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 Breifcase Returns

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Diamond Troy Justice
Darth Clay
9 posters
Darth Clay
XFE Hall of Famer
Darth Clay

Number of posts : 724
Age : 55
Registration date : 2008-04-27

Breifcase Returns Empty
PostSubject: Breifcase Returns   Breifcase Returns Empty2/20/2009, 2:56 am

Here's what we can do. If you've seen "The Person above you" string, you know how this will work. Simply, The objective is to wrestle away the briefcase from the person above you. It will have to be descriptive and imaginative. As long as the briefcase winds up in the hands of the person with designated title shot, none of this will matter. These "matches" do not count for points, so anyone at any time can be "The One". We can always work the briefcase back to the person it will "rightfully" go to when we have to. This is a good opportunity to be creative, and have extra RPs, if that's what you like doing. We can choose, either by voting, discussing in chat, or GM decision, the best three, which can be highlighted in a segment, showing "A week in the life of an XFA briefcase". After this segment, announcers can ask who has the briefcase now, and the holder will obviously be in the next match on the card. Comments????

just a reminder..the only way the briefcase can change hands is if you beat the current holder by pinfall or submission..and you have a official present to verify it{in your rp}

OK guys..since this was popular last month...the breifcase returns this month...same plans...breifcase holder at PPV match time will get the Aggression title match...make your rps good and you may be the lucky winner at the end...ready.....set......go.....

~In a dark alleyway a taxi cab sits with its engine running. Both driver side doors are open. slugger is lying on the ground knocked out. sharkman opens the trunk of the cab and pulls out a referee, sharkman falls onto slugger and the referee counts the pinfall. sharkman grabs the briefcase and heads towards the end of the alley. sharkman throws down the cab drivers cap he was wearing and walks into the night carrying a breifcase.~
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 729
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Registration date : 2008-04-30

Breifcase Returns Empty
PostSubject: Re: Breifcase Returns   Breifcase Returns Empty2/20/2009, 4:30 pm

`Sharkman walks quickly along a dark city street. He is walking purposefully with the Aggression breifcase clutched tightly in one hand. As he walks, conspicuously a fishing line drops in front of him with a fish dangling at head height. Sharkman looks up to see a figure on a low balcony dangling the line and bait.

Sharkman: "That really is pathetic you know. You think I'm going to fall for this comic book trickery?"

Voice from above: "Err, no, but you might fall for this..."

~As sharkman looks down for the first time it is not in time to see Quan plant a crow bar right on the top of his head. Sharkman falls down knocked out cold. Quan whistles and a tired looking XFW ref walks into view. Quan 'pins' sharkman by resting his foot on his chest and nods slowly as the referee counts 1-2-3.~

Quan: "Thanks old 'chum'. That was easier than I thought"

~Quan picks up the breifcase and then pulls something from his pocket. As he walks toward an alley he handcuffs the breif case to his wrist. He dissapears from view down an alley and few seconds later comes roaring out on the back of a motorbike, dissapearing into the distance~
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Darth Clay
XFE Hall of Famer
Darth Clay

Number of posts : 724
Age : 55
Registration date : 2008-04-27

Breifcase Returns Empty
PostSubject: Re: Breifcase Returns   Breifcase Returns Empty2/21/2009, 4:33 am

TIME OUT!!!! I call foul.... If you handcuff it to yourself then someone will need to use a chainsaw to get it back....Quan unless you want to spend rest of life being called "Lefty" edit that part...lol
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Number of posts : 1152
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Registration date : 2008-06-27

Breifcase Returns Empty
PostSubject: Re: Breifcase Returns   Breifcase Returns Empty2/21/2009, 5:03 am

(( Got it covered, DC ))

