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 It's a Celebration!

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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 771
Registration date : 2009-06-17

It's a Celebration! Empty
PostSubject: It's a Celebration!   It's a Celebration! Empty5/7/2010, 12:25 am

Maria Menounos: "Introducing first, The Ultimate Ladies Man, XFE World Heavyweight Champion, Playboy Paul Andrews"!
~We see Playboy making his way down to the ring wearing the XFE World Heavyweight Championship around his waist~
Maria Menounos: "and his challenger, He is the 2010 XFE Lord of Mayhem, Argo"!
~We see Argo making his way down to the ring~
Matt Scott: "I've been waiting forever for this match. Time to see Playboy own Argo."
~Clips run by of Playboy on the early offense seemingly in control of the match~
Matt Scott: "Oh my God, Argo hits the Argo Bomb!"
~We see Argo going through a big attack sequence ending in an early Argo Bomb~
Brandon Routh: "Playboy just kicked out of the Argo Bomb and look at Argo's face, he is in shock."
~We see Playboy kick out of the Argo Bomb and the look of shock on Argo's face~
David Hood: “Playboy is ruthless right now.”
~Stills go by showing Playboy going on a huge attack sequence beating on Argo with some of his best moves. Ending with a Centerfold and we see the blood covering Argo's face~
Matt Scott: "It is academic from here, Playboy still Heavyweight Champion."
~Stills go by showing Playboy going on a huge attack sequence beating on Argo with some of his best moves. Ending with a Centerfold~
David Hood: "Not so fast Argo is still alive and in this match."
~We see Argo kick out, but then we see Playboy hit the Who's Your Daddy~
Brandon Routh: "Okay, now it is over."
~Argo once again kicks out to the surprise of everyone in the arena~
Matt Scott: "Okay, Argo really is Unstoppable."
~Playboy starts to set up another Centerfold but Argo counters with a Bog Pit~
David Hood: "Bog Pit, Bog Pit out of no where!"
~Playboy kicks out of the Bog Pit and then is hit by the Drop the bombs and barely kicks out once again~
Matt Scott: "I take it back Playboy is the one who is Unstoppable!!!"
Brandon Routh: "This is taking everything out of Argo he can barely get to his feet."

~The stills go on to show both men pulling themselves to their feet and Playboy setting up another Centerfold which Argo avoids. The stills become action as the end of the match happens~
Argo catches his balance and motions with his arms that this is it as Paul "Playboy" Andrews spins around groggy to face Argo
Argo kicks Paul "Playboy" Andrews in the gut hooks his arms in a pedigree like position then lifts Paul "Playboy" Andrews into the air like powerbomb
then moves his hands to Paul "Playboy" Andrews throat and drives Paul "Playboy" Andrews to the ground with a combination of a powerbomb and a chokeslam executing LEGENDARY Argo Bomb!!
David Hood: "Argo hit it again the 2nd Argo Bomb of the match and Argo put everything he had into that one."
Maria Menounos: "Here is your winner, and the New XFE World Heavyweight Champion, Argo!"
David Hood: "He did it, he did it, Argo has done it."
~We see Playboy holding the belt as though he is going to hit Argo with it but he then turns it and hands it to Argo and we see Argo and Playboy embrace and Playboy whisper something into his ear. The clips show Playboy walking around and then Argo in the ring with his head buried in the belt~
David Hood: "The word classic is thrown around a lot in sports, but this was truly a classic."
~Argo is shown celebrating with the fans~
Brandon Routh: "Tonight Argo and Playboy put it all on the line and for tonight Argo managed to reign supreme
at Super Force."

~We then see Argo celebrating with his family and other invited guests~
David Hood: "This is what XFE is all about."

Matt Scott: "I am not one for emotional moments but this one is at least real."

Brandon Routh: "I am so glad I was here tonight to see this."

