* Flames erupt from the Top of the Tron as Out In The Fields begins to play, frightening the living bejezus out of everyone ringside before a gold ring starts to spin on the screen, after a couple of seconds it explodes and Krusher Kayls appears *
Pat Booker are you Serious? You want to tangle with me in that ring for MY belt, not YOURS! I can give you a belt, but where would be most appropriate, across the mouth, nah, across the legs, maybe, but I think I'll keep it a SECRET where I would aim for first. *ripple of laughter from the crowd*
* Krusher Kayls stands up to reveal her latest XFA merchandise, a Navy Blue Sleeveless Top with Kayls written in Elvish across the front in Rhinestones. She turns around so the people can see the back with XFW's 2nd Knockout and The Queen Of Chairshots written in white lightning bolt style text, after a couple of seconds she turn around holding a board, "NOW AVAILABLE FROM ALL GOOD STOCKITS FOR $25.00" *
*cough* Now where was I before that sudden urge to advertise overtook me. Pat Booker, you must learn your place within the scheme of the Federation and at the moment you have just risen to the position of Gofer, Congratulations, you must be honoured. Anyway, if I have time within my busy schedule to fit you in for a Title Match, then I'll be more than happy to make your dream of becoming a Piņata true.
* The fans start to chant Krusher Krush-him as her image fades from the Tron, leaving a perplexed Pat Booker in the ring *