~Cut to a roadside diner in the middle of nowhere. Quan's motorcycle is parked outside. Cut again to the interior. Quan is at the counter eating... something... one-handed, with his briefcase-handuffed arm at his side. A group of bikers are sitting in a booth nearby. One of them, a scuzzy, dirty-looking guy in a do-rag and flipped baseball cap walks up to him. Quan appears nervous, as the guy is, if not in build, in appearance much larger than him. The mood quickly changes as the guy smiles and pulls out a note pad and pen.~
Biker: "Quan, me and my bros there are real big XFA fans. Can I get an autograph? It'd really make my day."
~Quan, confused, but always eager to help a fan, takes the pad and pen and signs the pad. The biker takes it back and grabs him in a HUGE man-hug.
Biker: "Thanks, man. You have no idea what this means."
~The biker waves to the bikers at the booth, then to Quan, and walks out the door. Quan blanches suddenly and looks down, seeing that the handcuffs that held the briefcase to his wrist are gone!
~ Cut outside. We see the biker step onto a motorcycle, jingling a familiar-looking set of cuffs in his hand (still connected!). He removes the do-rag and cap and puts on a pair of his signature Ray-Bans, revealing the "biker" to be none other than... Jack Power! He starts the hog, winks at the camera and yells "MAYHEM!" as he peels off, laughing hysterically into the night.
~ Quan runs outside to try to catch the guy that just drove off with his cuffs, only to see...

(( Whoever tries to take the case next, sign below ))
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Creator of X-Force Entertainment

Number of posts : 3440
Age : 37
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Registration date : 2008-04-19

Breifcase Returns Empty
PostSubject: Re: Breifcase Returns   Breifcase Returns Empty2/21/2009, 5:08 am

~Quan runs outside to try to catch the guy that just drove off with his cuffs, only to see Milo running at him with full force and clotheslines him into a car~

~Milo quickly covers Quan as The Sentinel runs up and makes the count~


~The Sentinel quickly picks up the Case and hands it to Milo while they get into their car and drive off~
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Diamond Troy Justice

Diamond Troy Justice

Number of posts : 221
Location : The Law Office
Registration date : 2008-05-06

Breifcase Returns Empty
PostSubject: Re: Breifcase Returns   Breifcase Returns Empty2/21/2009, 3:24 pm

~Milo and The Sentinel are speeding away in thier car, when suddenly they see flashing lights behind them.
~ Sentinel- Damn!, this is the last thing I need tonight. Milo, whatever you do don't let that case out of your sight!
~Milo- Yes, sir.
~They slow down and pull off to the side of the road, suddenly they hear a voice coming over a megaphone
~????- This is the police, step out of the car NOW!!
~Sentinel and Milo cautiously get out of the car, but Milo is still clutching the breifcase
~????- Sir, drop the object now! Both of you place your hands on the car!!
~Both do as the officer says, but Milo woln't quit looking at the case
~????-Deputy , confiscate the object
~A deputy gets out of the car and walks over to the case, picks up the case, and asks Milo who it belongs too.
~Milo- It belongs to me sir
~ The deputy whips out his taser and shoots The Sentinel first dropping him to the ground.
~????- Sir i'm gonna have to ask you to stay still unless you want tazed too!
~Another man gets out of the drivers seat of the car, revealing himself as Diamond Troy Justice
~DTJ- Milo i'm gonna ask you nicely to lay motionless on the ground face up.
~Milo- But.....
~DTJ pulls out his taser and hits milo straight in the chest, Milo drops like a log. DTJ walks over and turns him face up. He goes for the cover.
~DTJ- Or i could just do that.
~ The deputy walks behind the police cruiser and lets the ref out of the trunk.
The referee begins counting
~ Referee- Diamond Troy Justice holds the case.
~Diamond- Ok Ref, now you can ride in the front
~They all get in the cruiser leaving Milo and The sentinel passed out in the dust
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Killswitch Overdrive

Killswitch Overdrive

Number of posts : 325
Registration date : 2009-01-01

Breifcase Returns Empty
PostSubject: Re: Breifcase Returns   Breifcase Returns Empty2/21/2009, 11:29 pm

~Diamond Troy justice gets out of the car and starts running on foot. He stops~

DTJ: "Hm, I think I lost everyone."

~Out jumps a person wearing a mask.~

Travo: "PEEKABOO!!!"