~The clip ends with Argo standing with the XFE World Heavyweight Title strapped around his waist. The image goes back to the ring~
Olivia Wilde: "I introduce to you, THE NEW XFE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION, ARGO!!!"
~"What Ya Gonna Do" by Lil Jon begins to blast in the arena as the fans all stand cheering as loud as a crowd as ever been. After a few seconds Argo walks out from the back. Argo is wearing a new Argo the Unstoppable Champion edition shirt blue jeans and around his waist the XFE World Heavyweight Title Belt. Argo also has bandages on his head and bruises on his face and arms showing the brutality of match last night. Flashbulbs begin going off from all angles as Argo makes his way to the ring in his normal way giving fans high fives posing for pictures with some. He gets to the ring and enters it. Argo walks to the center of the ring where a mic is laying on the mat he bends over and picks it up. The crowd is going nuts as Argo stands in the ring visibly beat up but still with a huge smile on his face. The camera shows some fans holding up a huge sing that says 'Argo the Unstoppable Champion!' The camera cuts back to Argo as the fans finally get begin to quite down a bit~
Argo: "Thank you guys, Thank You."
~Argo claps for the fans who begin to once again cheer "Argo...Argo...Argo". After a few seconds the crowd gets quite again~
Argo: "So I have to admit for the last couple of days I have been trying to come up with something to do to properly celebrate the biggest victory in my career. I thought about coming up with a new catch phase about being a champ and even contacted an old friend from my days in SCW about remaking the championship in order have it be more Argoish but I guess that has been done. Then I thought about riding out on a parade like float like a conquering hero but again I found out that had been done."
~The fans begin to laugh as Argo seems distraught in the ring as he goes over things he can't do~
Argo: "Then I thought about how I beat the longest running Heavyweight Champion Paul "Playboy" Andrews at Super Force and thought I should try to come up with a meter comparing my title run length to his. I could call it the PlayboyMeter but then I realized that had been done too."
~The fans begin to laugh as Argo starts to pace around the ring like this whole thing is frustrating him. After a few seconds Argo stops and smiles~
Argo: "In the end I decided to do what I do best and that is give back to the great fans of XFE both in attendance here tonight and those watching around the world."
~Argo points out to the crowd as people around the arena stand up and toss out free merchandise to the fans in attendance. People are going nuts and the camera shows as some of the fans are holding up Super Force Shirts, Some are holding up Argo the Unstoppable Shirts, and some others are putting on Argo or XFE hats. The camera goes back to the ring as Argo is smiling as the fans are cheering like crazy~
Argo: "And to all the XFE fans around the world watching tonight go to XFEmerch.com and enter promotional code ArgoXFEChamp for your special offers."
Crowd: "ARGO...ARGO...ARGO!!!"
~Argo smiles~
Argo: "Actually people I want to take this time to thank some people. First of all I want to thank Playboy for giving me the chance to fight him and motivating me to become the best I can be. Second I want to thank Sentinel and the XFE Board for giving me the chance to perform against the best wrestlers in the world and getting to entertain the best fans in the world. Which leads me to the last but most important thank you I have to give."
~Argo points around the crowd~
Argo: "Once again I have to thank every single Argo fan in the world because without your support I would not be able to do what I love doing more than anything in the world and this is entertain you people. Remember it is you fans that truly make me Unstoppable."
~The camera shows the crowd as they are all standing in cheering. They continue to cheer for Argo who smiles and claps towards the crowd again~
Argo: "Now I want everyone to know that just winning this belt is not enough for me. I want to be known as the greatest to ever grace the XFE wrestling ring. And I know especially after seeing all the legends in attendance for the Hall of Fame ceremony that this will be no easy task. But, I know with the support of the greatest fans in the world having my back that anything is possible. And because of that I will continue to show the world that Argo is..."
~Argo postures the mic towards the crowd~
~"What Ya Gonna Do" by Lil Jon begins to play again as Argo drops the mic and poses in each corner with the belt~
Brandon Routh: "It looks like just winning the belt is not enough for Argo. He wants to be known as the greatest wrestler to ever be in an XFE ring and with that kind of attitude he may be able to reach those high goals."
~Argo slides out of the ring and jumps into the crowd celebrating with the fans. Fans are snapping pictures as Argo holds the title high in the air posing with pictures with fans as he walks around in the crowd~
Reggie Miller: "Well it takes a lot to not just be great but to be the greatest and Argo will need to continue all his hard work in order to do it. Trust me I know."
~Argo moves to an open Area in the crowd and fans swarm him and he holds the belt high in the air as the fans all celebrate with him~
Brandon Routh: "Who knows if Argo can do it, but he truly seems to feed off of these fans and after Super Force I do believe that he is Unstoppable."
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