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 VDoP 4/22 - Complete

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5 posters


Number of posts : 1152
Age : 49
Location : Unreality
Registration date : 2008-06-27

VDoP 4/22 - Complete Empty
PostSubject: VDoP 4/22 - Complete   VDoP 4/22 - Complete Empty4/19/2009, 1:30 am

~The ring is set up with a red velvet rug in the center, a black leather sectional sofa in one corner with a matching recliner in the far opposite corner, and a cherry wood table in the center with a microphone and a potted plant.
Matt Scott: "From the looks of things, we have to endure another gabfest from Jack Power."
David Hood: "Well, Matt, it will be very interesting to hear what he has to say about his actions last week. Let's go to ring announcer Erica Durance."
~The ring bell sounds out three times, loud and slow
Erica Durance: "Ladies and gentlemen: Welcome to another edition of...
The PA system erupts in maniacal laughter followed by "...Mayhem!" "Cry for Eternity" by DragonForce explodes out of the loudspeakers as Jack Power emerges onto the entrance ramp and walks toward the ring.
Erica Durance: "Making his way to the ring, please welcome your host: Jack Power!"
David Hood: "You'll recall last week that Jack Power went out of his way to assist Morbid Distruction. Let's see what he has to say."
~Jack steps between the ropes, walks to the central table and takes the mic.
David Hood: "*yawn* Wake me when it's over..."
~Jack lifts the mic to his lips, but before he can speak, a chant of "Lord of Mayhem! clap-clap-clapclapclap!" starts up. He smiles and lets it go a couple times before starting in.
Jack: "Welcome to..."
Jack: "Thank you! Okay, we have a lot to cover this week, so I'll jump right in. It seems that the wrestling mags, the online chat rooms, and my gammaw's Thursday night bridge club are all abuzz over what I did last week on this very show. In case you missed it, here's a recap on how it went down. Check it out...
~The X-Tron fires up, accompanied by an old-timey film projector sound effect and a live piano being played in the background. The movie itself is shown in the style of an old silent movie. The first image is:
~Malkyto and Morbid fight bravely.
~The image cuts to a movie much like the old silent films, complete with jerky animation and simulated old film effects:
Malkyto pulls Morbid Distruction still groggy, by his hair

Malkyto grabs Morbid Distruction raising and keeping Morbid Distruction's body in the air some seconds
and dropping Morbid Distruction to the mat face-first from a senseless height executing MORTAL Demential Vertigo!!


Matt Scott: "And Morbid is finally put out of his misery!"
David Hood: "Demential Vertigo well-executed by Malkyto. It's academic from here:"

~Cut to animation of the referee making the three-count. Next image:
~Erica Durance: "Here is your winner, the XFW Extreme Fight Champion, Malkyto!"
~Suddenly, the piano music changes to a minor chord, like when the villain does his evil work
Malkyto pulls Morbid Distruction still groggy, by his hair
Malkyto grabs Morbid Distruction raising and keeping Morbid Distruction's body in the air some seconds
and dropping Morbid Distruction to the mat face-first from a senseless height executing MORTAL Demential Vertigo!!

~Crowd: BOO! HISS!
Morbid Distruction struggles to his feet!
Malkyto walks on the third rope while Morbid Distruction is trying to recover the breath
and then Malkyto jumps making a flip and slaming Morbid Distruction with his back executing LEGENDARY Suicidal Back Bomb!!

~Malkyto has lost his mind! Who can stop him?
~The music changes again to a major chord and brighter and faster as the next scene starts:
~Jack Power runs down the entrance ramp carrying a steel chair!
~Jack Power slides under the bottom rope behind Malkyto
Jack Power cocks back the chair
and hits Malkyto in the back executing a devastating chair shot!!

~Crowd: HOORAY!
Jack Power lifts the chair over his head with a primal scream
and hits Malkyto's skull executing a devastating chair shot!!


