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 Jeremy Alsop....... The Return

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3 posters
XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 1341
Age : 44
Location : Palmerston North, New Zealand
Registration date : 2008-04-22

Jeremy Alsop....... The Return Empty
PostSubject: Jeremy Alsop....... The Return   Jeremy Alsop....... The Return Empty12/27/2008, 3:14 am

NAME: Jeremy Alsop


1st Ever SCW Heavyweight Champion
XFE Aggression Champion
Leader of The New Age Mafia
X-Force Aggression General Manager
3 Time XFE "Golden Angel" Slammy Award Winner
1 Time XFE "Bronze Ring" Slammy Award Winner

BACKGROUND STORY: Jeremy Alsop comes from Palmerston North, New Zealand. He grew up in a caring environment and had everything his own way. This all changed when he decided to take on the world of wrestling and spent several years learning the skill and driving himself to unbearable levels. Despite all the harshness of training he never lost his caring side which many people believed would be his downfall. After months of underground wrestling in New Zealand with his brutal power it became clear he was on his way to bigger things.

Upon hearing of X-Force Entertainment he immediately went out looking for The Sentinel in order to gain a contract. Once the contract was gained Jeremy Alsop adopted the "Kiwi Icon" title. During his first stint in XFE he was one of the most popular wrestlers within the XFE. He won "The Golden Angel" Slammy two times in a row and was involved in a memorable rivalry against Dark Ryder which resulted in the first ever Electric Cage and Barbed Wired Rope match which he lost by a shoulder. After this he accepted a match against another long time adversary. The GM of XFW, The Sentinel. At Jeremy's last PPV, Natural Selection, he came up short against The Sentinel losing in a "Title Shot vs Retirement I Quit" match and was forced to leave XFW.

Jeremy joined Big Time Wrestling for what turned out to be a one night only appearence after a contract issue. He was quickly signed up by Southern Cross Wrestling, where Jeremy enjoyed a successful run, including becoming the first ever Southern Cross Wrestling Heavyweight Champion. He defended the title successfully once, before been unceremoniously stripped of the title and fired.

After a season or two away from the XFE, he returned after a contract issue and teamed up with the man who bought him back, Darth Clay, and defeated the Natural Born Thrillers in a thrilling tag team match.

Jeremy spent his first weeks back trying to acquire a shot at the XFE Aggression Championship, held by his friend Quan. At Bloody Valentine he succeeded and grabbed his first Championship belt. He went on to successfully defend the Aggression title for close to 4 months, losing it to his evil step-brother Justin Alsop after the special guest referee, True Nutter, called for the bell when Justin had a submission hold locked on.

During this time, Jeremy had an on-going battle against Darth Clay's organisation, BANE. Jeremy created a rebel group named The New Age Mafia and consisted of DTJ, Jesse Blue, Quan, Ryino and Dark Ryder. At Stable Warfare the battle between The New Age Mafia and BANE came to an end when Jeremy was forced to forfiet his csaket match to Darth Clay after injuring his leg. Darth Clay promptly fired Jeremy after the match, and set the casket that he put Jeremy in on fire.

The season ending show however had Jeremy Alsop return, again, but this time as the newly appointed General Manager of X-Force Aggression where things are now going to be shaken up.

GIMMICK: Jeremy Alsop is a prankster. He has to be the center of attention. He loves to ruck up those who are already in a bad mood and absolutley loves having a good time. When it comes to the ring he is just as cheeky. He mocks his opponents and fans alike yet the crowd love it.

