans and everyone in the locker room need to understand that you are just living in it."
~Gobeer tosses the mic out of the ring as "Imma Be" by the Black Eyed Peas begins to play. Gobeer holds the belt high in the air as Destiny taunts the crowd. Gobeer then puts the belt over his right shoulder and he looks into it once again to see his reflection in it. The entire group of Destiny looks around and taunts anyone that they can~
Brandon Routh: "Gobeer and Destiny are as arrogant as ever tonight."
Reggie Miller: "Gobeer made history at Chaos 'N' Mayhem he became a World Champion and that is something only a few people ever get to say they have accomplished."
Brandon Routh: "Did you ever win a World Championship in Curling Reggie?"
Reggie Miller: "I hate you so much!"
Brandon Routh: "Well it seems Destiny is on top of the world but with Super Force III around the corner it will be interesting to see how long they can remain there."
Reggie Miller: "Yeah Super Force III is next season and that should be exciting. We will see you all then."
~Destiny continues to stand in the ring taunting the crowd as the XFE logo appears at the bottom of the scene. Confetti and balloons once again start to drop from the rafters as Gobeer is lifted into the air by the members of Destiny once again and he holds up the XFE World Heavyweight Championship belt high above his head as the image fades to black~

(Feedback is cool, hopefully it is not too long it was just something fun I wanted to do.)
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 106
Registration date : 2011-02-13

A Celebration Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Celebration   A Celebration Empty3/17/2011, 6:07 am

This is indeed a potential winner for the Silver Typewriter.
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John Deep
XFE Hall of Famer
John Deep

Number of posts : 416
Age : 28
Location : Poland,Lublin
Registration date : 2010-01-01

A Celebration Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Celebration   A Celebration Empty3/17/2011, 8:55 am

I didn't read it Razz Too much for me Laughing
Great RP, maybe tribute is too long but it's ok Smile
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