~Jack Power saves the day, leaving Malkyto out in the cold!
~Jack Power lifts Morbid Distruction over his shoulder and carries him to the backstage area

~The piano plays a happy ending chord.
~The lights come back up and Jack fake-wipes a tear away.
Jack: "So heroic! They don't make movies like that anymore. Give it up for Charlie Sneckleman on the piano there!"
~The crowd applauds wildly.
David Hood: "I have to admit, that was fairly well put together."
Matt Scott: "zzz..."
David Hood: "The man can sleep through a meteor strike."
Jack Power: "Okay, end result: the poor guy that was the victim in that vicious onslaught has found new purpose, a new connection to his Creator. So, I give you the latest addition to the Masters of Mayhem, my guest this evening! Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for Morbid Distruction!
~The spotlights focus on the entrance ramp. Suddenly,"Pitbull Terrier" by Emir Kusturica & the No Smockin Orchestra blares through the arena
Matt Scott: "zz... what?! That's not Morbid Distruction's music!"
David Hood: "No it isn't! That's the entrance music for the Chilean Psycho Malkyto!"
Matt Scott: "Looks like he's coming out for some payback after getting clobbered last week."
Malkyto steps out onto the entrance ramp into the center of the spotlights. He stares daggers at Jack Power who, stoic as always, merely glares back.
David Hood: "It IS Malkyto! He wants to get him some of Jack after what he did last week."
Matt Scott: "I'm glad I didn't sleep through this! This is gonna get good!"
~Jack and Malkyto stare each other down as his music dies down. After the staredown, Jack lifts the mic to his mouth
Jack: "Well, this was unexpected. *Puts up his hand* Wait! Don't tell me! *puts his hand on his head, playing psychic* Let me guess: you're a bit miffed about getting clocked with a chair last week. Well cry me a river, Malkavian! You think that just because you're...

(( Malky can insert after this ))

Last edited by JPower on 4/21/2009, 7:29 am; edited 4 times in total
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 576
Age : 40
Registration date : 2008-04-19

VDoP 4/22 - Complete Empty
PostSubject: Re: VDoP 4/22 - Complete   VDoP 4/22 - Complete Empty4/19/2009, 8:51 pm


JPower wrote:
~The spotlights focus on the entrance ramp. Suddenly, "Pitbull Terrier" by Emir Kusturica & the No Smockin Orchestra blares through the arena
Matt Scott: "zz... what?! That's not Morbid Distruction's music!"
David Hood: "No it isn't! That's the entrance music for the Chilean Psycho Malkyto!"
Matt Scott: "Looks like he's coming out for some payback after getting clobbered last week."
Malkyto steps out onto the entrance ramp into the center of the spotlights. He stares daggers at Jack Power who, stoic as always, merely glares back.
David Hood: "It IS Malkyto! He wants to get him some of Jack after what he did last week."
Matt Scott: "I'm glad I didn't sleep through this! This is gonna get good!"
~Jack and Malkyto stare each other down as his music dies down. After the staredown, Jack lifts the mic to his mouth
Jack: "Well, this was unexpected. *Puts up his hand* Wait! Don't tell me! *puts his hand on his head, playing psychic* Let me guess: you're a bit miffed about getting clocked with a chair last week. Well cry me a river, Malkavian! You think that just because you're...