ASSISTANT: Jeremy Alsop....... The Return Courtn10
PIC: Jeremy Alsop....... The Return Jeremy10


Last edited by Jeremy on 7/29/2009, 5:12 am; edited 6 times in total (Reason for editing : Added Data and have to replace incoming manager picture.)
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Darth Clay
XFE Hall of Famer
Darth Clay

Number of posts : 724
Age : 55
Registration date : 2008-04-27

Jeremy Alsop....... The Return Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jeremy Alsop....... The Return   Jeremy Alsop....... The Return Empty12/27/2008, 3:46 am

Sitting behind a desk, Jeremy Alsop shuffles some papers, acting like a news reporter. In the background is some news music. Jeremy Alsop looks up as the music fades.
"Hello fellow wrestlers. For those of you who don't know me, allow myself to introduce myself. My name is Jeremy Alsop. I am from Palmerston, North, New Zealand, and I am here at X-Force Wrestling to make an impact. Thats right an impact. You see I've been snooping around, keeping to myself trying to figure people out. Now some just seem plain psychotic. Has anyone seen that guy who likes to beat himself? I have to wonder what else he likes doing to himself. Or how about the guy who is going around calling himself "The King"? King of clowns I say especially since he has some guy who thinks he is a law enforcer or something with his hand in the so-called "Kings" back pocket. I'm not gonna ask about that one.
But there is one person. Well actually two persons that has caught my attention. You see I was about to go visit our wonderful Vice-GM when these two lunatics came rushing out nearly knocking me over. Now with Jeremy being Jeremy, I followed this guy around for a little. Boy was I impressed. The flashy bars, restuarants, cars. This guy had it all. Except for the ladies that is. They were with me. But forgetting all that he was really bugging me. His, I want this, I want that was childish. And that other guy who was with him. He was tending to his every need. After I had seen enough, I went to my new found home, had a glass of nice cold Coca-Cola and enjoyed a relaxing spa with some of my new found girlfriends.
Now I'm not gonna mention any names but JD Allgood, if you ever rush by me again, nearly knock me over, and pack temper tantrums like the one at that strippers club after the girls refused you a lapdance, I will knock that spoiled head of yours off your puny shoulders and feed it to my little cute Jack Russell. And why do I say this?
Cause I am Jeremy Alsop and what I say GOES!
Jeremy Alsop gets up and pushes the desk away revealing he isn't wearing any pants and is wearing a pair of womans boxer shorts.
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Darth Clay
XFE Hall of Famer
Darth Clay

Number of posts : 724
Age : 55
Registration date : 2008-04-27

Jeremy Alsop....... The Return Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jeremy Alsop....... The Return   Jeremy Alsop....... The Return Empty12/27/2008, 3:47 am

Jeremy Alsop was sitting down watching a replay of his first match against Officer Garcia.
Jeremy Alsop: What a cheap shot that was. Should have expected it really. Any law enforcer does anything to prove they are right or to win. Oh well. No point crying over it. My time will come and then one day.....
Knock at the Door.
JA: Come on in if you are a gorgeous hot young blonde female and looking for the night of your dreams!!
A well dressed Gentleman walks in. Jeremy Alsop looks very disappointed.
JA: And how can I help you?
Gentleman: Hello Mr. Alsop. I am....
JA: Wait, wait I know who you are. You're the guy I rang up about getting my Holden out of the impound. What took you so long?
Gentleman: No Sir.
JA: Then are you the interview guy who is here to ask me about my tournament match against Officer Garcia?
Gentleman: No Sir.
JA: I'm hoping you aren't the doctor because if you are you can go straight back to the medical center and send in that young nurse that I saw eyeing me up.
Gentleman was looking irritated.
Gentlman: I am Afolston. I am the man-servant for JD Allgood andI am here to offer you a invitation for a bottle of cristal and a fine meal. My master would like you to bring some of your lady friends as well.
JA: Oh. How nice of him. Offering a fine meal when I can just ask one of my fine associates to go out and get me a dandy fine meal from Subway. And a bottle of Cristal you say. Very, very generous.
Afolston: Yes, indeed sir.
JA: Well unfortunately, I am going to decline. Not because I'm not hungry, no no no. I'm starving. But because I don't like stuck-up, spoiled, must have everything their own way brats who think just because his father is rich they can have whatever they want! The only thing I will accept is a match where I can give JD Allguts a black-eye, busted lip, broken nose and perhaps a taste of his own blood. If he hasn't already tasted it after his match with Hadesstar.
Both Jeremy Alsop and Afolston look up for a second.
JA: But because I know JD Allgay has a "way" with the ladys I'm gonna send two of my "personal" favorites to him.
Jeremy goes around a corner and brings two ladies with black blankets over their whole bodies.
JA: Take these to JD Allsorts and tell him they are a peace offering. Tell him that I cannot accept his "gracious" invitation due to prior arrangements and send him my regards. Now be careful with the ladies and make sure they get to JD Allgood in one piece, ok?
Afolston: Very Good Sir. Good Day Sir.
Afolston turns and leaves dragging the ladies along with him.
JA: Good Day to you too. Man I'm so upset I won't be around to see JD's face when he looks at his girls I gave him.
Jeremy Alsop smiles as he returns his attention back to the replay of his match
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Darth Clay
XFE Hall of Famer
Darth Clay

