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 Quan's Mongolian Feast... (XFW 6/8/11) - Done, unless changes are needed

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Number of posts : 1152
Age : 49
Location : Unreality
Registration date : 2008-06-27

Quan's Mongolian Feast... (XFW 6/8/11) - Done, unless changes are needed Empty
PostSubject: Quan's Mongolian Feast... (XFW 6/8/11) - Done, unless changes are needed   Quan's Mongolian Feast... (XFW 6/8/11) - Done, unless changes are needed Empty6/7/2011, 12:58 pm

~The camera cuts to the backstage area, where a long table is set up with all matter of meats and vegetables next to a giant stir fry wok. Quan and his assistant Qui are piling various items into the steaming wok and cooking them before piling them on a plate. Jack Power is leaning against a wall~
Quan: "This is how you prepare for a fight, my friend! A feast fit for the Mongol Hordes! We will crush Patrik and his little tag along tonight!"
Qui: "Indeed! They cannot stand against the War Beast!"
Jack Power (shaking his head): "Whatever..."
Quan (to Jack): "Mister Power! Come! Join in this pre-war feast!"
Jack: "No, thanks. Doesn't do a thing for me."
~Quan piles the barely-cooked meat and veggies on his plate~
Quan: "You know, I don't think I've ever seen you eat! Have some before you waste away!"
~Jack snorts with a grin~
Jack: "I'd never have pegged you as someone's mother. But, no. It's all just text anyway."
~Quan and Qui look at each other, puzzled, and return to their food, eating hungrily for a few moments before Jack speaks again~
Jack: "You know we're more than likely going to lose the belts tonight, right?"
~Qui nearly chokes on his food, then swallows, glaring at Jack~
Qui: "That is no way to build confidence! Believe in yourself!"
Jack (shaking his head): "No, you don't understand: the way the story-line's shaping up, Argo's more than likely going to interfere in the match and cost us the titles, both for payback for last week's surprise attack and to generate appropriate heat for the Elimi-nation match at Guilty Conscience."
Quan (gulping down his food): "You speak nonsense, Crazy One! You are strong and capable! I am the Mongolian War Beast! We will crush them!"
Jack (sighing): "No, no... that has nothing to do with it. The Creator behind the Fed wants to entertain the people watching, so even if we do win on the computer, he'll change the result for script reasons. It's a story, Quan, and we're all characters in it. And if the author of the story thinks it'll be more entertaining for us to lose, then we lose. Simple as that."
~Quan and Qui set down their empty plates and Qui turns off the wok while Quan speaks~
Quan: "Your words are confusing. I do not understand this "Creator" of whom you speak, but if there is a God, he is surely smiling down on us and will guide us to victory! *turns to Qui, grabbing one of the uncooked steaks* Come, Qui! Let us go forth to victory!"
Qui: "*grabs another steak* It shall be glorious!"
Jack: "But..."
~Quan and Qui, slabs of steak still in their hands, leave the locker room arm in arm, singing Mongolian war chants. Jack follows them out, watching them parade down the hallway toward the entrance ramp and shakes his head~
Jack Power: "*sigh* ...like discussing existentialism with a Saint Bernard."
~Jack straightens his gloves and jogs down the hall behind them as the scene fades to black~
( Let me know if this needs to be changed any)
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Quan's Mongolian Feast... (XFW 6/8/11) - Done, unless changes are needed
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