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 Dark Ryder

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Dark Ryder
XFE Hall of Famer
Dark Ryder

Number of posts : 1387
Location : Unknown
Registration date : 2008-05-01

Dark Ryder Empty
PostSubject: Dark Ryder   Dark Ryder Empty5/2/2008, 12:00 am

Name: Dark Ryder

Heel or Face: Heel

Background Story:
Dark Ryder is as mysterious as the fog that shrouds his dark presence. He takes sinister pride knowing his physco mind games inflicts serious damage on his victim’s mental well being. Little is known about this secretive man except that he is destructive and craves the taste of gold around his waist.

Entrance Music: The Requim Theme song
Attire: Can be seen in a black cloak with the hood down behind scenes, cloak with hood up and face hidden on his way down to ring, wears black pants with a blue letter "D" on his right leg and a reversed blue "R" on the other leg.


Prepare for the ride of your life...

Do you... fear the reaper?

Dark Ryder Xfw_ca10

Last edited by Dark Ryder on 9/13/2008, 3:15 pm; edited 10 times in total (Reason for editing : video won't upload yet)
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Darth Clay
XFE Hall of Famer
Darth Clay

Number of posts : 724
Age : 55
Registration date : 2008-04-27

Dark Ryder Empty
PostSubject: info   Dark Ryder Empty5/7/2008, 5:55 am

I like the info, just enogh to make you wonder, who is this guy? It will go great with the others in Dark Union, we all seem to be just a little oh off...
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Darth Clay
XFE Hall of Famer
Darth Clay

Number of posts : 724
Age : 55
Registration date : 2008-04-27

Dark Ryder Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Ryder   Dark Ryder Empty12/20/2008, 1:59 am

The roar of the crowd is deafening when all of a sudden the lights go out and the tron flickers on showing fog when all of a sudden a man in a hooded cloak steps out with his face still covered.
Dark Ryder: The darkness approaches....prepare for the ride of your life....
With announcing his warning he produces a sinister laugh that sends chills down the spines of the audience.
Dark Ryder points to the ring and lightning hits all four posts, and then all went black, momentarily the lights flickered back on and the audience sit back wondering what the heck just happened.
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Darth Clay
XFE Hall of Famer
Darth Clay

Number of posts : 724
Age : 55
Registration date : 2008-04-27

Dark Ryder Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Ryder   Dark Ryder Empty12/20/2008, 2:39 am

Dark Ryder calmly walks into the building where the team Dark Forces trains. The building is dimly lit, only a wrestling ring is bright enough to see.
Standing at the far end of the ring is Darth Clay and sharkman, who is holding an object that appears to by wiggling in his hands.
Darth Clay: "I have been expecting you."
Dark Ryder: "I have come here to ask if I can join you in your quest here in X-Force Wrestling."
Darth Clay: "Why should I allow you to join?"
Dark Ryder: "I have seen you and heard what you have to say. I want you to teach me the ways of pain, and how to in turn teach others how it feels to truly hurt."
Darth Clay: "Very good. Your lessons begin now."
Out of the shadows gp pato appears, he hits Dark Ryder in the back with a baseball bat.
sharkman laughs at this as he brings his hands up to his face and takes a bite of the live salmon in his hands.
Darth Clays golden eyes glow as he watches his newest pupil begin to learn. "The Dark Union is now complete. Darkness falls across the land, soon."
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Darth Clay
XFE Hall of Famer
Darth Clay

Number of posts : 724
Age : 55
Registration date : 2008-04-27

Dark Ryder Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Ryder   Dark Ryder Empty12/20/2008, 2:46 am

A crew member is walking down the hall when all of a sudden the lights go out and he is left standing their in the dark.
Crew Member: "Hello? Is someone there?"
Suddenly a dark red light illuminates the hallway in which the crew member stands confused, in the background an unfocused dark figure wearing a cloak with a hood that hides his face stands there with his head down.
Crew Member: "Who's out there?"
The lights go out again only to reilluminate with a dark red light once again this time showing the dark figure closer to the crew member.
Crew Member: "I must see Dante about these electrical surges....when did we get red lights?"
The lights go out yet again only to illuminate with the same eyrie red light showing the dark figure standing right behind the crew member.
Crew Member starts to turn around as he soon realizes there is someone or something standing behind him, but before he can see what presence that stalks his very being is, the lights black out one last time only to turn back on normally.
The crew Member looks all around, but can't figure out if there ever was something following him.
A hoarse whipser echoes throughout the entire hallways.
Dark Ryder: "I've only just begun......prepare for the Ride of your life...."
Suddenly all the lights shatter as if too much electricity passed through them making them all shatter simultaneously.
Slugger comes around the corner with a touch to see what happened.
Slugger: "Dark Ryder come out here show yourself."
Dark Ryder starts laughing from somewhere in the darkness.
Slugger: "Show yourself you freak."
Dark Ryder comes out of the darkness and stands face to face with the slugger.
Slugger: "At least you have the balls to face me, face to face."
Dark Ryder: "Why are you here?"
Slugger: "I want lie Mate. I have come to get some payback for what you and your boys did to me."
Dark Ryder tries to hit the slugger, but misses, then the slugger gives him a huge punch knocking him down, he gets up but right then Quan comes out of the darkness and hits Dark Ryder in the head with a steel chair, busting Dark ryder open.
Slugger: "Hey Dark Ryder, I would like you to meet my new mate, Quan."
Slugger and Quan walk away.
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Darth Clay
XFE Hall of Famer
Darth Clay

