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 Vulgar Display of Power... (First XFW of new season, WIP)

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Vulgar Display of Power... (First XFW of new season, WIP) Empty
PostSubject: Vulgar Display of Power... (First XFW of new season, WIP)   Vulgar Display of Power... (First XFW of new season, WIP) Empty2/16/2012, 12:32 am

~The ring is set up with a red carpet covering the mat, with a red leather sectional sofa along one corner, and a long wooden coffee table at one end~
David Hood: "It's been a while since we had one of these!"
Matt Scott: "Yeah, I've been waiting for this with all the anticipation of getting my prostate checked."
David Hood: "Knock it off, Matt!"
XFW Ring Announcer Jill Wagner: "Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to another episode of Vulgar Displays of Power!"

~Monster Magnet's "Powertrip" plays over the PA system. Once the guitar and drums kick in, a blast of black and white pyro explodes at the entrance ramp, and as the sparks fade, Jack Power rises up from an unseen hole in the top of the ramp, dressed in a sharp suit, sunglasses, and fingerless black gloves. His hair is cropped neatly and slicked back, and his face is clean shaven~
David Hood: "Another new look for Jack. Hopefully he's stabilized his appearance now, because he's gone through a lot of looks in his career here."
Matt Scott: "Trust me, David Hood: There is no definition of the word "stable" that could EVER fit Jack Power!"
~Once the first chorus hits, Jack confidently struts down the entrance ramp to the ring. He jumps onto the apron, then slingshots himself onto the top rope, balancing in the middle of the ropes, before nonchalantly stepping down into the ring setup. Once again, his voice carries through the arena without a mic~
Jack Power: "Let's get down to business. You may recall at last season's Pay Per View, Chaos 'n' Mayhem, I was scheduled to have a match."
~The crowd immediately rains down boos upon the arena. The boos continue for about a minute~
David Hood: "The fans not happy with what happened at Chaos 'n Mayhem, Matt!"
Matt Scott: "I don't like thinking about it. There was more than enough crazy to go around in that one."
~Jack waves the boos off before continuing~
Jack Power: "Yeah, I was scheduled to have a Chaos vs. Mayhem match against Pauk-O that night. Well, that didn't happen, because...well, let's see what happened instead.."
~The lights dim and the X-Tron begins to play a recap from Chaos 'n' Mayhem~
Jack Power lifts Pauk-O up onto his shoulders in a powerbomb position
and slams him on the mat, back first, performing a Extraordinary Reality Crashes Down !!
Jack Power grabs a chair from the floor
and hits Pauk-O on his arm executing a Fantastic chair shot!!
[Special Initiative activated for Pauk-O]
Jack Power stalks his opponent, waiting for him to get up
and charges towards his opponent, nailing his shoulder right in Pauk-O's stomach, tackling him, and tossing him down on the mat performing a Extreme Spear!!
Jack Power tries a pinning maneuver
Stan Norton starts counting...
Pauk-O kicks out
~Suddenly the lights in the arena go out. All that can be seen are the flash bulbs from cameras~
David Hood: "After all that craziness now we have this to deal with?"
Matt Scott: "This is not good!"
~The lights come on around the X-Tron as words appear on the tron~
Dark Voice/Words on Tron: "The time has come for Justice to return to XFE!"
~A feint whistling noise can be heard~
Dark Voice/Words on Tron: "Anarchy!"
~The letters shuffle around the Tron and then the A moves to the top third~
Dark Voice/Words on Tron: "Rebellion!"
~The letters shuffle around the Tron and then the R moves to the top third leaving the rest for more words to pop up~
Dark Voice/Words on Tron: "Greed!"
~The letters shuffle around the Tron and then the G moves to the top third leaving the rest for more words to pop up~
Dark Voice/Words on Tron: "Order!"
~The letters shuffle around the Tron and then the O moves to the top third. The letters all fall down to the middle of the tron spelling out "ARGO"!!!! Then the mask appears on the screen once again!~
David Hood: "OH MY GOD!!!"
~The whistling becomes louder now obviously the beginning of Argo's music but suddenly a large explosion on the entrance ramp cuts the music. The flames begin to fade as "Apocalypse Please" by Muse begins to play in the arena!~
Matt Scott: "It can't be?!"
~The lights come back on in the arena and Argo is standing in the middle of the ring wearing a full body almost spandex outfit that has red trim and is wearing the mask that has been shown all season over his face. He is holding his trademark 2x4 wrapped in Razorwire with the custom grip in his left hand and is standing right behind Pauk-O who is trying to get to his feet. Argo turns his head quickly and looks at Jack Power~