(( Malky can insert after this ))
Malkyto: "Yes, Im better than Morbid" *crowd boos* "Better than you" *crowd boos louder* "better than Killswitch O-my-godess" *crowd laugh a bit, but still boo* and better than any other interviwee you have had here in the Vulgar display of Power."
The crowd is really annoyed, and let feel their angry with louder and louder boos ~
Malkyto: "But Im not pissed with you heroic attitude last show. No, no, no. You was a complete hero, saving Morbid pellejo. You act like a good man. Honestly, you deserve some patchs and cookies for doing your good action of the day. And I respect that. Really. The poor Morbid didnt deserve to be used like a puching ball or like a crush dummie, just because I wanted to show KSO how the Extreme Fight really works. This belt *Malkyto raises his Extrame Fight Championshio belt* isnt for those who just want the cover and the pin, or the first tap out. This belt *Now Malkyto looks at his belt* is for those who doesn't fear about pain, about get injured, bruised, broken, bloodied until unconsciousness."
The crowd is a bit silent, and Malkyto notes that.
Malkyto: *to the crowd* "Do you remember the times when wrestling was more about hardcore than about storylines? Do you remember the times when the wrestlers left all his blood and his cojones into a match, just for you fun and your cheers? Well, this belt *raising again the gold* is, exactly, about that."
The crowd, at least the hardcore part of the crowd, cheers in agree.
Malkyto: "KSO wants a X-TREME CAGE MATCH, where the winner is the first wrestler into jump from the top of the cage to take the hanging belt. For my, thats just cowardice, a big lack of true cojones. Im not that kind of wrestlers who chose the climbing and jumping. No. I chose to stay, and fight. I will not climb the cage to take the belt. If I win the X-TREME CAGE MATCH, it will be not for take the hanging gold. It will be because KSO will be unable to stand up, covered with his own blood. I promise you that."
Matt Scott: "What a statement, David! Malkyto is refusing to win by taking the Extrema Fight Championshp belt at the the X-TREME CAGE!!"
David Hood: "I dont know, Matt. For me sounds just like... well, bluffing."
Malkyto: "So, Jack Power, you act like a real hero, saving Morbid's trasero. But... I dont know if the wanna-be reborn gimnicked KSO can understand my message. And considering you are the new hero in the city, well... Maybe you can prevent KSO about my message. Tonight, one on one, at this very ring, you and me. What you say?"

((Back to you, JP. If you want, you can edit and dialogue with me.))

Last edited by Malkyto on 4/20/2009, 12:29 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Misunderstanding the X-TREME CAGE MATCH concept.)
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Dark Ryder
XFE Hall of Famer
Dark Ryder

Number of posts : 1387
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Registration date : 2008-05-01

VDoP 4/22 - Complete Empty
PostSubject: Re: VDoP 4/22 - Complete   VDoP 4/22 - Complete Empty4/19/2009, 9:42 pm

X-TREME CAGE MATCH - title suspended in air and you have to jump off the cage and grab the belt that is suspended above the ring and to get the belt. Thats how you win not by escaping. figured i should clear that up. Razz
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Number of posts : 1152
Age : 49
Location : Unreality
Registration date : 2008-06-27

VDoP 4/22 - Complete Empty
PostSubject: Re: VDoP 4/22 - Complete   VDoP 4/22 - Complete Empty4/19/2009, 11:01 pm

~Jack looks sidewise at Malkyto, and a grin slowly slides across his face.
Jack: "You know, you are absolutely right. Storylines are fine and all, when they make sense -- which seems to be a rarity nowadays, which is why I'm even here, but I digress. But, like you said, it all comes down to in the ring, beating the hell out of each other. And, yes, it all comes down to one thing: gold."
~The crowd murmurs a bit.
Jack: "Now, I've never been a big fan of gold; makes you too much of a target in my opinion. But I had a taste of it a couple weeks ago, when me and my stable-bro Worthy beat down the so-called Natural Born Thrillers."
~The crowd boos at the mention of the Thrillers' name.
Matt Scott: "Jack is taking his focus completely off of Malkyto and putting it on the Thrillers!
David Hood: "The Thrillers, who we learned last Saturday on Aggression are members of BANE, and are on Darth Clay's good side."
Jack: "Now, not to contradict my good pal Worthy, but I was fighting for the girl; she was a worthy competitor inside the ring, and a good friend outside the game on the XFE forums, and I couldn't let those scum badmouth her like that."
David Hood: "What the hell is he talking about?! 'Outside the game'?!"
Jack: "That said, knowing that we can beat them down, makes me yearn for gold. So I understand completely where you're coming from, Malky. We both need a tune-up for our big matches coming at Super Force, so if you want me in the ring, you got it!"
~The crows cheers wildly!
Matt Scott: "Jack must be insane to challenge the Chilean Psycho! He saw what he did to Morbid!"
David Hood: "Yes, he was there, but he's crazy enough not to care!"
(( your turn, Malky ))
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 576
Age : 40
Registration date : 2008-04-19

