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 1/21/09 Vulgar Dusplay of Power (updated)

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Number of posts : 1152
Age : 49
Location : Unreality
Registration date : 2008-06-27

1/21/09 Vulgar Dusplay of Power (updated) Empty
PostSubject: 1/21/09 Vulgar Dusplay of Power (updated)   1/21/09 Vulgar Dusplay of Power (updated) Empty1/3/2009, 4:48 am

~In the ring is an interview set up: a red velvet sectional couch, a wood table in the center of the ring, and a red plush carpet beneath it all. The ring bell tolls loudly three times, then fades to silence~
Erica Durance: "Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to another installment of...

Vulgar Display of Power!!!
(( Enter entrance video here (no music because YouTube is the biggest fairy tale I've ever seen) ))
~"Crazy" by Gnarls Barkley begins to play over the PA. Jack Power, in a jet-black business suit, black fingerless gloves, and dark Ray-Bans, walks down the red-carpeted entrance ramp to the ring~
Erica Durance: "Making his way to the ring, here is the Lord of Mayhem: Jack Power!"
David: "Here he comes: The newly-crowned Lord of Mayhem, Jack Power! I'm very interested in what he's going to say."
Matt: "Well, after the huge turn of events at Chaos 'n' Mayhem, I'm sure he has a lot to say."
David: "Don't forget the way he's been treated all of last season, Matt. I'm sure he'll be unloading quite a bit on the General Manager here tonight."
~Jack Power climbs into the ring. Four spotlights center on him in the middle of the ring and the lights in the arena dim. Jack takes the microphone from the table and brings it to his mouth. Before he's able to say anything, the crowd chants: "Lord of Mayhem! *clap-clap-clapclapclap* Lord of Mayhem! *clap-clap-clapclapclap*" Jack smiles and starts to speak~
Jack: "Welcome, once again, to *The crowd yells along with him* Vulgar Display of Power! *Cheers* Yes, yes. This, as you all know, obviously, is my semi-occasional public-affairs program, dedicated to discussing the comings and goings, the movers and shakers here in XFW... E... U... whatever. I don't have a guest for this episode... not a planned guest anyway... so I wanted to take the time to talk about what has been happening with me... and to me... over the past few weeks. But, before I do, I must take a moment to acknowledge a tragedy here in XFW. At Chaos 'n' Mayhem, Jade...
~The crowd cheers and starts chanting Jade's name~
Jack: "Yeah, yeah! Let her hear you!!"
~The crowd chants louder as Jack claps to encourage them~
Matt: "What a touching, spontaneous tribute to a true Superstar!"
David: "Let's not forget, Matt, what Jade... or Jada... did to Jack not too long ago!"
Matt: "I don't think anyone will forget that, David, but look at Jack leading the chant for Jade, his one-time rival!"
Jack: "Okay, okay. I'm sure she appreciates the sentiment, but it's only a two-hour show. Now, as you all know, at Chaos 'n' Mayhem, Jade was brutally attacked and rendered comatose *crowd begins to boo* by someone who, quite frankly, isn't fit to lace Jade's boots! *crowd cheers* And now I'm to understand that she has found her way here to XFW. *Crowd boos, louder* Now, I'm going to address this directly to you, Faith: You may think that moving up here was a reward for your actions, or even a bonus or a promotion. But, I can assure you, that coming here to XFW was the worst thing that could have happened to you. And my advice to you is this, and I say this with zero malice in my heart: watch your back. Because there are a lot of wrestlers in the locker room area here in XFW that like Jade. Even if they didn't like her style or her methods, they respected her as a superstar and a colleague. And, as such, a lot of them were... to put it mildly, rather upset about what happened to Jade. So, just watch yourself. I'm not sayin'... just sayin'."
David: "Jade did have a lot of friends in XFW."
Jack: "...and speaking of people with targets on their back, I now bring my full, undivided attention... *finds the active camera and looks right into it* to you, *snarling into the camera, mockingly* "Boss"! *The crowd boos loudly*
Matt: "This crowd is voicing their opinion about Sentinel's treatment of Jack."
David: "In no uncertain terms..."
Jack: "For those of you who haven't been paying attention, or have forgotten over the extended break, here's a clip of what happened to Sentinel at Chaos 'n' Mayhem. Roll the clip, Smokey!"
*The arena lights dim and a clip from Chaos 'n' Mayhen begins to play on the 'tron:*

Erica: "Here is your winner, and the First Ever Lord of Mayhem, Jack Power!"

