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 The Elimination Chamber Interview (XFW this Week)

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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 281
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The Elimination Chamber Interview (XFW this Week) Empty
PostSubject: The Elimination Chamber Interview (XFW this Week)   The Elimination Chamber Interview (XFW this Week) Empty11/22/2010, 7:34 pm

~"Imma Be" by the Black Eyed Peas begins to play in the arena. The crowd erupts in boo's at the sound of the music. After a few moments Gobeer walks out from backstage wearing his wrestling gear, a Destiny shirt, and the Universal-X Title. He slowly makes his way to the ring absorbing the boo's from the crowd and taunting them whenever a chance shows itself. Gobeer enters the ring and walks over to the far corner and poses with the belt while the fans continue to rain down boo's on him. He jumps down from the rope and picks up a mic then makes his way to the center of the ring~
Gobeer: "I would like to thank you fans for that warm ovation."
~The boo's from the crowd once again start up this time even louder than before. Gobeer waits a minute for them to calm down~
Gobeer: "In 7 days I will enter the first ever XFE Elimination Chamber Match and in 7 days I will realize my Destiny and become the XFE World Heavyweight Champion."
~The crowd once again begins to boo loudly. This time Gobeer just talks over them~
Gobeer: "You see since I have got to this company I have told you fans every week what I am going to do and every week I do it and it angers each and every one of you."
~The crowd begins a "You Suck" but Gobeer remains calm in the ring with his normal evil smile on his face~
Gobeer: "At Worlds Collide, I am going to once again show you fans how great I am and in the end their is nothing anyone can do about it."
~Gobeer looks around at the crowd who continues to boo and make gestures of anger towards Gobeer~
Gobeer: "Now the reason I came out here tonight is because I want to find out about what my opponents are planning come Elimination Chamber so I have requested that my opponents come out here now so we can talk. So let my introduce to you the 5 men I will be facing come Elimination Chamber, Argo, Worthy, Playboy, Cryl and STB."
~The crowd all turns towards the ramp after a few seconds the members of Destiny all come out dressed each like a different opponent of Gobeer's. Pat Booker is dressed like STB, Bosero is dressed like Cryl, Big Cop is dressed like Playboy, Amber is dressed like Worthy and Big Fatty V is dressed like Argo. As they all head towards the ring poorly acting like the person they are dressed like the crowd gets angry and the boo's get even louder than before. The members of Destiny all enter the ring and line up in the ring. Big Cop and Worthy both have Rebel Nation shirts on that have been changed to say Jobber Nation and Big Fatty V has an Argo the Unstoppable shirt on that has been changed to say Unbearable~
Gobeer: "First off I want to thank each of you for accepting my invite to come out here tonight."
~The crowd continues to boo and a few censored chants can be heard from the crowd directed towards Destiny~
Gobeer: "But I want to get right to it with you guys. At Worlds Collide the 6 of us will make history and be in the first ever XFE Elimination Chamber Match. Now I know you all lack my talents and abilities so I will have to carry the match but I want to quickly talk to each of you. First off STB,,,"
~Pat Booker who is dressed like STB walks up towards Gobeer. As he gets to Gobeer he flings his Pink Feathered Boa around and Gobeer ducks back avoiding it from hitting his face~
Gobeer: "Now STB I know you say that means Simply the Best but I have been watching the World Title Picture for some time now and from how I see it Cryl, Argo and Playboy have all been kicking your (censored) all around. I guess STB actually means Still Taking Beatings. How in the world do you plan on finally at least being competitive in a title match when you are in the elimination chamber?"
~Gobeer moves the mic to Pat Booker who poorly mimics STB's voice~
Pat Booker (as STB): "Well...Well... My plan is to keep doing what I have been doing and what I do best..."
Gobeer: "Oh so you plan on being a non-factor that just gets beat on all match and acts like dead weight all match."
Pat Booker (as STB): "Well...Well...Yeah."
~Pat Booker puts his head down and then flings the boa over his shoulder again and starts to act like it is choking even though it clearly is not. He points towards the boa and then takes a few steps away before fake passing out~
Gobeer: "Yeah that is what I figured from you STB. So on to The Blood Monster Cryl."
~Bosero dressed like Cryl walks up towards Gobeer next. He is breathing very deeply as if he is trying to be scary. Randomly Bosero looks around like he is hearing voices~