Argo: "LEAVE!"
~With that Argo thrusts his right hand towards Jack Power which sends him flying out of the ring. Argo then lifts the 2x4 over his head with both hands just as Pauk-O is about to get to his feet. Then suddenly the lights go out once more~
David Hood: "What in the world is going on here?"
~Seconds later the lights come back on and Pauk-O is standing in the ring by himself, but with Table wrapped in Razorwire now where Argo was standing. Pauk-O looks at the table and starts to walk towards it when the lights go out once again~
Matt Scott: "Okay this is crazy."
~Flames shoot up from the 4 corners of the ring and the lights come on once again this time Argo is standing right in front of Pauk-O, razorwire 2x4 in hand!~
Argo swings the 2x4 at Pauk-O's Head executing a MERCILESS 2x4 wrapped in Razorwire shot!
Argo swings the 2x4 at Pauk-O's Head executing a MERCILESS 2x4 wrapped in Razorwire shot!
Argo swings the 2x4 at Pauk-O's Chest executing a MERCILESS 2x4 wrapped in Razorwire shot!
Argo swings the 2x4 at Pauk-O's Back executing a MERCILESS 2x4 wrapped in Razorwire shot!
Argo swings the 2x4 at Pauk-O's Leg executing a MERCILESS 2x4 wrapped in Razorwire shot!
Argo swings the 2x4 at Pauk-O's Leg executing a MERCILESS 2x4 wrapped in Razorwire shot!
Argo swings the 2x4 at Pauk-O's Arm executing a MERCILESS 2x4 wrapped in Razorwire shot!
Argo swings the 2x4 at Pauk-O's Arm executing a MERCILESS 2x4 wrapped in Razorwire shot!
Argo swings the 2x4 at Pauk-O's Chest executing a MERCILESS 2x4 wrapped in Razorwire shot!
Argo swings the 2x4 at Pauk-O's Back executing a MERCILESS 2x4 wrapped in Razorwire shot!
Argo swings the 2x4 at Pauk-O's Head executing a MERCILESS 2x4 wrapped in Razorwire shot!
~After the onslaught Pauk-O is left in the middle of the ring with blood pouring out from his head, back, chest, legs and arms. Argo looks down at the fallen Pauk-O and finally puts down the Razorwire 2x4. Argo then turns and looks at the Table he lifts his right hand and snaps his finger as the mask glows blue around the eyes and suddenly lightning strikes down on the table and someone lights the Razorwire only on fire!~
Matt Scott: "What in the world is he going to do now?!"
Argo kicks Pauk-O in the gut hooks his arms in a pedigree like position then lifts Pauko into the air like powerbomb
then moves his hands to Pauk-O's throat he takes a few steps towards the table and drives Pauk-O through the Flaming Razorwire Covered Table with a combination of a powerbomb and a chokeslam executing VENGEFUL Argo Bomb OF JUSTICE!!!
Matt Scott: "OH MY GOD, HE'S DEAD!"
~Pauk-O is now now convulsing as the flames seem to be cauterizing his wounds as they form from the razorwire as he flops around in it. Argo walks over and picks up his 2x4 wrapped in Razorwire by the custom grip as the camera zooms in on him~
Argo: "IT IS DONE!"
~With that the lights in the arena go out again and as flames fire up from the 4 corners of the ring, the entrance ramp and from the X-Tron itself. The lights come back on and Argo is gone and the medical team is rushing down to the ring to help Pauk-O!~
David Hood: "What in the world did we just witness?"
Matt Scott: "Pauk-O seems to have brought a wrath down upon us the likes of which we have never seen before and tonight he paid for it."
David Hood: "But according to the video's he is not the last. NO ONE IS SAFE AROUND HER ANYMORE!"
~The crowd's boos echo throughout the arena. Jack shakes his head and waves off the boos~
Jack Power: "So, yeah. That happened. And I bet you all want me to take my vengeance on the guy that ruined his epic match.*
~The crowd pops, cheering wildly, then starts chanting "Lord of Mayhem! clap-clap-clapclapclap" over and over again before Jack waves them off again~
Jack Power: "Well, that's not going to happen."
~The crowd murmurs, voicing disappointment~
Jack Power: "If you'll recall, a couple seasons ago, at All Or Nothing, me, Argo, and some guy with a Catholic fetish had a little something called "House of Blood 3". And one of the stipulations put down in that match was that Argo and I can never face each other again. So, according to the script, we're done with each other."
Matt Scott: "Can he say that?"
David Hood: "The guy bends reality like breathing, and THAT'S what you're focusing on?"
Jack Power: "So, I'm going to give the guy a pass on ruining my match...but there's nothing in the contract that says I can't bring him out here and roast him like a Thanksgiving turkey right here live on the internet! So, without further ado, my guest for this episode of Vulgar Displays...Argo!"
(Argo, your dice)
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XFE Hall of Famer