~Jack Power stands tall in the ring. The Sentinel, applauding, climbs up in the ring with Jack. The Sentinel stands in front of Jack, extending his hand. Jack looks at it, then at him, smiles, and grabs it, pulling The Sentinel to him in a huge man-hug. The Sentinel raises Jack's hand in victory. He turns away for a second...
~Jack Power Pulls His Glove Back executing The Ph33r The Glove~

~Jack Power kneels behind The Sentinel from behind
and hits him between the legs with his arm, executing a devastating Patented Jack Power Forearm to the Groin (TM)!!!~
~As the low blow hits Sentinel, the scene slows down and "Hide and Seek" by Imogen Heap begins to play:

~Mmmm whatcha say,
Mmm that you only meant well?
well of course you did
Mmmm whatcha say,
Mmmm that it's all for the best?
Of course it is

~ Clip resumes speed:
~Jack Power
from out of nowhere grabs The Sentinel's head over his shoulder, starts to pull him down,
and suddenly the world slows to bullet time. The camera pans 360 degrees
around Jack Power and The Sentinel seemingly frozen in midair...

~ As the world slows to bullet time, the song picks up where it left off:

~Mmmm whatcha say?
Mmmm that it's just what we need
you decided this
whatcha say?
Mmmm what did she say?

~ Then, just as suddenly, time restarts, and Jack pulls The Sentinel face-first to the mat executing a LEGENDARY The Jack!!~

~The crowd cheers as the lights come back up. Jack is seen, deep in thought, a smirk barely visible on his lips

Jack: "Yeah, that's pretty much how it went down."

David: "Leave it to Jack to exploit an overused internet meme to make his point."

Matt: "*snif* I liked the O.C."

Jack: "Now, before I give Sentinel the drubbing he so richly deserves, let me give all of you some background, in case you missed it, *Jack sighs deeply* A couple months ago... a bad thing happened to me."
Matt: "That has to be the understatement of the year!"
Jack: "And while it didn't actually cause me any mental trauma, *the crowd murmurs* I did achieve some unique insights into the world around me. More on that later if we have time. I was sorting things out in my head, and as a result, I had achieved a almost complete disconnect with the world around me. Physically, I was fine, but mentally, I was off into the mystic."
David: "I... I don't think he's quite healed mentally."
Matt: "What is he talking about?!"
Jack: "But while my mind was gone, this miserable, putrid, inhuman excuse for a General Manager decided that I should go out and wrestle in his little show, my mental condition be damned, just to put a few more zeroes on his bank account. His disregard for the well-being of his superstars has been laid bare before you all, so I won't belabor that point. Ironically, it was this indentured servitude, this inhumanity to man that I personally experienced that drew me back to this reality, if only in hatred. So thanks, "Boss"; your apathy and greed have served me well. Now comes payback. *crowd cheers* You see, I..."
(( Sentinel enters here to loud boos. Your dice, Boss ))

Last edited by JPower on 1/16/2009, 9:00 am; edited 10 times in total (Reason for editing : Thought of something cool - updated timeframe for the break)
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Creator of X-Force Entertainment

Number of posts : 3440
Age : 37
Location : Missouri, USA
Registration date : 2008-04-19

1/21/09 Vulgar Dusplay of Power (updated) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1/21/09 Vulgar Dusplay of Power (updated)   1/21/09 Vulgar Dusplay of Power (updated) Empty1/3/2009, 12:34 pm

"Man in a box" by Alice in Chains plays throughout the arena as The Sentinel walks out onto the stage, mic in hand.
The Sentinel: "Jack...Jack...Jack...Jack...Can't you see I did you a favor?"
The Sentinel: "I mean, I could have left you wandering the streets not knowing where you were or who you were, probably ending up like a street bum. But no, I used every resource to find you, bring you back to me, and gave you the best damn medical treatment money can buy. And this is how you repay me, by turning your back on me?"
((Your turn jack)
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Number of posts : 1152
Age : 49
Location : Unreality
Registration date : 2008-06-27

1/21/09 Vulgar Dusplay of Power (updated) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1/21/09 Vulgar Dusplay of Power (updated)   1/21/09 Vulgar Dusplay of Power (updated) Empty1/3/2009, 4:36 pm

Jack: "You make it sound so nice. You used every resource to find me and bring me back to you... so you could treat me like a piece of meat, and gave me the "best damn medical treatment money can buy"... so you can ignore their recommendations and shove me into a fight that I may not have survived. And after all that, you have the... the gall to lecture me on what I did to you? What I did to YOU?!? You better choose you next words carefully, "Boss", because if you're looking for equity... I haven't even started yet!"
~The crowd erupts in cheers~
David: "Jack Power not moved by The Sentinel's words. In fact, they seemed to have made him angrier!"
Matt: "Better be careful, Jack. You don't want to cross the boss!"
(( Next ))
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Creator of X-Force Entertainment

Number of posts : 3440
Age : 37
Location : Missouri, USA
Registration date : 2008-04-19

