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 Property Damage... (Guilty Conscience)

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Number of posts : 1152
Age : 49
Location : Unreality
Registration date : 2008-06-27

Property Damage... (Guilty Conscience) Empty
PostSubject: Property Damage... (Guilty Conscience)   Property Damage... (Guilty Conscience) Empty6/14/2011, 11:47 pm

(( This should go after Pat's and Argo's RP's, closer to the actual match, as it references both of them ))

~The camera cuts to a dead-end alleyway behind the Allianz Arena. The camera is at normal height, but nothing is showing~
Voice from off camera: "Hey, down here!"
~The camera pans down to see Jack Power sitting on the ground, back to one wall, knees up, several yards from the back wall of the alley. Sitting beside him is a very expensive-looking, ornate, porcelain vase. Jack doesn't even look at the camera as he scoffs disgustedly.~
Jack Power: "Saint Patrik and Argo. Both of you pretend to know me; both of you pretend to "get" me. Neither of you succeed. *snort* ...which is sad because I'm not really that hard to understand... *picks up the vase* ..if you'd bother to TRY!"
~As he spits the word "try", he flings the vase toward the back wall of the alley. The camera raises and watches its arc as it crashes spectacularly against the back wall of the alley~
Jack Power (off camera): "You see, boys, I'm a simple man. You mess with me, you get messed with back."
~As Jack speaks, the camera pans back down to him, still in a seated position, but with another, similar-looking vase where the first one was~
Jack Power: "First, we start with Mr. En Sabah Nur himself. If you understood that, you get ten geek points. Anyway, Argo. You seem to suffer from the same delusion that most face wrestlers have to deal with: that just because we have the same feud, we, by the *mockingly* "power of the plot", have to work together against our common enemy. *sigh* Despite what you may have heard, the enemy of one's enemy is their enemy's enemy; nothing more, nothing less."
~Jack picks up the vase and looks down at it as he tosses it in his hand~
Jack Power: "You see, Argo: all Patrik took from you was your belt - something ephemeral, an artificial phony-baloney article of self-importance made only of text and storyline. *looks up* He took my mind, Argo. He took my *bleep*ing MIND!"
~Jack chucks the vase at the wall again. Again, the camera follows it to its violent end, the crash echoing down the alley behind Jack's scream~
Jack Power (off-camera): "Not the same thing, is it? Not even comparable."
~The camera pans back down to Jack again, and once again, we see that the vase has replaced itself~
Jack Power: "I warned you, Argo. Patrik was mine. I could not possibly care less about your stupid golden waist-trinket if you paid me. I had a personal vendetta to settle, something deeper than your wounded pride, but you didn't listen. You didn't care. Your ego couldn't stand to see someone else going after Patrik, so you stuck your nose in where it wasn't wanted. As a result, you're just another target. Congratulations."
~Jack looks down and strokes the vase gently with his index finger as he speaks.~
Jack Power: "Which brings me to you, False Prophet."
~Jack slowly wraps his fingers around the vase as he rises to a standing position~
Jack Power: "You didn't bring me back from my "mental illness". My Creator did that. All you did was use that "illness" to your benefit. You took advantage of me, showered me with praise and promises and held me to a standard that were I in my right mind at the time I would have..."
~Jack raises the vase close to his face. We see the angry grimace on his face as he clenches his fist, shattering the vase to pieces in the palm of his hand~
Jack Power: "And then you have the gall, the absolute balls, to say that my mortal sin is envy? Envy of what? You? Because of the mental asylum you built for yourself and gleefully locked yourself into, you're more trapped in this Matrix than anyone else in this fed!"
~Jack slides back down to his sitting position. The camera follows, and, yes, the vase is there again~
Jack Power: "Besides, Pat, anyone who really knows me would understand that if I ascribed to any of the seven deadly sins, it would be Pride. Simply put: I'm built, head to toe, left to right, front to back, in here, and in the Other World, from 100% pure, unfiltered badass. And tonight, I'm not going for the win...*
~Jack slowly stands, looking down at the vase he's tossing in his hand, then, for the first time, looks into the camera~
Jack Power: "I'm going for the kill."
~With those words, Jack throws the vase right at the camera, and it abruptly cuts to static~
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