VDoP 4/22 - Complete Empty
PostSubject: Re: VDoP 4/22 - Complete   VDoP 4/22 - Complete Empty4/20/2009, 12:09 pm

JPower wrote:

(( your turn, Malky ))
Malkyto smiles at his classic sadistic smile
Malkyto: "Excellent, Jack; You have a deal for tonight. Just let me say you some words. You can take it as free advices from a Malkavian."
Jack Power just lift an eyebrown.
Malkyto: "Its true: the gold makes you a target. As the only triple-crowned wrestler here in XFW, I cannot be more agree with that. I have been a target almost my entire career. But that isn't a a fault or a tare: Its a gift. Take the gold, take the gift, and learn from adversity. Yeah, sounds like cheap psychiatric advices, but... what you really expect from me?
Jack cant hold a smile, while the crowd laughs.
Malkyto: "I like how you think, Jack, really. I like your mind. And I really hope to take a closer look inside your head during our match. Until then, have a nice night.
Malkyto offers a handshake to Jack, who accept it. And, while his music hits the PA system, Malkyto moves to the backstage.

(( JP, its open to you if you want some edit at the final lines. ))
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 576
Age : 40
Registration date : 2008-04-19

VDoP 4/22 - Complete Empty
PostSubject: Re: VDoP 4/22 - Complete   VDoP 4/22 - Complete Empty4/20/2009, 12:15 pm

Dark Ryder wrote:
X-TREME CAGE MATCH - title suspended in air and you have to jump off the cage and grab the belt that is suspended above the ring and to get the belt. Thats how you win not by escaping. figured i should clear that up. Razz

Lol, thanks a lot Dark. I will edit that part.
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Dark Ryder
XFE Hall of Famer
Dark Ryder

Number of posts : 1387
Location : Unknown
Registration date : 2008-05-01

VDoP 4/22 - Complete Empty
PostSubject: Re: VDoP 4/22 - Complete   VDoP 4/22 - Complete Empty4/20/2009, 10:55 pm

could always use the best quote from the watchmen. "I'm not stuck in here with you... you all are stuck in here with ME!" Razz best quote ever
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Number of posts : 1152
Age : 49
Location : Unreality
Registration date : 2008-06-27

VDoP 4/22 - Complete Empty
PostSubject: Full VDoP complete with formatting   VDoP 4/22 - Complete Empty4/21/2009, 12:28 am

~The ring is set up with a red velvet rug in the center, a black leather sectional sofa in one corner with a matching recliner in the far opposite corner, and a cherry wood table in the center with a microphone and a potted plant.
Matt Scott: "From the looks of things, we have to endure another gabfest from Jack Power."
David Hood: "Well, Matt, it will be very interesting to hear what he has to say about his actions last week. Let's go to ring announcer Erica Durance."
~The ring bell sounds out three times, loud and slow
Erica Durance: "Ladies and gentlemen: Welcome to another edition of...