Number of posts : 724
Age : 55
Registration date : 2008-04-27

Jeremy Alsop....... The Return Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jeremy Alsop....... The Return   Jeremy Alsop....... The Return Empty12/27/2008, 3:49 am

Jeremy Alsop is sitting down in front of the TV playing some sort of console. Beside him is a box.
Jeremy Alsop: Man this game is so whacked! Who would have thought that the PS2 would be the best console ever. Imagine if the GM and the Vice GM put there heads together and created a X-Force Wrestling game. With me in it, it would sell a million copies. Not to mention they should make it fan friendly.
There is a knock at the door.
JA: Come on in.
A courier walks in.
Courier: I've come to pick up a package. Do you have it?
Jeremy picks up the box.
JA: Sure do. Here you go.
C: A package to be delivered for JD Allgood at the address of.....
The Courier looks at Jeremy.
C: The address is in this very arena. Do you know that?
JA: Yes.
C: And you're prepared to pay the fifty dollar delivery fee?
JA: Yes.
C: Ok then. Can I just get you to sign this for me please?
JA: Certainly.
Jeremy signs the contract the courier gave him.
C: Ok then...Mr. Dante...I'll get this package delivered for you straight away.
JA: Thank you. And don't waste any time you hear me. That is a very important package. It's his new contract.
Courier walks away shaking his head as Jeremy sits back down and starts laughing.
JA: Man JD Allsorts is eventually gonna demand a match against me if I keep these antics up.
Jeremy goes back to playing his console game trying to wipe the smile off his face.
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Darth Clay
XFE Hall of Famer
Darth Clay

Number of posts : 724
Age : 55
Registration date : 2008-04-27

Jeremy Alsop....... The Return Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jeremy Alsop....... The Return   Jeremy Alsop....... The Return Empty12/27/2008, 3:52 am

Jeremy Alsop walks into The Sentinels office as The Sentinel is giving a crew member some orders. Jeremy doesn't look to happy. The Sentinel hurries the crew member of then looks at Jeremy who goes to speak...
Jeremy Alsop: "I'm getting a little fed up with this federation. First up I feel I'm not getting enough wrestling time. The only two matches I've had have been up against Officer Garcia, who cheated by the way, and JD Allsorts which wasn't really much of a challenge. Secondly no one wants to have a bar of me. Your "Vice-GM" never seems to be in his office when need be. And all your crew members just laze around doing nothing and can't even be bothered saying anything. Not to mention most the other wrestlers here look like they have something stuck up their you know what. And last of all that no good plastic freak named Paul "Playboy" Andrews keeps stealing my girls!!!!"
The Sentinel: "Well first off......."
Jeremy Alsop: "Don't interrupt me when I'm talking."
The Sentinel gets ups from behind his desk and stands face to face with Jeremy Alsop.
The Sentinel: "Excuse, Me?"
Jeremy Alsop: "I said d..."
The Sentinel: "First off, knock before you come into my office. Second, don't tell me what to do. And for the disrespect you have shown me just now. I'm going to reward you with a match at the pay-per-view."
Jeremy raises an eyebrow.
The Sentinel: "You will be facing my Vice GM, DANTE. And it won't be just any match. Your match with DANTE, will be a Last Man Standing Match! Now get out of my office before I knock you out myself!"
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Darth Clay
XFE Hall of Famer
Darth Clay