~DTJ jumps and is holding his chest scarred.~

DTJ: "Jesus! Travo you're not getting the briefcase."

Travo: "I don't want it, but he might. (points behind DTJ)"

~Y2K swings a chair hitting DTJ right square in the face~

Y2K kicks Diamond Troy Justice in the gut as Travo throws in a steel chair
Y2K then garbs Diamond Troy Justice 's head and slams it onto the chair executing a

Y2K goes for the pin

Referee: "Y2K currently has the briefcase."

~The three steal the first car they can see and start driving as fast as possible~
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 1356
Registration date : 2008-05-01

Breifcase Returns Empty
PostSubject: Re: Breifcase Returns   Breifcase Returns Empty2/21/2009, 11:49 pm

~Y2K, Travo, and bleeding face then stop off at a late night 24/7 store. They stop for gas. Travo and bleeding face go into the store as Y2K stands outside and starts to pump gas into the vehicle. A purple metallic 2002 BMW M3 then pulls up to the pump on adjacent to the pump Y2K is at. The door opens as "Hollaback Girl" by Gwen Stefani is blaring over the speakers. Y2K rolls his eyes as he continues to pump gas. Suddenly making their first appearance in a long time is Teresa and Kristen. They both stand next to Y2K watching him fill the gas as he starts to become a little uneasy.~

Teresa: " I can't believe the gas prices (she pops her bubble gum) Can you?"

Kristen: " Craziness! I swear, oil is so high."

~Y2K continues to look a little uneasy as Teresa pops her gum again and motions for Y2K to looks to his left. He slowly turns as...~

Jade brings back a bucket of windshield cleaner and unleashes a devastating shot to Y2K's cranium !!

~She then motions to her vehicle as Erica Durance comes out of the vehicle sporting a baby-tee style of a referee shirt. Jade puts her foot on Y2K's chest as Erica counts...~


~Y2K throws up his shoulder before the 3 count. Jade looks astonished as she turns over Y2K on the concrete pavement..~

Jade pulls Y2K's arms behind him on the ground elevating him before stomping the back of his head as his face hits the concrete executing a MORTAL Curb Stomp !!!

Y2K has a cut !!!

~Jade then rolls him back over as Teresa and Kristen look a little squeamish after that attack as Erica counts again as Jade pins him...~


Erica Raises her hand and announces outloud that Jade has the case!!

~Travo and bleeding face then come out of the store and see Y2K on the ground with Jade holding the case. They rush her before Teresa and Kristen trip them as they go flying into the stolen vehicle face first rendering them out cold. Jade laughs as they all pile into her BMW M3 and drive off after filling up the gas.~

Later on that night...

~Jade, Kristen, Teresa, and Erica are then shown at what appears to be a mall. Jade is now clutching a case that can be clearly seen as being spray painted bright pink as she walks down into the food court area. Kristen, Teresa, and Erica leave her alone as...~
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Killswitch Overdrive

Killswitch Overdrive

Number of posts : 325
Registration date : 2009-01-01

Breifcase Returns Empty
PostSubject: Re: Breifcase Returns   Breifcase Returns Empty2/22/2009, 12:10 am

~Meanwhile back at the gas station, bleeding face and Travo come out of the convenient store seeing Y2K in a bloody mess slowly getting up.~

Travo: "Holy S#!T! What happened Y2K? (The two help him up)"

Y2K: "Where the hell were you two?!?! I just got beaten and battered while you two are in there getting F@%KING jerky? (He whips the blood off his face) Get them!"

bleeding face: "WHO?!?!"


~Travo and bleeding face start giggling~

Y2K: "What's so funny?"

Travo: "You got beat up by her. That's more humiliating than when she made you wear a dress. (The to burst out laughing)"

Y2K: "bleeding face, don't laugh. You lost your Extreme Fight Championship to her."

bleeding face: "Ha, Ha, Ha, oh yeah, your right."

Y2K: "She's probably shopping *cough* like usual *cough*. To the mall and bring her one weakness. Bills!!!"