~The PA system erupts in maniacal laughter followed by "...Mayhem!" "Cry for Eternity" by DragonForce explodes out of the loudspeakers as Jack Power emerges onto the entrance ramp and walks toward the ring.
Erica Durance: "Making his way to the ring, please welcome your host: Jack Power!"
David Hood: "You'll recall last week that Jack Power went out of his way to assist Morbid Distruction. Let's see what he has to say."
~Jack steps between the ropes, walks to the central table and takes the mic.
David Hood: "*yawn* Wake me when it's over..."
~Jack lifts the mic to his lips, but before he can speak, a chant of "Lord of Mayhem! clap-clap-clapclapclap!" starts up. He smiles and lets it go a couple times before starting in.
Jack: "Welcome to..."
Jack: "Thank you! Okay, we have a lot to cover this week, so I'll jump right in. It seems that the wrestling mags, the online chat rooms, and my gammaw's Thursday night bridge club are all abuzz over what I did last week on this very show. In case you missed it, here's a recap on how it went down. Check it out..."
~The X-Tron fires up, accompanied by an old-timey film projector sound effect and a live piano being played in the background. The movie itself is shown in the style of an old silent movie. The first image is:
~Malkyto and Morbid fight bravely.
~The image cuts to a movie much like the old silent films, complete with jerky animation and simulated old film effects:
Malkyto pulls Morbid Distruction still groggy, by his hair

Malkyto grabs Morbid Distruction raising and keeping Morbid Distruction's body in the air some seconds
and dropping Morbid Distruction to the mat face-first from a senseless height executing MORTAL Demential Vertigo!!


Matt Scott: "And Morbid is finally put out of his misery!"
David Hood: "Demential Vertigo well-executed by Malkyto. It's academic from here:"

~Cut to animation of the referee making the three-count. Next image:
~Erica Durance: "Here is your winner, the XFW Extreme Fight Champion, Malkyto!"

~Suddenly, the piano music changes to a minor chord, like when the villain does his evil work
Malkyto pulls Morbid Distruction still groggy, by his hair
Malkyto grabs Morbid Distruction raising and keeping Morbid Distruction's body in the air some seconds
and dropping Morbid Distruction to the mat face-first from a senseless height executing MORTAL Demential Vertigo!!

~Crowd: BOO! HISS!

Morbid Distruction struggles to his feet!
Malkyto walks on the third rope while Morbid Distruction is trying to recover the breath
and then Malkyto jumps making a flip and slaming Morbid Distruction with his back executing LEGENDARY Suicidal Back Bomb!!

~Malkyto has lost his mind! Who can stop him?

~The music changes again to a major chord and brighter and faster as the next scene starts:
~Jack Power runs down the entrance ramp carrying a steel chair!
~Jack Power slides under the bottom rope behind Malkyto
Jack Power cocks back the chair
and hits Malkyto in the back executing a devastating chair shot!!

~Crowd: HOORAY!

Jack Power lifts the chair over his head with a primal scream
and hits Malkyto's skull executing a devastating chair shot!!


~Jack Power saves the day, leaving Malkyto out in the cold!

~Jack Power lifts Morbid Distruction over his shoulder and carries him to the backstage area


~The piano plays a happy ending chord.
~The lights come back up and Jack fake-wipes a tear away.
Jack: "So heroic! They don't make movies like that anymore. Give it up for Charlie Sneckleman on the piano there!"
~The crowd applauds wildly.
David Hood: "I have to admit, that was fairly well put together."
Matt Scott: "zzz..."
David Hood: "The man can sleep through a meteor strike."
Jack Power: "Okay, end result: the poor guy that was the victim in that vicious onslaught has found new purpose, a new connection to his Creator. So, I give you the latest addition to the Masters of Mayhem, my guest this evening! Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for Morbid Distruction!"
~The spotlights focus on the entrance ramp. Suddenly,"Pitbull Terrier" by Emir Kusturica & the No Smockin
Orchestra blares through the arena

