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 Special Edition of Vulgar Display of Power

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Number of posts : 1152
Age : 49
Location : Unreality
Registration date : 2008-06-27

Special Edition of Vulgar Display of Power Empty
PostSubject: Special Edition of Vulgar Display of Power   Special Edition of Vulgar Display of Power Empty8/20/2008, 7:09 pm

** The ring is set up with a red velvet sectional sofa, red and black rug and a microphone stand. The lights dim and four spotlights encircle the setup.

Brandon: Well, Reggie, there seems to be something set up in the ring.

Reggie: Looks like Magic Johnson's old talk show set.

Brandon: Please, Reggie! I just ate!

**The ring bell sounds out three times in slow succession.

Emmanuelle: Ladies and Gentlemen. Welcome to a special edition of...

Vulgar Display of Power!

** From the PA system: "Okay! I'm going to attempt to drown myself! You can try this at home! You can be just like me!" As "Role Model" by Eminem starts to play, the crowd explodes in cheers!

Emmanuelle: Making his way toward the ring, from Fort Wayne, Indiana... Jack Power!

** A single spotlight outlines the top of the entrance ramp. Jack Power appears from backstage dressed in full black suit, fingerless gloves, and dark Ray-Bans. He gets a huge pop from his hometown crowd as he walks toward the ring, the spotlight following him all the way. He steps between the ropes and grabs the microphone.

Brandon: I guess this is one of the perks of being Sentinel's personal assassin.

Reggie: Come on, Brandon. This looks like it's going to be fun!

Brandon: Well, let's see what Jack wants to talk about.

Jack: Helloooooo, Fort Wayne!!!

**The crowd screams in adoration!

Reggie: They love their hometown boy.

Jack: Welcome to Vulgar Display of Power! This is my occasional public affairs program where I discuss the goings on of X-Force Wrestling with the movers and shakers of X-Force Wrestling. And I pull no punches! I get right to the... meat... of the matter. (pauses for a second) That line will be funny in a few minutes.

Brandon: What is he talking about?

Jack: Now, on to business. As you know, this past Wednesday night on the flagship show, someone learned a very valuable lesson. The lesson? "Don't cross the boss." And the person... Jade.

**The crowd cheers at Jade's name, then boos at Jack.

Jack: Hey, we all have our jobs to do. Mine just happens to be kicking asses.

Reggie: That's true.

Jack: Now, I was going to invite Jade to a live interview here... but she doesn't have medical clearance yet. So, I put one together... I mean, of course, I put an interview together with Jade and taped it. (Jack sits on the sofa) Let's watch, shall we?

**The lights go dim, and the 'Tron lights up. Jack is sitting in a chair. in a gray room.

Jack: Jade, I'm glad you could sit down and talk with me today.

Jade:: Thank you for having me, ..(edited in)Jack.

Jack: Now, Jade. You suffered a tremendous beating this past Wednesday, and you're able to face the guy that gave it to you? What do you say about that?

Jade: What can I say? I (sound mixed) like it rough.

Jack: Now, Jade. This is a serious, hard-hitting wrestling interview, not one of your gossip shows. Why do you want to talk about your personal life?

Jade: I can't help it. (sound mixed) I'm just a girl who likes it rough.

Jack: I see. Well, since you're going there, tell me about your first boyfriend.

Jade: Well, (acts coy) when I was sixteen, I (sound mixed) got it on (different sample(Peanut Butter Jelly Time, to be exact)) with a baseball bat!

**Jack blinks

Jack: Really? Is that the same baseball bat that I see you hit opponents with occasionally?

Jade: (Laughing) No, of course not! (sound mixed) I keep that one hanging on a wall in my office.

**Jack smiles and shakes his head

Jack: You never forget your first. Now Jade, I know that you've got something on your chest that you've been wanting to tell everyone. Let's hear it.

Jade: (same sample as previously) Well, (acts coy), (sound mixed) I have man parts.

**Jack does a double take.

Jack: Do you, now? Now were you born with these... parts, or did they develop from your constant use of steroids?

Jade: I can neither confirm or deny that.

Jack: Well, (pulls out a specimen bottle from behind his chair) I think we can clear this up right now. If you'll just fill this up...

**The camera cuts to behind "Jade"'s chair. An obvious man in a skirt is in the chair. S/he stands up and begins to pull the skirt down... Jack puts up his hand

Jack: You know what, never mind. Some things are better left a mystery. Anyway, that's our time. I want to thank you for coming here, Jade.

Jade: Always a pleasure (edited) Jack, you stud!

Jack: I have a rule: No socializing with the mark. (Looks at camera) Good bye, everyone!

**The lights come back up, and we see Jack with a huge grin on his face.

Jack (to crowd): Well, that sure was an eye-opener, wasn't it? I mean, who knew that Jade was so... full of surprises?

Brandon: I can't believe it! He cut up an interview Jade gave to a TV show last week and made her sound like a... a....

**Reggie starts laughing uncontrollably

Brandon: What the hell is so funny?!

Reggie: "Right to the meat of the matter!" My God, that's funny!

Brandon: Will you shut up!?

Jack: Well, Fort Wayne, I'm glad we had this time to share our feelings... and laugh at someone who deserves it. Now, before I go, I...

((This is where any shenanigans will go))

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Special Edition of Vulgar Display of Power Empty
PostSubject: Re: Special Edition of Vulgar Display of Power   Special Edition of Vulgar Display of Power Empty8/23/2008, 5:30 pm

nice RP ^_^ i read this one twice bounce bounce

hmmm... the king of heel not supposed to be nice to anyone... but i do like this one bounce bounce bounce
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Special Edition of Vulgar Display of Power
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