~The three jump in the car and take off to the mall as fast as possible~
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Diamond Troy Justice

Diamond Troy Justice

Number of posts : 221
Location : The Law Office
Registration date : 2008-05-06

Breifcase Returns Empty
PostSubject: Re: Breifcase Returns   Breifcase Returns Empty2/22/2009, 12:40 am

wait why did i get out of my car? I had mobility, plus a deputy to protect me and i just randomly start running? Oh well. (karma)

~Y2K, Travo, and bleeding face get out of thier car and randomly start running to the mall. Travo, and bleeding face are helping Y2K from his viscious injuries inflicted by jade
~Travo- Man Y2K you gotta lay off those Ho Ho's me and bleeding face can't carry you much longer
~Bleeding Face- Yeah man, we're getting tired
~Y2K- You two just shut up and run, we need to get to that mall
~ Travo- Really? Then why did we get out fo our car and start running?
~Y2K- Listen! Who is the brains of this operation?
~Bleeding Face and Travo- You are boss.
~Y2K- Your damn right! And, don't you idiots forget it!
~They stumble through the mall parking lot when DTJ sporting a bandaged face steps out from behind a parked car. He carries two lumps under his jacket.
~Travo, Y2K, Bleeding face- OH S^%&!!!
~DTJ pulls out two tazers and shoots Travo and Bleeding Face. The force is so great that it knocks both of them out and they drop Y2K
~Y2K (laying on the ground)- Dude, you know it's just about the case right? It's not personal!
~DTJ walks closer as Y2K shrinks under his glare
~DTJ lowers his tone as to not attract attention
~DTJ- I mean come on, all i ever get from you is a hello in the locker room and A DAMN CHAIR IN THE FACE!!! Excuse me thought i musn't be to harsh, because it is all just about the case. (smiles in amusment)
~ DTJ quickly reloads his taser and points it at Y2K's face
~DTJ shoots Y2K in the forehead with the tazer and walks away laughing
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Killswitch Overdrive

Killswitch Overdrive

Number of posts : 325
Registration date : 2009-01-01

Breifcase Returns Empty
PostSubject: Re: Breifcase Returns   Breifcase Returns Empty2/22/2009, 1:18 am

~Y2K whispers to bleeding face a Travo, which they can't hear cause they're knocked out~

Y2K: "Nobody tazers me and my boys. It will be worse next time Diamond."

~Y2K slowly gets up and regains his strength. He rips off the muffler of the old beat up 20 year old car with his superior strength and slowly starts walking to the mall. He turns around and hits Travo and bleeding face to wake them up. They start to follow him towards the mall.~

Y2K: "I love the smell of burnt flesh at night."

~The X-Treme Killing Machines walk slowly towards the mall, really slowly.~

Last edited by Y2K on 2/22/2009, 11:33 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Creator of X-Force Entertainment

Number of posts : 3440
Age : 37
Location : Missouri, USA
Registration date : 2008-04-19

Breifcase Returns Empty
PostSubject: Re: Breifcase Returns   Breifcase Returns Empty2/22/2009, 3:13 am

~As The X-Treme Killing Machines are about to enter the mall, a car speeds up and rams right into Bleeding Face, knocking him back 10 FT. As Y2K and Travo look on in Disbelief, The Sentinel and Milo exit the car, running into the Mall with Y2K and Travo right behind them...~
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 1668
Age : 32
Location : melbourne ,Australia
Registration date : 2008-05-01

Breifcase Returns Empty
PostSubject: Re: Breifcase Returns   Breifcase Returns Empty2/27/2009, 7:24 pm

jade is seen walking into her favorite cafe holding the briefcase. She sees slugger sitting at the front bench realizing he might try and take her briefcase see sits far away.

