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 He has the Answer RP for 3/3

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3 posters
XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 1341
Age : 44
Location : Palmerston North, New Zealand
Registration date : 2008-04-22

He has the Answer RP for 3/3 Empty
PostSubject: He has the Answer RP for 3/3   He has the Answer RP for 3/3 Empty3/1/2009, 3:27 am

David Hood: "What a night we have been having so far."
Matt Scott: "That’s right David. And who knows what will happen next."
David Hood: "It’s hard to say what..."
~David is interrupted by the sound of “Time And Time Again” by Papa Roach blasting through the Arena. Justin Alsop walks out from backstage and heads to the ring. He is wearing White Dress-pants, White Hand Crafted Leather Shoes and a T-shirt that says “The New-age Kiwi Icon” on it. Some fans chant something at him but Justin ignores them. He climbs into the ring and pulls out a mic from his pants pocket. He goes to speak~
Justin Alsop: "Allow me to apologize to each and everyone of you. I can’t understand a single word any of you say."
~The Crowd starts to boo~
Justin Alsop: "But I will tolerate it for now. Only because I have something to say and I don’t really care if you don’t understand what I say."
~The Crowd is still booing as Justin smiles~
Justin Alsop: "Jeremy, Jeremy, Jeremy."
~There is a mixed reaction from the crowd~
Justin Alsop: "Jeremy. Is he a member of BANE? Has he betrayed everyone who believed in him? What has he done? It’s the question every one wants answered and right now I have the answer."
~The Crowd fall silent~
Justin Alsop: "He always wanted power. He wanted to be a champion. He failed twice on this very show, Became a Heavyweight Champion in some 'going nowhere' company. He was then fired, and promptly rehired by Darth Clay who had been trying to get him to return for a little while. His first PPV back he becomes the Aggression Champion."
~The Crowd let out a little cheer~
Justin Alsop: "Funny how this all coincided with BANE’s appearance. It just may be me but I think Jeremy has sold each and every one of you out. And he doesn’t care."
~Justin starts laughing but the laughter quickly stops when he hears a fan mention Felipe Gonzalez~
Justin Alsop: "Excuse me? The only part I heard there was that I did exactly the same with Felipe Gonzalez. Let me say that Felipe and Justin are two different people. Felipe was dimwitted and I am clever. I have not betrayed anyone. Not even Jeremy. But as for Jesse Blue. Now he betrayed me. And he will pay. But more on that at XFA. As for now."
~The Crowd is booing Justin~
Justin Alsop: "Oh you inbreeds be quiet. I’m just getting warmed up."
~The Crowd have now started to verbally abuse Justin who is standing in the ring with a smirk on his face~
Justin Alsop: "You know I don’t understand a single thing you inbreeds are saying. So just be quiet."
~Justin stands in the ring laughing at the fans who are completely out of control~
David Hood: "I wish someone would come down to the ring and shut him up."
Matt Scott: "You know something. For once I agree with Reggie. It’s good not to see Felipe any more."
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 1356
Registration date : 2008-05-01

He has the Answer RP for 3/3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: He has the Answer RP for 3/3   He has the Answer RP for 3/3 Empty3/1/2009, 11:18 pm

~The lights go completely dark red, white, and blue alternating spotlights are seen leading down to the ring with a red spotlight stopping directly where Justin Alsop is standing in the ring...~
David Hood: "It's about to get crunk in here now!"
Matt Scott: *turning to look at him* "Seriously? Crunk?" *he shakes his head* "Wow."
David Hood: "What? All the youngsters are saying it these days!"
Matt Scott: "That is sooo 2005, get with the program David."