Number of posts : 724
Age : 55
Registration date : 2008-04-27

Dark Ryder Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Ryder   Dark Ryder Empty12/20/2008, 3:03 am

----- Later That Night ------
A man in a dark black cloak is seen roaming the hallways near where slugger's dressing room is.
*Knock* *Knock*
Slugger opens the door while he continues his conversation with Quan.
Slugger: "I can't believe that freak never knew you were behind him."
He starts to laughs once again at the mere thought.
"What the....? We didn't beat your Butt good enough the first time that we have to do it a second time?"
All the man in the black cloak is able to muster up is a muffled scream before Slugger punches him in the stomach and drops him to the floor where he continues to stomp a mudhole in him.
Quan sees Slugger handling the situation quite well and turns to reminisce about sending Jade the package of Two dozen steaks and the "Superiour" Mongolian Hot Sauce.
Slugger: "Don't feel so dark and sinister when your on the ground....now do you... you FREAK!.....what the....."
Slugger pulls the hood off of the man and discovers that it was a crew member dressed up in the cloak and he had duck tape over his mouth so he couldn't talk.
Slugger: "WHAT THE!?!?....you sick son of a...."
The lights start to flicker and suddenly all the lights shatter producing a shower of sparks and glass, except for one lonely light. The one light still shineing just happened to be the one closest to Slugger which illuminates the cloaked crew member on the floor and himself.
Slugger: "Come out why don't you.... grow a set and face me like a man."
A hoarse whisper slithers through the hallway like a snake giving Slugger shivers up his spine.
Dark Ryder: "Like how you faced me man to man?....to play your game involves two so lets make it even......"
Quan finally snaps out of his daydream and takes notice that the lights in the hallway went out and that Slugger was just standing as if a stone statue, he jumps up and before he can make it out, the door is slammed in his face and the sound of a lock clicks shut.
Dark Ryder steps into the light finally with his black cloak on and his hood up.
Dark Ryder looks up and slowly takes his hood off, as he does so the light uncovers the place in which a bandage is covering up a wound that looks to have been recently bleeding, Dark Ryder's piercing white eyes focus on Slugger as he starts to walk towards him.
As he shouts these angry words he takes a wild throw at Dark Ryder's face and lands a hit, only to have Dark Ryder turn his face slowly back to meet Slugger's eye's.
Dark Ryder: "Prepare for the ride of your life....."
As he says this he kicks Sluggers in the stomach and then opens his cloak up enough to pull out a sledgehammer with the tip wrapped in Barbed Wire.
Dark Ryder: "My turn to shed some blood."
Dark Ryder produces a sinister laugh that would sent wolves back to their caves.
The last light finally starts to flicker and shatter like its brothern'.
Moments later Quan finally busts open the door with a mighty blow from his shoulder, only to find Slugger to have recovered enough to stand back up from what ever he had been through, with blood dripping off his forehead to the ground.
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Darth Clay
XFE Hall of Famer
Darth Clay

Number of posts : 724
Age : 55
Registration date : 2008-04-27

Dark Ryder Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Ryder   Dark Ryder Empty1/8/2009, 1:28 am

Scene Opens with Fatalstrife pleased with the way Officer Garcia is belittling the new backstage staff.

Officer Garcia: "Well don't give me that look, boy, answer me!"

Crew member: "Kansas, sir."

Garcia: "Well thats more like it. A little respect around here, see Fatal?"

Fatalstrife: "Why does it smell like piss?"
[Camera pans down to puddle of piss left by the crew member]

Garcia and Fatalstrife Continue to harass the crew member.

Garcia: "No good for nothing piece of Stuff you are going to shine these boots the way that I had them before you have to answer to the enforcer."
[Garcia proceeds to get his nightstick out and hitting it against his palm of his right hand steadily]

Crewmember: "Can I go change first?"