Matt Scott: "zz... what?! That's not Morbid Distruction's music!"
David Hood: "No it isn't! That's the entrance music for the Chilean Psycho Malkyto!"
Matt Scott: "Looks like he's coming out for some payback after getting clobbered last week."
Malkyto steps out onto the entrance ramp into the center of the spotlights. He stares daggers at Jack Power who, stoic as always, merely glares back.
David Hood: "It IS Malkyto! He wants to get him some of Jack after what he did last week."
Matt Scott: "I'm glad I didn't sleep through this! This is gonna get good!"
~Jack and Malkyto stare each other down as his music dies down. After the staredown, Malkyto walks up to the ring while Jack lifts the mic to his mouth
Jack: "Well, this was unexpected. *Puts up his hand* Wait! Don't tell me! *puts his hand on his head, playing psychic* Let me guess: you're a bit miffed about getting clocked with a chair last week. Well cry me a river, Malkavian! You think that just because you're..."
~Malkyto steps into the ring and lifts his own mic to his mouth, interrupting Jack
Malkyto: "Yes, Im better than Morbid" *crowd boos* "Better than you" *crowd boos louder* "better than Killswitch O-my-godess" *crowd laugh a bit, but still boo* and better than any other interviewee you have had here in the Vulgar Display of Power."
The crowd is really annoyed, and let feel their angry with louder and louder boos ~
Malkyto: "But I'm not pissed with your heroic attitude last show. No, no, no. You were a complete hero, saving Morbid pellejo. You act like a good man. Honestly, you deserve some patchs and cookies for doing your good action of the day. And I respect that. Really. The poor Morbid didn't deserve to be used like a punching ball or like a crush dummy, just because I wanted to show KSO how the Extreme Fight really works. This belt *Malkyto raises his Extrame Fight Championship belt* isn't for those who just want the cover and the pin, or the first tap out. This belt *Now Malkyto looks at his belt* is for those who doesn't fear about pain, about get injured, bruised, broken, bloodied until unconsciousness."
The crowd is a bit silent, and Malkyto notes that.
Malkyto: *to the crowd* "Do you remember the times when wrestling was more about hardcore than about storylines? Do you remember the times when the wrestlers left all his blood and his cojones into a match, just for you fun and your cheers? Well, this belt *raising again the gold* is, exactly, about that."
The crowd, at least the hardcore part of the crowd, cheers in agree.
Malkyto: "KSO wants a X-TREME CAGE MATCH, where the winner is the first wrestler into jump from the top of the cage to take the hanging belt. For my, that's just cowardice, a big lack of true cojones. I'm not that kind of wrestler who chose the climbing and jumping. No. I chose to stay, and fight. I will not climb the cage to take the belt. If I win the X-TREME CAGE MATCH, it will be not for take the hanging gold. It will be because KSO will be unable to stand up, covered with his own blood. I promise you that."
Matt Scott: "What a statement, David! Malkyto is refusing to win by taking the Extrema Fight Championship belt at the the X-TREME CAGE!!"
David Hood: "I dont know, Matt. For me sounds just like... well, bluffing."
Malkyto: "So, Jack Power, you act like a real hero, saving Morbid's trasero. But... I don't know if the wanna-be reborn gimmicked KSO can understand my message. And considering you are the new hero in the city, well... Maybe you can translate my message to KSO. Tonight, one on one, at this very ring, you and me. What do you say?"
~Jack looks sidewise at Malkyto, and a grin slowly slides across his face.
Jack: "You know, you are absolutely right. Storylines are fine and all, when they make sense -- which seems to be a rarity nowadays, which is why I'm even here, but I digress. But, like you said, it all comes down to in the ring, beating the hell out of each other. And, yes, it all comes down to one thing: gold."
~The crowd murmurs a bit.
Jack: "Now, I've never been a big fan of gold; makes you too much of a target in my opinion. But I had a taste of it a couple weeks ago, when me and my stable-bro Worthy beat down the so-called Natural Born Thrillers."
~The crowd boos at the mention of the Thrillers' name.
Matt Scott: "Jack is taking his focus completely off of Malkyto and putting it on the Thrillers!