Number of posts : 724
Age : 55
Registration date : 2008-04-27

Jeremy Alsop....... The Return Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jeremy Alsop....... The Return   Jeremy Alsop....... The Return Empty12/27/2008, 3:53 am

Jeremy Alsop walks up to the GMs door and knocks before entering. He walks up to The Sentinel who has DarkShadow with him as they are preparing for the X-Force Tag Team Title match. Jeremy sits down and goes to speak
The Sentinel: "So what can I do for you?"
Jeremy Alsop: "First off I would like to apologize for my recent behavior. Secondly I would like to wish both you and DarkShadow all the best for your match tonight. You go and get those Tag Team Titles. And thirdly I just want you to know something. You interrupting me last week was the worse possible thing you could have done. Putting me in a Last Man Standing Match against Dante was your way to punish me and I can tell what's gonna happen. Should somehow I beat Dante you will just throw me in a match against someone else. I'm prepared for it. Are you prepared for rough times ahead Sentinel. Let me tell you that as of this very moment your life will be a living hell. And I guarantee you that what I did to JD Allsorts is nothing compared to what I'm gonna do to you."
Jeremy just looks at The Sentinel and DarkShadow seeing the anger build up inside of both of them
Jeremy Alsop: "Once again good luck in your match tonight. You're gonna need it."
Jeremy smiles as he walks out of the office and shuts the door leaving The Sentinel furious and not in a good mood.
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Darth Clay
XFE Hall of Famer
Darth Clay

Number of posts : 724
Age : 55
Registration date : 2008-04-27

Jeremy Alsop....... The Return Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jeremy Alsop....... The Return   Jeremy Alsop....... The Return Empty12/27/2008, 3:54 am

Jeremy Alsop is getting something to eat for lunch when he notices two trays with a cover on them and that one is for The Sentinel and the other for Darth Clay. He stops a staff member.
Jeremy Alsop: "Umm excuse me but when are you delivering these meals?"
Staff Member: "Before The Sentinels match. Why?"
Jeremy Alsop: Just asking. Carry on.
Jeremy watches the staff member turn his back and then switches the names on the trays and has a quick look at what Darth Clay was suppose to be getting.
Jeremy Alsop: "Oh The Sentinel is going to love this."
Jeremy Alsop walks away laughing.
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Darth Clay
XFE Hall of Famer
Darth Clay

Number of posts : 724
Age : 55
Registration date : 2008-04-27

Jeremy Alsop....... The Return Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jeremy Alsop....... The Return   Jeremy Alsop....... The Return Empty1/7/2009, 3:20 am

The Music for Jeremy Alsop plays. It is about fifteen seconds before Jeremy makes his way to the ring. He goes around to Erica to get a mic. Erica gets up and moves back. Jeremy asks for a mic instead of snatching it. Erica hands him one then Jeremy makes his way into the ring. Jeremy goes to speak.*
Jeremy Alsop: You know over the past couple of weeks something has been eating me alive. Then it occured to me what it was. Its the Rebels. Crowd starts booing I was talking to a old friend of mine the other day and he wasn't impressed with what i was becoming. You see, when i agreed to this little rebellion thing i didn't realise the amount of heat i would get. Not just from you fans but my friends and family too. I made a quick dash home after Stable Warfare to see my family and the amount of fan mail that i had recieved was incredible. People from all over New Zealand were right behind me. Infact people from all over the world were having a blast of a time watching my antics never knowing what i was going to do next. That was until i joined the rebels. The fan mail became hate mail. My very own family were disowning me and none of my friends were going to support me anymore. Without my family and friends I'm nothing. So to the Rebels this is it. You guys cant give me what my family and friends can. Unconditional Love and Support. Crowd Cheers
David Hood: He's letting it all out Matt.
Matt Scott: I know. This is good for the XFW.
Jeremy: Now just one thing before i go out back and face what might be coming to me i was a little suprised when watching Stable Wars and seeing that the XFW was going to split into two brands. So i'm hoping i'm gonna end up on the same show as The Sentinel because Sentinel, despite leaving the Rebels i still have a problem with you. And should we end up on the same show i aint gonna relent on my new found quest. And Why? Cause i am "The Kiwi Icon" Jeremy Alsop and what i say
Jeremy holds the mic in the air
Crowd: GOES!
*Jeremy Alsops music starts playing as Erica walks into the ring. Jeremy hands her the mic before leaving the ring and walking to the backstage while high-fiving fans.*
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Darth Clay
XFE Hall of Famer
Darth Clay