~The crowd lets out an uproarious cheer as Jade, Kristen, and Teresa walk up the rampway to the center stage from the back. Jade stands in the white spotlight with her back to the crowd and Justin with a "XFW" Microphone clearly shown in her back left pocket. Kristen goes to the right side, and Teresa goes to the left side as they continue to pump up the crowd. Jade is wearing her signature go-go boots with a 3-inch chunk gun heel, Lucky Brand low rise Jeans, a red, white and blue "Pi Beta Phi" baby tee, her trademark 2003 Pink Triton Beanie, and her D&G Aviator Sunglasses. Still looking to the back, she motions for the music to cut off as chants of "Pi Beta Phi" are heard throughout the arena. She then takes the microphone from her pocket and holds it to her lips as the crowd continues to chant...~
Jade: "Justin....Alsop." *the crowd boos at his name as in the ring he closes his eyes and enjoys the boos* " Who the [censored] do you think you are? Coming into MY house and trying to start some junk?"
Justin Alsop: "Listen here..."
Jade: *screaming into the microphone* "I'M NOT FINISHED!!" *she then twirls around as the crowd cheers her* "You think you can come into the House of Jade and speak your mind? A mind that has the Intelligence Quotient of a doornail? You think you can just come in here, and tell the fans to shut up? Well, guess what, I'm telling YOU to shut up and listen! Schools in session and you better listen up good."
~She starts to walk towards the ring...~
Jade: "I don't think you fully understand what you are saying. You are talking smack about Jeremy. Now after the last XFA show, I am confused, but will not jump to conclusions. I will allow Jeremy ample time to explain himself, and if he is indeed involved with those jackasses who call themselves BANE and hide behind masks, then I'm sorry to say, Jeremy will become my enemy. But that is another time. This is your time Justin. Who gave you permission to be here?"
Justin Alsop: "L..."
Jade: "Rhetorical question idiot! If the name isn't Jade, then you shouldn't be here. So I am going to do you a favor, and NOT kick your ass for insulting the fans here tonight, and will give you the opportunity to walk out of here with your tail set firmly between your legs, and you are to never come back. The alternative, well if you want to go that route, I'm sure the fans would enjoy seeing you quieted down, even if it's a physical way to do it."
~She then takes the microphone from her lips waiting for his response...~
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 1341
Age : 44
Location : Palmerston North, New Zealand
Registration date : 2008-04-22

He has the Answer RP for 3/3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: He has the Answer RP for 3/3   He has the Answer RP for 3/3 Empty3/1/2009, 11:41 pm

~Justin looks like he is about to burst a vein when he suddenly realizes who is in front of him and calms down. He begins to grin and raise the mic to his mouth~
Justin: "Jade, Jade, Jade. How's the neck? No wait don't answer that. It still not heeled properly isn't it? You have probably known Jeremy a while now. You've seen his ups and his downs, his mistakes and his glory and even the time he joined the Rebels. You probably think very highly of him but you did exactly the same thing that Jeremy did and that is why you ended up the way you did."
~Justin starts to laugh as the crowd start throwing empty bottles at him~
Justin: "And I bet you did not even say bye when you buried your demon."
~Justin gets his trademark smirk on his face as he waits for Jade's response~
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 1356
Registration date : 2008-05-01

He has the Answer RP for 3/3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: He has the Answer RP for 3/3   He has the Answer RP for 3/3 Empty3/2/2009, 12:21 am

~Jade then walks down the rampway fully. She climbs up the steel steps as Teresa and Kristen walk around the ring. Jade then walks along the ring apron before entering between the bottom rope and the 2nd rope. She walks around the ring never taking her gauze off of Justin. She kicks a few bottles out of the ring before leaning back into one of the turnbuckles and rises the microphone to her lips...~
Jade: "Oh Justin, you say I think highly of Jeremy? No, I just have a mutual respect for what he has done in the past. His determination in and out of the ring. Now it's true, I did let my guard down, but I also learned from my mistake. You talk about demons, but what do you know of them? Or mine for that matter?" *she chuckles a little* "You think I buried my demon? No Justin. She is inside me still. This is how I learned from my mistake, I don't get rid of my demon, I use it to empower me for the future. Yes, my alter ego was a little sadistic, and uncontrollable, but that was the extreme version of me. I have found a balance in between. I am not out here to look for a fight with you because let's face it, you don't have the ring experience to compete with me."
~She then gets out of the corner and walks right up to Justin. She looks at the crowd as they start to chant various things as she stands toe to toe with Justin...~
Jade: "I'd be more than willing to have my demon come out and play with you if you'd like." *she has a sly smile on her face now* "But I'm not sure if little Justin wants that." *she gets even closer to him* "What do you know about pain? what do you know about agony? What's the real reason you are so intent on destroying Jeremy's accomplishments here? Is it because you weren't breast-fed as a child and he was? Was it because you are, *she looks down* lacking, *looks back into his eyes* in other areas? Or is it just because you won't amount to anything here, so you just look for a big target to take shots at because your wrestling ability is as sucky as your trash-talking? Take your pick."
~She then takes the microphone from her lips and backs up into the turnbuckle corner as the crowd starts up another "Pi Beta Phi" chant...~
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 1341
Age : 44
Location : Palmerston North, New Zealand
Registration date : 2008-04-22

