~The camera cuts to a dark room. We can see a silhouette of someone sitting on a bench as the camera slowly zooms in on the figure. We can make out that their head is bowed, and there hands are clasped. The man begins to speak slowly and softly, but with purpose~
Voice: "I was blind, but now I see. The darkness has changed to sunlight... and has set me free."
~The camera stops with the figure still in silhouette, we can kind of make out that the character is wearing some kind of hooded garment~
Voice: Oh fortune...like the moon...stands constantly changing."
~Lights are turned on to reveal the figure is wearing a golden velor tracksuit, then suddenly the image distorts to show the figure sitting in exactly the same position but now wearing a sharp black suit. He slowly lifts his head to reveal himself as JD Allgood. His eyes of steely determination stare into the camera. A wicked grin slowly spreads across his face~
JD: "Your luck just ran out!"
~The camera fades to black~