Number of posts : 724
Age : 55
Registration date : 2008-04-27

Jeremy Alsop....... The Return Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jeremy Alsop....... The Return   Jeremy Alsop....... The Return Empty1/8/2009, 1:25 am

Jill Wagner is standing outside the males locker room when Jeremy Alsop accidently walks into her. Crowd starts to cheer.

Jeremy Alsop: "Sorry Jill. You ok?"

Jill: "Yeah I'm ok. I have a question for you though."

Jeremy: "Go ahead Jill."

Jill: "What is your response to "The Aussie Devils" claim to attempt to torment, I mean challenge you?"

Crowd starts to boo

Jeremy: "Well Jill it's like this. "The Aussie Devil"?"

Jill: "Yeah. "The Aussie Devil". Satan's Son. GP Pato."

Jeremy: "Umm. Ok?" Jeremy has a confused look on his face. "I'm guessing he should be locked up in some sort of mental home where he can play poker every night with his father, Vin Diesel and Chuck Norris."

Jill: "In other words?"

"I should also tell GP Fatso to watch that Chuck Norris. He cheats a lot."

Jeremy walks away muttering something to himself leaving Jill confused and frustrated that Jeremy didn't answer her question.

Jill: "Back to you guys."
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Darth Clay
XFE Hall of Famer
Darth Clay

Number of posts : 724
Age : 55
Registration date : 2008-04-27

Jeremy Alsop....... The Return Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jeremy Alsop....... The Return   Jeremy Alsop....... The Return Empty1/8/2009, 1:39 am

The Ring is set-up for what seems to be a talk show. There are leather couches and a table with some beverages and a bowl of kiwifruit on it. Then the music for Jeremy Alsop starts to play and the crowd goes wild. Jeremy Alsop makes his way into the ring and motions for the music to stop.

Matt Scott: "I wonder what is going on here."

David Hood:
"I don’t know but I like the looks of the entire set up Jeremy Alsop has going here."

Jeremy picks up a mic from the table.

Jeremy Alsop: "Ladies and Gentlemen good evening."

Crowd goes wild.
"Welcome to the first of many editions of “The Iconic Status”! "
Crowd goes wild again. "
This show is all about the XFW and I am your host “The Kiwi Icon“. I intend to bring you the hottest news and maybe try to ruffle a few feathers. I will have guests on my show and hopefully go on to brighter things. But first. A message to GP Pato. The Aussie Devil. Listen here kid. It was a good match. A very good match and I have to give you your props. You beat me. I guarantee you it wont happen again as I want a rematch. And get back to me."
Crowd goes berserk. "Now introducing my guests tonight. They are a unbreakable group. Unless the NLO are involved. Please welcome The X-treme Killing Machines."

The Music for The X-treme Killing Machines plays as Y2K, Travo and Bleeding Face all make their way into the ring.

Jeremy: "Welcome to The Iconic Status fellows. Please make yourselves at home. I have some questions I need to ask you so please if you can be patient, don’t wreck anything and have something to drink then we will all get along fine. Now my first question is for you Y2K. Now, you beat Jade last week thus earning a supposed shot at the Extreme Championship. You don't seriously think you're gonna win do you?"

Y2K: "Well, I am pretty damn sure that someone who defeats a champion gets a title shot, and if I'm not correct, I beat Jade 1, 2, 3 last week, and I plan to do it during my championship shot."

Jeremy: "Well my money is on Jade for this one sorry. No Offense."