Fatalstrife: "Who the hell do you think you are? This is not time for questions its time for you to answer the kind officer now."

Crewmember: "Yes!"

Garcia: "YES SIR! NOW what Scumbag?"

Crewmember: "Yes Sir!"

Garcia: "Now get to work."
Senior Referee Tom Jones walks up.

Tom: "Garcia what is going on here? leave the poor boy alone what did he do wrong?"

Garcia: "Man do you really have to wear that black and white shirt everywhere you go? It disgusts me."

Tom: "Get out of here kid go get changed. Now Garcia you need to remember where you are this is not reno there are rules here."

Garcia: "Back off old man If you don't what me to handcuff you to my skyline and drive away then I suggest you keep your trap shut....."

[Before Tom can respond the lights started to shudder, flickering on and off, leaving momentary shadows. The lights started to get brighter and brighter and all of a sudden they flash a brilliant light as they explode leaving glass shrapnel everywhere and sparks slowly falling to the ground]

[One light which seemed to remain immune to the whole disease that killed the rest of the lights shone brightly upon Garcia, Fatalstrife, and Tom Jones]

Garcia: "YES SIR! Now what Scumbag?" [pauses for a moment now realizing what was currently happening around him]".... scumbag?"

[A light fog started creeping in which only got thicker by the moment until Garcia realized that he couldn't even see Fatalstrife]

[As the fog faded and Garcia could visibly see Fatalstrife and Tom Jones he could roughly see a dark hooded figure standing behind Tom]

Garcia: "Listen here fog man go take your freak show somewhere else I am talking here go play hide and seek with that loser from Kansas."
[fatalstrife coughs from the fog and steps out of the scene]

garcia: "Now I don't...don't know who the hell you are but I don't like you so if you want to go on making lights go out and bringing your fog machine with you go right ahead what ever tickles your pickle."

[Dark Ryder stands there motionless with his head down. He slowly lifts his head glaring his white eyes at Garcia. Dark Ryder starts walking towards Garcia, but Tom Jones tries to stop anything before it starts]

Tom Jones: "I'm warning you Dark Ryder.....y-y-ou--oou stay back."

[Tom Jones fails to hide the fear inside him, but Dark Ryder seemingly doesn't hear the threat and continues to walk. Tom Jones feels he has no other choice but to try and stop him, so he spreads his arms out thinking Dark Ryder will stop]

[Surprisingly he does, Dark Ryder slowly drifts his eyes to the obstacle that is known as Tom Jones, with a sudden flash Dark Ryder's hand grasps Tom Jone's neck and lifts him in the air]

Tom Jones: "Arch.....
[choking noises].....Put.......me.......down....."

[Dark Ryder gives a simple devilish smile and slightly nods, with a sudden thrust Dark Ryder choke slams Tom Jones on the cement floor]

Garcia: "Well freak try getting your eyes checked first because I'm built Garcia Tough and I don't take threats lightly."

Then with his quick reflexes he reaches for his nightstick and starts going after dark ryder with a psychotic look like there is hell to pay.Before garcia can get one shot in with the nightstick dark ryder vanishes into the rapidly moving fog.just as the fog clears the last light goes out with a loud pop.

Garcia: "Next time Ryder next time. You better not ruin my holiday you gypsy."

[As Garcia slips the words out an echo runs through the hallways and flies through the air like bats in the night, the whisper slithering shivers up anyone's spine who was unfortunate to hear them]

Dark Ryder:"......prepare for........the ride of your life......."
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Darth Clay
XFE Hall of Famer
Darth Clay

Number of posts : 724
Age : 55
Registration date : 2008-04-27

Dark Ryder Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Ryder   Dark Ryder Empty1/8/2009, 1:59 am

[Thunder rumbles the very structure of the building and the lights seem to start to flicker on and off, fog enshrouds the ring so that the ring seems to disappear]

David Hood: "It seems that Dark Ryder has an announcement to make."

[The crowd starts to roar with excitement as the fog settles and a man in a black hooded cloak is seen standing in the ring]

[Dark Ryder holds slowly brings his right hand up and signals for a microphone]

[A crew member shakily stands and runs up the steel steps and hops into the ring, realizing that he forgot a microphone he suddenly jumps through the ropes, stumbles and falls head first, gets up and runs to the announce table to retrieve a microphone. Finally having what was originally asked for he slides in and hands the microphone to the outstretched hand along with apologetic mumbles. The crew member slides out again and scampers back to his spot with a red face of embarrassment]

Matt Scott: "Oh...thats on national television."