David Hood: "The Thrillers, who we learned last Saturday on Aggression are members of BANE, and are on Darth Clay's good side."
Jack: "Now, not to contradict my good pal Worthy, but I was fighting for the girl; she was a worthy competitor inside the ring, and a good friend outside the game on the XFE forums, and I couldn't let those scum badmouth her like that."
David Hood: "What the hell is he talking about?! 'Outside the game'?!"
Jack: "That said, knowing that we can beat down those Natural Born Losers, makes me yearn for gold. So I understand completely where you're coming from, Malky. We both need a tune-up for our big matches coming at Super Force, so if you want me in the ring, you got it!"
~The crows cheers wildly!
Matt Scott: "Jack must be insane to challenge the Chilean Psycho! He saw what he did to Morbid!"
David Hood: "Yes, he was there, but he's crazy enough not to care!"
Malkyto smiles at his classic sadistic smile
Malkyto: "Excellent, Jack; You have a deal for tonight. Just let me say you some words. You can take it as free advices from a Malkavian."
Jack Power just lift an eyebrow.
Malkyto: "Its true: the gold makes you a target. As the only triple-crowned wrestler here in XFW, I cannot be more agree with that. I have been a target almost my entire career. But that isn't a a fault or a tare: Its a gift. Take the gold, take the gift, and learn from adversity. Yeah, sounds like cheap psychiatric advice, but... what do you really expect from me?"
Jack cant hold a smile, while the crowd laughs.
Malkyto: "I like how you think, Jack, really. I like your mind. And I really hope to take a closer look inside your head during our match. Until then, have a nice night."
~Malkyto offers a handshake to Jack, who accept it. And, while his music hits the PA system, Malkyto moves to the backstage. The camera shifts to Matt and David at the announcer's table.
David Hood: "What an announcement from Jack's show! A big match set for later on tonight: Jack Power versus the Chilean Psycho Malkyto."
Matt Scott: "And don't just gloss over the fact that Jack Power called out NBT. Jack smells gold and he wants a taste!"
David Hood: "Also, Malkyto showing that he is not afraid of Killswitch Overdrive, and will not be satisfied with just winning, but in knocking KSO completely out!"
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 576
Age : 40
Registration date : 2008-04-19

VDoP 4/22 - Complete Empty
PostSubject: Re: VDoP 4/22 - Complete   VDoP 4/22 - Complete Empty4/21/2009, 10:57 am

Perfect. I really liked it.
Nice to RP with you, JP.
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 1668
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Location : melbourne ,Australia
Registration date : 2008-05-01

VDoP 4/22 - Complete Empty
PostSubject: Re: VDoP 4/22 - Complete   VDoP 4/22 - Complete Empty4/21/2009, 11:39 pm

that is one long as RP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 458
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VDoP 4/22 - Complete Empty
PostSubject: Re: VDoP 4/22 - Complete   VDoP 4/22 - Complete Empty4/22/2009, 10:03 am

slugger wrote:
that is one long as RP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
its also the longest thing ive read since i actually finished my star wars book... >.<;; but i kept reading it as they posted and i couldnt keep myself from wanting more, you guys have truely out done yourselves... this was a GREAT RP ^^ i was entertained.... and it didnt even envolve lightsabers, blasters, Twileks or blood!
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 1668
Age : 32
Location : melbourne ,Australia
Registration date : 2008-05-01

VDoP 4/22 - Complete Empty
PostSubject: Re: VDoP 4/22 - Complete   VDoP 4/22 - Complete Empty4/23/2009, 6:19 am

Morbiddistruction wrote:
slugger wrote:
that is one long as RP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
its also the longest thing ive read since i actually finished my star wars book... >.<;; but i kept reading it as they posted and i couldnt keep myself from wanting more, you guys have truely out done yourselves... this was a GREAT RP ^^ i was entertained.... and it didnt even envolve lightsabers, blasters, Twileks or blood!

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VDoP 4/22 - Complete Empty
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VDoP 4/22 - Complete
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» Broken, Beat, and Alone... (3/20/10) (Draft, will complete when card comes out)
» Need a high level player to ake S2 stable complete.
» Jack Makes a statement (7/8/09) - Complete (LONG)

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