Y2K pulls a little smile.

Jeremy: "And what about you Bleeding Face? How do you feel about Y2K getting a title shot before you can take your guaranteed rematch for the title?"

Bleeding Face: "Well, Jade is a tough competitor, but I know Y2K has a more advantage of beating her than I do, and when he wins it, we agreed to put our careers on the line as our rivalry from the past continues in a Buried Alive Match for the X-Treme Fight Championship."

Jeremy: "I can see it now. Jade, I mean Y2K defending the Extreme Fight Championship against Bleeding Face in a Buried Alive match. Someone’s career would be buried. And last of all Travo. You seem to be the one left behind in all of this. Y2K seems to have put a lot of effort into his title match, Bleeding Face's rematch and left you on the sidewalk. How do you feel bout this?"

Travo: "I want to be a part of the greatest team in XFW today, with my good friends Y2K and bleeding face, we are the Canadian Killers, the X-Treme Killing Machines."

Jeremy: "Canadian Killers? Ok then."

Travo: "Well, I am wanting to represent the best country in the world, Canada, against people who deny it."

Jeremy Alsop: "Canada? The best country in the world? I doubt that Travo, New Zealand is the best."

GP Pato interupts Jeremy Alsop. Crowd starts to boo.

GP Pato: "Jeremy Alsop, if New Zealand is the best country in the world, then Satan isn‘t my father! Nothing is better than Austrailia."

Jeremy Alsop: "Well, I have to admit, it's not much better than Canada. Infact…."

Travo moves right up to Jeremy Alsop face ready to fight as Y2K and bleeding face hold him back

Y2K: "Wooh Travo, calm down. There is only one way to zip your lip, eh?"

Jeremy Alsop: "And that eh stuff? Eh, look at me eh, I'm a retarded Canadian eh!"

Travo grabs Y2K's Steel Chair and smashes it across Jeremy Alsop face. GP Pato quickly heads up the ringside smirking after witnessing Jeremy Alsop get his head busted open by Travo. Travo motions GP Pato to the ring but GP Pato walks away.

Travo: "I guess the only way to shut your mouth is by smashing it with a chair!"

Travo stands over Jeremy's unconcious body and raises the steel chair high in the air.

*The scene opens up as Jade is standing in the back looking at one of the television monitors. She is wearing her casual wrestling attire consisting of her Lucky brand jeans, a black A&F halter top, 2008 D&G shoes, her trademark 2003 Triton hat, and a long black trench coat. Inside the coat, the gleam of the purple and pink rhinestones of her belt can be seen as she is watching the monitor. She notices the number that the X-treme Killing machines are doing on Jeremy Alsop in the ring before running towards the entranceway.*

David Hood: “Aw come on! This isn’t right! The X-treme Killing Machines are doing a number on Jeremy Alsop! Is nobody going to come out to help this poor man!”

Matt Scott: “What a vicious beating it is, but in some respects you have to say he had it coming. You badmouth the X-treme Killing Machines and this is what happens.”

*As the two announcers keep bickering, the staff near the entranceway notices that Jade is running towards the entrance to the Titantron. They immediately cue in her music as the light strums of a Fender Strap Guitar are heard all throughout the arena as the crowd starts to cheer.*

David: “Finally!! Someone is not going to stand by and watch this massacre continue.”

Matt: “It’s sweetheart!”

David: “So two-faced, so two-faced.”

*”Barracuda” (live 1990 version) blares over the audio system as Jade comes sprinting out from the back dropping her trench coat, down the ramp way, unlatching her belt dropping it on the floor, and sliding into the ring. She goes over and pushes Travo to one corner, and drags a stunned Alsop to the opposite corner. She is seen yelling at both Travo and Y2K before making her way to the middle of the ring. She starts to point and continue to yell at Y2K and Travo as Y2K stands there smiling.*

David: “Is that…yes! It is! Officer Garcia is also coming down! He is going to help even the odds out!”