He has the Answer RP for 3/3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: He has the Answer RP for 3/3   He has the Answer RP for 3/3 Empty3/2/2009, 12:33 am

~Justin's trademark smirk has disappeared and replaced with a look of anger. He steps up to Jade who is still in the turnbuckle corner~
Justin: "What do I know about pain and agony? How to cause it. I don't need to destroy any of Jeremy's accomplishments as he hasn't got any just......like......you!"
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 1356
Registration date : 2008-05-01

He has the Answer RP for 3/3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: He has the Answer RP for 3/3   He has the Answer RP for 3/3 Empty3/2/2009, 1:07 am

~Jade immediately jumps out of the corner and goes right up to Justin. She doesn't raise the microphone to her lips, but instead says something into Justin's ear. After she whispers into his ear, she stands back in front of him with a sly smirk on her face, as Justin is visibly angry from her comment. She then turns her head to the crowd and tries to pump them up before turning around back to Justin...~
~Justin winds the hand back, and slaps Jade right across her face as she turns executing a powerful Slap sending her trademark Sunglasses flying out of the ring!!!~
~Jade then looks at the ground as Teresa and Kristen slide in the ring behind Justin with wooden Sorority Paddles that they got from under the ring as the crowd starts to go insane. Jade takes a step back as Justin looks confused...~
~Kristen and Teresa bring back the paddles and simultaneously crack both paddles into Justin's head executing a devastating Double Sorority Paddle Bash!!!!~
~Justin then drops to his knees from the hit dazed and confused as Jade sizes him up by making him stand back up....~
~Jade kicks Justin Alsop in the groin, she then puts Justin Alsop's head in between her thighs and looks at the crowd; she then plays the air guitar and runs to the ropes, bounces off, double under hooks Justin Alsop's arms as the crowd starts to go insane does a forward momentum front flip while still holding Justin Alsop flipping them over and slams Justin Alsop's open face into the mat; she then rolls Justin Alsop onto their back, and starts to unload punches into their face until security rushes the ring and pulls her off executing MORTAL Inhuman Rampage!!~
~Inaudible words are heard coming from Jade, Kristen, and Teresa as Security takes them out of the ring as the crowd chants "Let them Go!". They continue causing a scene as the camera zooms in on Justin. He holds his lip as blood trickles from it and has his sly trademark smile that shows up on the X-tron before the scene fades out to a commercial as XFW staff tries to get the situation under control...~
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"The Natural"
XFE Hall of Famer
He has the Answer RP for 3/3 65-65

Number of posts : 684
Age : 53
Location : West Palm Beach Florida
Registration date : 2008-11-02

He has the Answer RP for 3/3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: He has the Answer RP for 3/3   He has the Answer RP for 3/3 Empty3/2/2009, 4:15 am

Edited for color

David Hood: "What a night we have been having so far."
Matt Scott: "That’s right David. And who knows what will happen next."
David Hood: "It’s hard to say what..."