David Hood: "That has just got to be embarrassing."

[Dark Ryder stands there for a few moments, finally bringing the microphone to his hidden face]

[Dark Ryder pauses for the crowd's excitement to settle down before he begins to address what he came out to announce]

Matt Scott: "Wow...the audience somehow feels ecstatic that Ryder has made an appearance."

David Hood: "Hush Matt...can't you see Dark Ryder has something to say."

Dark Ryder: "....when i first came on this show.....I gave everyone a chance........an offer.......a warning to stay out of my way of taking gold and placing it around my waist......."

Matt Scott: "I remember that..."

Dark Ryder: "....Garcia....you've been warned...when it comes to Hard Knocks....your going to have to prepare.....for the ride of your life....."

David Hood: "It seems that Dark Ryder feels he needed to issue the warning again."

Matt Scott: "Captain obvious has struck again ladies and gentlemen."

[Dark Ryder drops the microphone and slowly lifts his head up while slowly lifting the hood off]

[Dark Ryder's white eyes gleam as he glares around the arena]

Matt Scott: "I'll tell you what, those eyes send chills down my spine every time I see them."

[Dark Ryder lifts his hands into the air and lightning hits all four of the ring's posts and suddenly the ring is again clouded in fog. As the fog evaporates the ring is left empty and again the crowd's cheering is deafening]

David Hood: "That was certainly interesting Matt. XFW is never a dull moment, being it mad clowns....to son of satan....to having a knockout X-treme fighting champion and an undefeated champion."

Matt Scott: "...that was a mouthful, even for you David."
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Darth Clay
XFE Hall of Famer
Darth Clay

Number of posts : 724
Age : 55
Registration date : 2008-04-27

Dark Ryder Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Ryder   Dark Ryder Empty1/10/2009, 2:05 am

~A pair of dark voices from somewhere within the room announce their presence like venom into the blood stream~
"We rest for no one…for we are… the shadow of the face…we are…. the light of the heel…we pass judgment onto those who have cast judgment themselves…we betray those know all too well what actions of betrayal are…"
~Sentinel stops as the last words drops like a pin. Realizing that the sound of the voice had come from the mirror behind him, Sentinel pushes his chair back and walks up to the mirror in which all he sees is himself~
The Sentinel: "Show yourself…NOW! Who are you to say what betrayal is?!?"

~Sentinel yells, fuming with anger and uncertainty. Sentinel stops and suddenly realizes that his reflection is not copying his own actions~
Mirror Sentinel: "We are……yooooouuuuu…."
~Sentinel reaches behind him and grabs a paperweight off his desk and with all his might pitches it at the mirror. The paperweight merely bounces of without making a dent~
Mirror Sentinel: "…our turn…"
~With the last words burning with satisfaction, the mirror starts to Bad Stuff. The lights start flickering uncontrollably, and as the mirror breaks a fog starts creeping into the room making visibility impaired for the Sentinel. The lights finally start flickering faster and with a loud pop all the bulbs shatter into a wondrous spectacle of sparks and flying debris. One light remained untouched, the lamp on Sentinel’s desk~
The Sentinel: "…what the hell is going on here!"
~Sentinel tip toes with his arms out searching for his chair, as he finds it he manages to sit down and waits for the fog to die down~
~As the fog fades away two men are standing in front of Sentinel’s desk glaring at him with burning eyes.~
The Sentinel: "Jades hand picked Champion...Dark Ryder…and your tag team partner Gp Pato… I should have known from the entrance and the shattering bulbs."
Gp Pato: "Ever since NLO lost their titles…and Dante and Legion were stripped of them the very moment they won them…we have come to claim rights for a spot in the tournament that is to be held to decided the new tag team champions."
The Sentinel: "…AFTER WHAT YOU JUST PULLED!?!? You are lucky to even have a job!"
~Dark Ryder continues to glare at Sentinel with his white eyes~
Dark Ryder: "…you dare judge us... and what gives you that right?"
~Sentinel smiles smugly at Dark Ryder~
The Sentinel: "The power of being a GM…I will judge you whenever the hell I want to…in fact…for breaking MY mirror…and breaking MY light bulbs…I feel an idea coming on…"
~Sentinel starts to get a big grin on his face as he stands up from his chair once more~
The Sentinel: "I feel I need to demonstrate to you as to WHO judges WHO around here…and it starts next…for YOU… Dark Ryder are standing next to the very first challenger for your Extreme Fight Championship…..gp pato."
~The last word slithering out of Sentinel’s mouth with corruption and pleasure~
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Dark Ryder Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dark Ryder   Dark Ryder Empty

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Dark Ryder
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