*Officer Garcia runs down the ramp way and slides in the ring behind Jade. The crowd continues to cheer until he suddenly spins Jade around kicks her in the mid-section, yells at the degenerate scum to "inter-lock your fingers behind your head! RENO P. D." Officer Garcia then gets a psychotic look in his eyes...Garcia suddenly draws a pistol and pop's off several wild shots into the crowd. Then proceeds to repeatedly pistol whip his opponent executing LEGENDARY Reno Letdown V2 0 Pro Edition as the crowd goes into a soar of boos.*

David: “Oh my god!! Officer Garcia just landed a very vicious Reno Letdown to the Extreme Fight Champion!”

Matt: “Noooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! How could he do that!?”

David: “And that’s why he is the heelest of the heels! Officer Garcia sending a statement to the champion!”

Matt: “A bully he is. He is like a mercenary, taking the highest bid for his services!”

*Suddenly the lights start to flicker as the lights turn gray as a mysterious fog envelops the ring. When the lights come back to full power, Y2K, Travo, and Officer Garcia are all standing outside of the ring perplexed as Dark Ryder stands in the middle of the ring with Alsop still in the corner, and Jade laying on the mat as the crowd gives a mixed reaction.*

David: “I think this crowd still doesn’t know what to think what might happen since Dark Ryder happens to have a neutral alliance, so who knows who he is helping!”

Matt:“And the three bullies are now outside of the ring, so that could be a good thing. Right?”

*As Y2K, Travo, and Officer Garcia prepare to make their way into the ring, "Ghost Riders in the Sky" by Spiderbait beings to play over the audio system as the GM himself makes his way out on the stage.*

The Sentinel: “Now wait just a second there boys. Before all three of you decide to get back into that ring right now, I suggest you save that energy for the matches you three will have tonight. Since you want to try and take out my champions to make a point Officer Garcia, tonight, you will have to find a friend, someone to help you tonight. The catch is that it can’t be either of the men standing next to you. Because you Officer Garcia will be facing myself, and Dark Ryder in a tag-team match!! I will give you your judgment on what I think about your actions here tonight!”

*The crowd starts to cheer at that remark as the camera’s start to bleep out Officer Garcia’s response to his match. In the ring Dark Ryder continues to stare down at Y2K, Travo, and Officer Garcia without breaking eye-contact as Alsop staggers to his feet and helps Jade up in the process.*

The Sentinel: “As for you Y2K, since you like to try to take out the Extreme Fight Champion twice in a week, you will also be in a Tag-team match! But your partner will not be Travo, no your partner will be….WORTHY!!!!!!!!

*The crowd gives a mixed reaction at that remark.*

The Sentinel: “I have not forgot how bad Worthy has made my life, and this will be his punishment. How might you ask? Because I am giving my two champions at chance to face their contenders, I am naming Jade’s tag-team partner to be the XFW Champion himself….LEGION!!!!!!!”

*The crowd starts to cheer again at a deafening volume.*

The Sentinel: “As for you Travo, you get the night off. Which means, if I even see you try and make an attempt to interrupt any of my matches tonight, your friend, and tag-team partner Y2K will LOSE his shot for the Extreme Fight title!”

*The crowd again cheers for that remark.*

The Sentinel: “I have not forgotten about you either Alsop. Since your first segment of The Iconic Status did not go so well, I am offering you a shot at anybody in the back to pay for ruining your show.”

Jeremy Alsop: “Well, GM, the person I want is not in the back his is infact out here.”

*He points down out of the ring towards GP Pato*

Jeremy: “I want GP Pato tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!”

The Sentinel: “Then your wish is granted! Oh and before I leave, clear this ring, I have a show to run! If any of you attack each other making your way to the back, you will feel the wrath of the GM!”

*"Ghost Riders in the Sky" begins to play again as The Sentinel makes his way to the back. Inside the ring, Dark Ryder, Jade, and Jeremy Alsop stare down Y2K, Travo, GP Pato and Officer Garcia as Y2K, Travo, GP Pato, and Officer Garcia make their way to the back followed by the other 3 stars.*

David: “The Excitement! We have just heard 3 matches made by the GM that will be on…tonight!