~David is interrupted by the sound of “Time And Time Again” by Papa Roach blasting through the Arena. Justin Alsop walks out from backstage and heads to the ring. He is wearing White Dress-pants, White Hand Crafted Leather Shoes and a T-shirt that says “The New-age Kiwi Icon” on it. Some fans chant something at him but Justin ignores them. He climbs into the ring and pulls out a mic from his pants pocket. He goes to speak~
Justin Alsop: "Allow me to apologize to each and everyone of you. I can’t understand a single word any of you say."
~The Crowd starts to boo~
Justin Alsop: "But I will tolerate it for now. Only because I have something to say and I don’t really care if you don’t understand what I say."
~The Crowd is still booing as Justin smiles~
Justin Alsop: "Jeremy, Jeremy, Jeremy."
~There is a mixed reaction from the crowd~
Justin Alsop: "Jeremy. Is he a member of BANE? Has he betrayed everyone who believed in him? What has he done? It’s the question every one wants answered and right now I have the answer."
~The Crowd fall silent~
Justin Alsop: "He always wanted power. He wanted to be a champion. He failed twice on this very show, Became a Heavyweight Champion in some 'going nowhere' company. He was then fired, and promptly rehired by Darth Clay who had been trying to get him to return for a little while. His first PPV back he becomes the Aggression Champion."
~The Crowd lets out a little cheer~
Justin Alsop: "Funny how this all coincided with BANE’s appearance. It just may be me but I think Jeremy has sold each and every one of you out. And he doesn’t care."
~Justin starts laughing but the laughter quickly stops when he hears a fan mention Felipe Gonzalez~
Justin Alsop: "Excuse me? The only part I heard there was that I did exactly the same with Felipe Gonzalez. Let me say that Felipe and Justin are two different people. Felipe was dimwitted and I am clever. I have not betrayed anyone. Not even Jeremy. But as for Jesse Blue. Now, he betrayed me. And he will pay. But more on that at XFA. As for now."
~The Crowd is booing Justin~
Justin Alsop: "Oh you inbreeds be quiet. I’m just getting warmed up."
~The Crowd have now started to verbally abuse Justin who is standing in the ring with a smirk on his face~
Justin Alsop: "You know I don’t understand a single thing you inbreeds are saying. So just be quiet."
~Justin stands in the ring laughing at the fans who are completely out of control~
David Hood: "I wish someone would come down to the ring and shut him up."
Matt Scott: "You know something. For once I agree with Reggie. It’s good not to see Felipe any more."
~The lights go completely dark red, white, and blue alternating spotlights are seen leading down to the ring with a red spotlight stopping directly where Justin Alsop is standing in the ring...~

David Hood: " It's about to get crunk in here now!"

Matt Scott: " (turning to look at him) Seriously? Crunk? (he shakes his head) Wow."

David Hood: " What? All the youngsters are saying it these days!"

Matt Scott: " That is sooo 2005, get with the program David."

~The crowd lets out an uproarous cheer as Jade, Kristen, and Teresa walk up the rampway to the centerstage from the back. Jade stands in the white spotlight with her back to the crowd and Justin with a "XFW" Microphone clearly shown in her back left pocket. Kristen goes to the right side, and Teresa goes to the left side as they continue to pump up the crowd. Jade is wearing her signature go-go boots with a 3-inch chunk gun heel, Lucky Brand low rise Jeans, a red, white and blue "Pi Beta Phi" baby tee, her trademark 2003 Pink Triton Beanie, and her D&G Aviator Sunglasses. Still looking to the back, she motions for the music to cut off as chants of "Pi Beta Phi" are heard throughout the arena. She then takes the microphone from her pocket and holds it to her lips as the crowd continues to chant...~

Jade: " Justin....Alsop. (the crowd boos at his name as in the ring he closes his eyes and enjoys the boos) Who the [censored] do you think you are? Coming into MY house and trying to start some junk?"

Justin Alsop: " Listen here..."

Jade: " (screaming into the microphone) I'M NOT FINISHED!! (she then twirls around as the crowd cheers her) You think you can come into the House of Jade and speak your mind? A mind that has the Intelligence Quotient of a doornail? You think you can just come in here, and tell the fans to shut up? Well, guess what, I'm telling YOU to shut up and listen! Schools in session and you better listen up good."

~She starts to walk towards the ring...~

Jade: " I don't think you fully understand what you are saying. You are talking smack about Jeremy. Now after the last XFA show, I am confused, but will not jump to conclusions. I will allow Jeremy ample time to explain himself, and if he is indeed involved with those jackasses who call themselves BANE and hide behind masks, then I'm sorry to say, Jeremy will become my enemy. But that is another time. This is your time Justin. Who gave you permission to be here?"

Justin Alsop: " L..."

Jade: " Rhetorical question idiot! If the name isn't Jade, then you shouldn't be here. So I am going to do you a favor, and NOT kick your ass for insulting the fans here tonight, and will give you the opportunity to walk out of here with your tail set firmly between your legs, and you are to never come back. The alternative, well if you want to go that route, I'm sure the fans would enjoy seeing you quieted down, even if it's a physical way to do it."

~She then takes the microphone from her lips waiting for his response...~

~Justin looks like he is about to burst a vein when he suddenly realizes who is in front of him and calms down. He begins to grin and raise the mic to his mouth.~

Justin: "Jade, Jade, Jade. How's the neck? No wait don't answer that. It still not heeled properly isn't it? You have probably known Jeremy a while now. You've seen his ups and his downs, his mistakes and his glory and even the time he joined the Rebels. You probably think very highly of him but you did exactly the same thing that Jeremy did and that is why you ended up the way you did."