Gobeer: "Okay Cryl, my question for you is easy since I know you are stupid. How does it feel to be used by both Argo, Playboy and STB all to try and get an advantage in the title picture?"
~Bosero starts to argue with himself like he is hearing voices~
Bosero (as Cryl): "How can I drain him of his blood? He ended the career of Justin Alsop. Obviously I can't do anything to him because I am nothing but a monster that no one is scared of."
Gobeer: "Um, Cryl who are you talking to?"
Bosero (as Cryl): "The voice and the girl don't you get it I am a monster I hear voices, I am scary!!"
~Gobeer looks at Bosero and laughs a bit~
Gobeer: "Cryl you do understand that we all know you don't hear voices, you are no monster and that mask you wear we know is only because you are extremely ugly. No on is scared of you because you are not scary. We all know you are a fraud."
~Bosero as Cryl starts to act once again like he is hearing voices. Then he just stops~
Bosero (as Cryl): "I wanna be scary. Why is no one scared of me? This is not fair."
~Bosero begins to fake cry into the mic and runs to the corner where he crumbles in the corner and begins to cry to himself. The camera goes back to Gobeer who is looks entertained by what is going on. The crowd still continues to boo~
Gobeer: "It is okay Cryl. Acceptance is the first step to not being so lame. Now onto the next person who I will beat in the Chamber. This man used to be a person I looked up to. He was a man that wanted something told people and then took it for himself. Then at Super Force II he got beat down by Argo and now is a shell of his former self and nothing more than Worthy's B**ch, Paul "Playboy" Andrews!"
~Big Cop who is dressed like Playboy starts to act angry like and begins to charge towards Gobeer but Amber as Worthy grabs the chain around Playboy's neck and tugs it which calms him down. Then Big Cop and Amber walk up with Amber holding onto the chain Big Cop is wearing to look like Playboy~
Gobeer: "I always wondered why he started wearing chain. Now Playboy how do you plan on winning the World Heavyweight Belt come Worlds Collide in the Chamber?"
Big Cop (as Playboy): "I just am because when you are with the Playboy you have to be ready to go all night! You see the Playboy has his way with all kinds of women because I am such a great sexy beast of a man."
~Big Cop motions like he is Playboy but Amber as Worthy pulls the chain causing Big Cop to stop~
Gobeer: "Now lets be honest I have seen the look of sadness and disappointment on the face of the women you have given the 15 seconds of Playboy love to in the past and none of them have ever seemed satisfied or even a bit entertained afterwords."
Big Cop (as Playboy): "Who are you to talk to me like that I am the Playboy, I won an award I fixed to results to and was the fans award winner. I was the longest champ in XFE history..."
~Amber as Worthy once again pulls the chain and Big Cop as Playboy turns towards her. Amber slaps Big Cop and points to the near corner~
Amber (as Worthy): "I have heard enough from you. I am the boss you go stand in the corner I am in charge."
~Big Cop walks towards the corner where Bosero is still fake crying like he is Cryl then turns towards the corner Amber pointed to. Gobeer chuckles a bit before continuing on~
Gobeer: "Well I guess I have to talk to Worthy to find out what Rebel Nation has planned but first I have to ask why your shirt says Jobber Nation?"
Amber (as Worthy): "Well since we have lost all of our chances to take down XFE management because of conspiracies and we are all Jobbers now I decided to change the name."
Gobeer: "I see so what is the plan for your Nation come the Chamber?"
Amber (as Worthy): "I am going to find out what conspiracy the evil Management of XFE has planned for us and then I am going to try to stop it but in the end I will fail mostly because they will have some other conspiracy planned and end up cheating me out of my goals."
Gobeer: "And why do you think you can beat me come the Elimination Chamber. Come on I took this Universal-X championship from you with ease. I beat you when we faced at the end of the elimination match Destiny vs Team Courtney and I you have to know tonight I am once again going to beat you within an inch of your life tonight?"
~Amber acting like Worthy does some fake ninja moves. She reaches around and pulls out all kinds of different masks of Worthy and frantically tries to put one on and taking off another. She starts freaking out a bit and then tosses all of them down but the one she was wearing to start with~
Amber (as Worthy): "Conspiracies all of those are ways XFE management has tried to cheat me in the past. They have tried to hold me back since day one that I have been in the company. I can no longer allow XFE management to hold me back I have to be the Champion and destroy this company."