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Registration date : 2009-06-17

Vulgar Display of Power... (First XFW of new season, WIP) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vulgar Display of Power... (First XFW of new season, WIP)   Vulgar Display of Power... (First XFW of new season, WIP) Empty2/21/2012, 3:33 pm

~The crowd eagerly awaits the arrival of Argo, a few moments go by with nothing and the rumbling of the crowds anger begins to be heard. The camera goes back to Jack who is standing in the ring with a calm look on his face~
Jack Power: "I guess he did not hear me. My guest for this episode of Vulgar Displays...Argo!"
~Once again the camera turns to the entrance ramp and once more nothing happens, leaving Jack Power alone in the ring with a frustrated look on his face~
Jack Power: "Okay Argo I am not asking anymore I am demanding you get our here or I might be forced to do something to make you come out..."
~Jack Power is cut off when the lights in the arena go out. Flash bulbs from cameras is all that can be seen. Suddenly an eerie purplish light starts to shine in the arena~
Jack Power: "About damn time."
~"Apocalypse Please" by Muse begins to play as flames erupt from the tron. A general roar of the crowd can be heard as Argo walks out from the backstage area. He is wearing his blue spandex-like suit and cape with red trim, red gloves and boots and wearing his mask. Argo slowly and methodically walks down to the ring~
David Hood: "I think it actually is getting colder in this arena as Argo walks out."
~When Argo gets to the ring he springs up from his toes and lands on the apron and as he jumps lightning strikes the four corners of the ring causing flames to erupt upwards from them. Then as Argo enters the ring and the lights come back on in the arena~
Matt Scott: "Okay this entrance is intimidating enough let alone that Argo is coming out too."
~Argo tilts his head as he walks up to Jack Power who does not back down one bit~
(Back at ya. Not really sure what all you wanted to do that is why I just came on down...)
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Number of posts : 1152
Age : 49
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Registration date : 2008-06-27

Vulgar Display of Power... (First XFW of new season, WIP) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vulgar Display of Power... (First XFW of new season, WIP)   Vulgar Display of Power... (First XFW of new season, WIP) Empty2/21/2012, 10:55 pm

(No prob. I like)