~Justin starts to laugh as the crowd start throwing empty bottles at him.~

Justin: "And i bet you did not even say bye when you buried your demon."

~Justin gets his trademark smirk on his face as he waits for Jade's response~

~Jade then walks down the rampway fully. She climbs up the steel steps as Teresa and Kristen walk around the ring. Jade then walks along the ring apron before entering between the bottom rope and the 2nd rope. She walks around the ring never taking her gaze off of Justin. She kicks a few bottles out of the ring before leaning back into one of the turnbuckles and rises the microphone to her lips...~

Jade: " Oh Justin, you say I think highly of Jeremy? No, I just have a mutual respect for what he has done in the past. His determination in and out of the ring. Now it's true, I did let my guard down, but I also learned from my mistake. You talk about demons, but what do you know of them? Or mine for that matter? (she chuckles a little) You think I buried my demon? No Justin. She is inside me still. This is how I learned from my mistake, I don't get rid of my demon, I use it to empower me for the future. Yes, my alter ego was a little sadistic, and uncontrollable, but that was the extreme version of me. I have found a balance in between. I am not out here to look for a fight with you because let's face it, you don't have the ring experience to compete with me."

~She then gets out of the corner and walks right up to Justin. She looks at the crowd as they start to chant various things as she stands toe to toe with Justin...~

Jade: " I'd be more than willing to have my demon come out and play with you if you'd like (she has a sly smile on her face now). But i'm not sure if wittle Justin wants that. (she gets even closer to him) What do you know about pain? what do you know about agony? What's the real reason you are so intent on destorying Jeremy's accomplishments here? Is it because you weren't breast-fed as a child and he was? Was it because you are (she looks down) lacking (looks back into his eyes) in other areas? Or is it just because you won't amount to anything here, so you just look for a big target to take shots at because your wrestling ability is as sucky as your trash-talking? Take your pick."

~She then takes the microphone from her lips and backs up into the turnbuckle corner as the crowd starts up another "Pi Beta Phi" chant...~

~Justin's trademark smirk has disappeared and replaced with a look of anger. He steps up to Jade who is still in the turnbuckle corner.~

Justin: "What do i know about pain and agony? How to cause it. I don't need to destroy any of Jeremy's accomplishments as he hasn't got any just...... like......you!"

~Jade immediately jumps out of the corner and goes right up to Justin. She doesn't raise the microphone to her lips, but instead says something into Justin's ear. After she whispers into his ear, she stands back in front of him with a sly smirk on her face, as Justin is visibly angry from her comment. She then turns her head to the crowd and tries to pump them up before turning around back to Justin...~

Justin winds the hand back, and slaps Jade right across her face as she turns executing a powerful Slap sending her trademark Sunglasses flying out of the ring !!!

~Jade then looks at the ground as Teresa and Kristen slide in the ring behind Justin with wooden Sorority Paddles that they got from under the ring as the crowd starts to go insane. Jade takes a step back as Justin looks confused...~

Kristen and Teresa bring back the paddles and simultaneously crack both paddles into Justin's head executing a devastating Double Sorority Paddle Bash !!!!

~Justin then drops to his knees from the hit dazed and confused as Jade sizes him up by making him stand back up....~

Jade kicks Justin Alsop in the groin, she then puts Justin Alsop's head in between her thighs and looks at the crowd; she then plays the air guitar and runs to the ropes, bounces off, double underhooks Justin Alsop's arms as the crowd starts to go insane does a forward momentum front flip while still holding Justin Alsop flipping them over and slams Justin Alsop's open face into the mat; she then rolls Justin Alsop onto their back, and starts to unload punches into their face until security rushes the ring and pulls her off executing MORTAL Inhuman Rampage!!

~Inaudible words are heard coming from Jade, Kristen, and Teresa as Security takes them out of the ring as the crowd chants "Let them Go!". They continue causing a scene as the camera zooms in on Justin. He holds his lip as blood trickles from it and has his sly trademark smile that shows up on the X-tron before the scene fades out to a commercial as XFW staff tries to get the situation under control...~
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He has the Answer RP for 3/3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: He has the Answer RP for 3/3   He has the Answer RP for 3/3 Empty

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He has the Answer RP for 3/3
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