Jade: (Waves to a waiter)

Waiter: Yes

Jade: (whispers) can i please have a coffee and a bacon & egg muffin please

Waiter: Yes mam

~slugger walks out of the cafe~

~10 minutes later jade walks out~

~jade walks to her car and looks for keys but right then she is pushed from behind she turns around going for a clothesline but slugger ducks and grabs jade performing a Devastating Spine buster.~

~Slugger calls for a ref who was sitting in the cafe~

Ref: The holder of the aggression case is slugger
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Killswitch Overdrive

Killswitch Overdrive

Number of posts : 325
Registration date : 2009-01-01

Breifcase Returns Empty
PostSubject: Re: Breifcase Returns   Breifcase Returns Empty3/1/2009, 12:43 pm

~bleeding face runs up with a steel chair, and swings at slugger knocking him out~

bleeding face goes for the cover

Ref: bleeding face now has the briefcase

~bleeding face runs to the sports department
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Number of posts : 1390
Location : Ottawa, ON
Registration date : 2008-04-30

Breifcase Returns Empty
PostSubject: Re: Breifcase Returns   Breifcase Returns Empty3/1/2009, 3:54 pm

~The Natural Born Thrillers are shopping in the sports department. Playboy steps out into the aisle, turned and talking to JD when bleeding face runs straight into him. Bleeding face flies off Playboy, spinning in the air and landing on the hard floor head first... knocked out.~

Playboy : Watch where you're going you (censored)ing moron!! I almost spilled my shake!

JD (looking at Playboy): You didn't even move when he hit you and he's knocked out! (looking down and laughing at bleeding face) Way to go, tough guy!

Playboy (picking up the briefcase and looking at it): I don't know what this briefcase (censored) is all about, but I guess someone finds it important.

~Playboy sets it down on bleeding face's chest. JD sees one of the salesman.~

JD (to the salesman): HEY YOU!! COME OVER HERE!!

~The salesman comes over. JD kicks the briefcase off bleeding face's chest and points down.~

JD : Lie down on him.

~The salesman looks at him like he's not sure what to do. JD pushes him down on top of bleeding face.~

The ref that followed bleeding face into the sports department makes the count

Ref: The sports salesman has the briefcase!

Playboy (looking at the salesman): Now...I think it's best you run!

~The salesman grabs the case with a stunned look on his face and then begins to run. Playboy kneels down on one knee beside bleeding face and slaps him once on the chest.~

Playboy : You just lost to a 150lb geek sports store dude... that's one for the record book, champ!

~Playboy stands up and the Natural Born Thrillers walk away laughing. Suddenly slugger runs by, sees bleeding face lying on the floor still knocked out. He looks over at Playboy and JD.~

JD (pointing the direction the salesman ran in): He went that way!

~slugger takes off in that direction. JD turns back and the Thrillers begin laughing again while they walk away.~
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Darth Clay
XFE Hall of Famer
Darth Clay

Number of posts : 724
Age : 55
Registration date : 2008-04-27

Breifcase Returns Empty
PostSubject: Re: Breifcase Returns   Breifcase Returns Empty3/2/2009, 1:21 am

lol..nice rps.... i may change them slightly since sharkman now is the holder of the case after winning it on the show...but right now..the salesman is the holder...lol
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 1668
Age : 32
Location : melbourne ,Australia
Registration date : 2008-05-01

Breifcase Returns Empty
PostSubject: Re: Breifcase Returns   Breifcase Returns Empty3/2/2009, 7:16 am

~slugger is seen shopping at a car dealership across the street from where the shop dealer just won the breifcase~

Slugger: So how much is that hummer

Car dearler: "For you slugger only 66,000"

Slugger: "Very nice, I will take it"

car dealer: "So what happend across the street"

Slugger: "well as you know the aggersion case is a 24/7 thing and just then some salesman won the breifcase. I was chasing him but lost him in cosmetics. so i come here to get a new car for my brother."

Car dealer: "isnt that him there"

Slugger: "Damn it is to thanks."

~slugger runs towards the salesman and takes him down with a running ddt~

car dealer: "What about your hummer."

~A ref comes running towards slugger who is pinning the salesman~

the holder of the case is slugger

Slugger: "give me the keys i will sign the paper work once i do it is safe."

~Slugger hopes in the hummer and takes of down the street with the car dealer waving to him in the rear view mirrior~
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Breifcase Returns Empty
PostSubject: Re: Breifcase Returns   Breifcase Returns Empty

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