1/21/09 Vulgar Dusplay of Power (updated) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1/21/09 Vulgar Dusplay of Power (updated)   1/21/09 Vulgar Dusplay of Power (updated) Empty1/3/2009, 5:06 pm

The Sentinel: "Listen and Listen Good, Jack. I'm the Boss and I call all the shots. This business is all about the money, and If I'm not making it, then we have a problem. These people..."
~Points to the fans that Boo him in return~
The Sentinel: "...paid good money to see you in that ring night after night. I was just running a proper business, if you want to blame anyone, blame those that cheer for you."
~The Crowd Chants "You Suck." at The Sentinel~
(( Your Up ))
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Number of posts : 1152
Age : 49
Location : Unreality
Registration date : 2008-06-27

1/21/09 Vulgar Dusplay of Power (updated) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1/21/09 Vulgar Dusplay of Power (updated)   1/21/09 Vulgar Dusplay of Power (updated) Empty1/3/2009, 6:14 pm

~Jack listens to the audience's chant and lifts his hands up, encouraging them to chant louder, which they do. After a few more seconds of chanting~
Jack: "I don't think I could have put it any better. Now, then, since you're here: I know that you're a busy man, and that you have an entire business to "run" *rolls his eyes*, so I wanted to make sure I was on your dance card for, say, three weeks from now, at the Pay Per View. I was thinking something along the lines of... an escape-proof steel cage *crowd cheers*, lots of fun toys inside to bust your head in with *louder cheers*, and... lessee... oh, yeah! Last Blood rules! *Hugs pop from the crowd* Now, what do I have to do to make this happen?"
Matt: "Do you think Sentinel is really going to lock himself in a steel cage with this guy?!"
David: "The crowd loves it, Matt! And if he's really doing it "for the fans" like he says, I think the fans would love to see this happen!"

(( You're up! ))
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Creator of X-Force Entertainment

Number of posts : 3440
Age : 37
Location : Missouri, USA
Registration date : 2008-04-19

1/21/09 Vulgar Dusplay of Power (updated) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1/21/09 Vulgar Dusplay of Power (updated)   1/21/09 Vulgar Dusplay of Power (updated) Empty1/3/2009, 6:52 pm

The Sentinel: "Let me get this straight. You expect me...an important business man with great looks...to willingly lock myself in a cell with you, surrounded by lethal weapons, all for the purpose of destroying each other until we knock each other out?"
David: "It does sound kind of stupid when he puts it that way."
The Sentinel: "You're on! If...you can beat your opponents over the next few weeks. And trust me when I say this...Your life will be surrounded by Mayhem!"
~The Sentinel takes his leave and heads to the back~

(( Your Turn ))
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Number of posts : 1152
Age : 49
Location : Unreality
Registration date : 2008-06-27

1/21/09 Vulgar Dusplay of Power (updated) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1/21/09 Vulgar Dusplay of Power (updated)   1/21/09 Vulgar Dusplay of Power (updated) Empty1/4/2009, 2:56 am

(( Before Sentinel leaves... ))

Jack: "Always a catch with you, eh, Boss? Always some fine print to help you weasel your way out. Okay. I'll run through your little gauntlet."
~The Sentinel grins and turns to walk away...~
Jack: "...but keep this in mind: When I started my campaign against Jade, I didn't like or dislike her. And you saw what I did to her. You know what I'm capable of, even against someone toward whom I had no anger. You on the other hand... (Jack grins wickedly) Just... keep that in mind, k? (Jack waves)"
~Sentinel looks at Jack uneasily, then turns and leaves the area~
Matt: "What exactly did Jack mean by that, David?"
David: "Well, we saw the mind games, the reign of terror that Jack unleashed on Jade earlier."
Matt: "And he says he didn't like or dislike her at that time?!"
David: "Right; he just wanted to manipulate her into a match. Granted, it was a hell of a match, and we all saw the end result!"
Matt: "Mmmmmm... Jada..... *sniff* I miss her already, David."
David: Well, we all miss Jade and wish her a speedy recovery."

(( End scene. ))
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Number of posts : 1152
Age : 49
Location : Unreality
Registration date : 2008-06-27

1/21/09 Vulgar Dusplay of Power (updated) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1/21/09 Vulgar Dusplay of Power (updated)   1/21/09 Vulgar Dusplay of Power (updated) Empty1/16/2009, 12:17 am

(( Updated. Hint: Two words - Dear Sister ))
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1/21/09 Vulgar Dusplay of Power (updated) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1/21/09 Vulgar Dusplay of Power (updated)   1/21/09 Vulgar Dusplay of Power (updated) Empty

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1/21/09 Vulgar Dusplay of Power (updated)
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