Gobeer: "You do know without XFE you would be nothing. This company has made you who you are. You have been given everything, title matches you don't deserve, contracts you don't deserve and fame that you don't deserve at all. You are nothing more than an ungrateful little kid who is just upset that when push comes to shove and he gets big chances that he always fails and gets beat in the end. You are a joke and a disgrace to yourself. Now leave my sight before I decide to just end your career tonight like I did Justin's."
Amber (as Worthy): "Corruption...Conspiracies... XFE Management...Ahhhhhhh!"
~Amber as Worthy looks scared and runs and hides in the corner behind Big Cop who is posing now like he is Playboy. Gobeer smiles then looks at Big Fatty V dressed as Argo who has constantly been posturing to the crowd and holding a clearly fake XFE World Title~
Gobeer: "Since Worthy seems to be freaking out right now I guess that takes me to the XFE World Heavyweight Champion himself, Argo."
~Big Fatty V continues to posture to the crowd as if he was actually Argo~
Gobeer: 'Now Argo, you have had the most lucky title run in the history of the company. Destiny personally saved your title last season and before that you got lucky enough to only have to fight STB and Cryl. Now with all that behind you and done how do you plan on keeping the Title come Elimination Chamber against 5 other challengers?"
Big Fatty V (as Argo): "I am Unstoppable that is how!"
~Big Fatty V runs to the corner jumps on the ropes and postures to the crowd. He then jumps down and holds up his fake title belt~
Gobeer: "Um, Okay. You do understand that you are probably the most boring and least talented of all the people in this match right? Argo you are nothing more than a 1 move wonder and lets face it in the Chamber you will be exposed as the untalented, boring champion that you are."
Big Fatty V (as Argo): "Unstoppable!!!!"
~Big Fatty V starts to run around the ring like an idiot posturing to the crowd still like he was Argo. The crowd boo's get louder and louder. Eventually Big Fatty V gets tired and collapses in the ring the camera goes up to him as he is breathing heavy~
Big Fatty (as Argo): "Argo is Unstoppable!!!"
~Big Fatty V seems to pass out in the ring. The crowd boo's extremely loud now~
Gobeer: "Hey don't boo Argo like that he is the champ at least for another week. You see at Worlds Collide, I will win the Elimination Chamber match and be the XFE World Heavyweight Champion and there is nothing Jobber Nation, Still Taking Beatings, the Fraud Monster or the Unstoppable Champion can do to stop me."
~Gobeer smiles as the members of Destiny all look at him as he is standing in the middle of the ring~
Gobeer: "Because it is my Destiny!!!"
~The members of Destiny all stand up and walk to the middle of the ring with Gobeer who smiles as "Imma Be" by the Black Eyed Peas plays in the arena. The crowd is booing so loud the music can barely be heard and the members of Destiny all begin to clear out of the ring~
David Hood: "Gobeer might want to watch his back after that display."
Matt Scott: "That had to be the greatest thing I have ever seen. Gobeer is finally going to achieve his Destiny at Worlds Collide and then he will be the XFE World Heavyweight Champion and the Universal-X Champion just like he should be."

(feedback is cool, I just thought this would be fun)
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 771
Registration date : 2009-06-17

The Elimination Chamber Interview (XFW this Week) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Elimination Chamber Interview (XFW this Week)   The Elimination Chamber Interview (XFW this Week) Empty11/22/2010, 7:59 pm

I have to admit I laughed a few times reading this
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XFE Hall of Famer

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The Elimination Chamber Interview (XFW this Week) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Elimination Chamber Interview (XFW this Week)   The Elimination Chamber Interview (XFW this Week) Empty11/22/2010, 8:18 pm

Awsome one!!!
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 268
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The Elimination Chamber Interview (XFW this Week) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Elimination Chamber Interview (XFW this Week)   The Elimination Chamber Interview (XFW this Week) Empty11/22/2010, 10:40 pm

One of the best ever.
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 281
Registration date : 2009-12-19

The Elimination Chamber Interview (XFW this Week) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Elimination Chamber Interview (XFW this Week)   The Elimination Chamber Interview (XFW this Week) Empty11/23/2010, 1:49 am

Thanks guys. It is amazing what being bored at work can do for someone.
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