~Jack and Argo stare each other down for several tense moments...then, after the music dies down and silence fills the arena, the unthinkable happens~
~Jack Power busts out laughing~
David Hood: "Jack laughing right in Argo's face!"
Matt Scott: "Well, I always wondered whether Jack Power was crazy of just stupid...now I have my answer: both."
~Jack takes several moments to recover himself, then looks back at Argo...and loses it again, doubling over in laughter. Argo becomes more visibly annoyed every second~
Argo: "Is there a point to this?!"
~Jack stands back up and tries to catch his breath~
Jack: "Hold on, ho...hold on..." *laughs, then exhales loudly* "Okay, okay. I'm good. *ahem* First of all, I just wanted you to know that Trojan called. They love your costume and want to market it. I hear they want to use it in an instructional video called "How to wrap a d***!"
~The crowd roars in laughter and cheers. Argo remains standing, not reacting at all~
Jack: "So...you've been teasing us over the course of last season with vague threats and proclamations accompanied by a picture of a faceless mask. It's funny; I didn't even know you were running for president. To be honest, though, we could use a guy like you in the White House. I can get behind a guy whose foreign policy involves whacking people with a razor-wire-wrapped two-by-four. If you need a running mate, you know where I'll be...running, mate!"
~The crowd laughs. Argo still stands, annoyance in his eyes which can be seen behind the unlit mask~
Jack: "Anyway, you make your big debut, ready to take out the trash, ready to being Justice back to XFE...and you choose...Pauk-O? I've gotta admit, Argo, that's...um...a bit underwhelming. It's like a multi-billion dollar ad campaign to advertise a big blockbuster release, only to find that it's a guy dressed in a ratty old Santa suit hitting himself in the crotch with a broken table leg...but enough about the new Ghost Rider movie..."
~The crowd breaks into a chorus of boos, and Jack just grins and waves them on, yelling "Come at me, bro!"~
Jack: "I mean, seriously! You give us this big buildup, then completely deflate it by focusing on a worthless, uninteresting piece of crap like Pauk-O? I mean, what do you do when you face some real competition? Sneak into the ring under cover of darkness? I'm just saying, you could have picked better."
~Argo continues to stare down Jack, his gaze getting harder with every punchline and the lights around the eyes of the mask starting to flicker an eerie purplish glow~
Jack: "No thanks. You're not my type. I prefer my dates without an Y-chromosome, if you follow. If that's what you're looking for, why don't you look up Patrik? I'm pretty sure he's not doing anything now, and we've both seen how good he looks in a dr..."
~The eyes on the mask now begin to glow an eerie purplish color and Argo, finally having had enough, grabs Jack by the face and shoves him down onto the sofa. Jack, after recovering, clenches his fists in anger, but Argo glares at him~
~Jack's anger fades, transforming into indignation. He folds his arms and gives a loud "harrumph"~
Jack: "Fine. See if you can keep up this segment's ratings without me."
~With that, Jack disappears in a cloud of light. Argo, satisfied that he's alone, faces the crowd and speaks, his voice also carrying to the room~
((Okay, Argo... finish strong. Big speech time!))
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 771
Registration date : 2009-06-17

Vulgar Display of Power... (First XFW of new season, WIP) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vulgar Display of Power... (First XFW of new season, WIP)   Vulgar Display of Power... (First XFW of new season, WIP) Empty2/21/2012, 11:53 pm

Argo: "You want an explanation about why Pauk-O...Well that is incredibly easy to explain."
~Argo pauses for a moment before he continues. His voice seems to be very calm and soothing as he talks in a normal Argo way. The eyes on the mask are unlit again~
Argo: "After House of Blood 3, I was looking for something to do. I decided to just have some fun, but Pauk-O was not okay with that. After I beat him he attempted to do what no one had ever done before and that is Stop the Unstoppable; He wanted to Stop Argo!"
~The eye lights on the mask begin to glow an eerie purplish color now. Argo's voice changes to a much deeper and darker sounding voice~
Argo: "His actions woke me up to the issues of XFE. This company I sacrificed for was being run by lawlessness, full of rebels, greed and lacked any trace of order and honor. Pauk-O was the catalyst that brought this Wraith down upon those that do wrong around here. He was just an example of what will happen until XFE is Restored to the Greatness it should be."
~Argo tilts his head and looks at the camera seemingly now talking to the entire XFE roster. The eyes on the mask are still glowing with an eerie purple color~
Argo: "Consider this another warning. The Vengeful Right hand of Justice is here to strike down upon those that harm XFE!"
~The eyes on the mask change to a fiery red color as Argo puts his right hand in the air and snaps his fingers. At the snap of his fingers the sofa, red carpet and coffee table all erupts in a brilliant explosion and flash of light. The lights in the arena go black as flames engulf the items in the ring and Argo is no where to be seen~
David Hood: "Holy (Censored)!"
~Crew members rush down to the ring with fire extinguishers to clear the ring as the lights in the arena slowly start to come back on~
Matt Scott: "I have no idea what any of that was about, but I really don't feel comfortable around here anymore!"
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Number of posts : 1152
Age : 49
Location : Unreality
Registration date : 2008-06-27

Vulgar Display of Power... (First XFW of new season, WIP) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vulgar Display of Power... (First XFW of new season, WIP)   Vulgar Display of Power... (First XFW of new season, WIP) Empty2/22/2012, 1:13 am

*high five* aweXome!
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Vulgar Display of Power... (First XFW of new season, WIP) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vulgar Display of Power... (First XFW of new season, WIP)   Vulgar Display of Power... (First XFW of new season, WIP) Empty2/22/2012, 8:54 am

Love the RP guys. Great work. However, I do believe that we should be censoring out swears before it airs.
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Vulgar Display of Power... (First XFW of new season, WIP) Empty
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