Matt: “Oh why do we have to take a commercial break now! This show is about to get wild!”

*The scene ends has it goes to a commercial break.*
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Darth Clay
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Darth Clay

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Jeremy Alsop....... The Return Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jeremy Alsop....... The Return   Jeremy Alsop....... The Return Empty1/8/2009, 1:55 am

["Fake It" by Seether plays as gp pato enters the arena, walking towards the ring with a mic in hand]

GP Pato: "Hello Boston."

[crowd cheers]

"If you've seen our XFW shows in the past few weeks you would have noticed two matches between me, 'The Aussie Devil', and 'The Kiwi Icon' Jeremy Alsop. If you were keeping score, you would know it's 1-all, and I just can't keep the rivalry at level pegging, so I'm suggesting an Aussie-Kiwi Showdown to determine this classic rivalry of an Aussie against a Kiwi."

[crowd cheers]


[crowd boos, as flames erupt from the four corners of the ring, with "Highway to Hell" by AC/DC being played in the background as gp pato continues to talk]

"So Alsop, if you're back there, come out here and answer my challenge... oh, and Alsop I have one condition... Since I have to put up with the conditions of hell how about we put this match in the harshest conditions possible... A HARDCORE MATCH."

Jeremy Alsop: "Hey Devil."

[GP Pato looks at the Titantron, as crowd starts cheering]

"Oh... look at that, how pathetic is that? He can't even speak face-to-face with me"

[crowd boos again]

"Here I am Devil. You know I was thinking exactly the same way as you. It's one all and I hate having things as a draw. So if it's a Aussie-Kiwi Showdown you want, then it's a Aussie-Kiwi Showdown you shall get. But wait, this ain't gonna be like those "Aussie Brawl" you and Slugger have been in. No, no, this will be worse. You've never faced anyone like this before and when it is all said and done, Your Kiwi Icon will have his hand raised by the ref and then go straight after whatever is left of Travo after The Sentinel has finished with him. Now there's something for you to contemplate."

[Jeremy waves bye to GP Pato and the Titantron goes blank]

"Well Kiwi Unknown, all I heard in that was this is going to be worse than those 'Aussie Brawl' matches since I'm playing you, I somehow doubt that."

[crowd boos]

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Darth Clay
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Darth Clay

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Jeremy Alsop....... The Return Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jeremy Alsop....... The Return   Jeremy Alsop....... The Return Empty1/8/2009, 1:57 am

Ladies and Gentlemen it seems we are getting set up for “The Iconic Status and after the mayhem it caused last week I‘m surprised that The Sentinel is allowing Jeremy Alsop to have another shot at this show."

David Hood: "I agree Matt. It was absolute chaos until The Sentinel stepped in and created some blockbuster matches."

Matt Scott:
"Well lets hope as we hear the sound of Scribe and this arena has erupted."

Jeremy Alsop makes his way to the ring, climbs in and picks up a mic.

Jeremy Alsop: "Welcome to the “The Iconic Status”!" Crowd goes wild again. "Last week “The Iconic Status” didn‘t go as I planned. I got a chair in my face, Jade received a unlawful beating and Dark Ryder somehow managed to clear those turkeys from the ring." Crowd cheers. "I still have no idea what happened. Which brings me to my guest tonight. He has caused some controversy over the past month. Especially at Stable Warfare where he attacked the then Vice-GM Dante." Crowd Boos "Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome the General Manager of the XFW, The Sentinel."

"Ghost Riders in the Sky" by Spiderbait starts play as The Sentinel makes his way into the ring picking up the mic that is on the table. There is a mixed reaction from the crowd.

Jeremy: "Welcome to the show Sentinel. Please make yourself at home." The Sentinel just stands there. "Ok then. You can just stand there if you want. But I have a few questions for you Sentinel like exactly what was JD Allsorts doing here at the XFW last week?"
Crowd Boos at the very mention of JD Allgoods name

Sentinel: "The real reason that Allgood was here last week is none of your business. But I'll tell you that he was basically here to annoy me."

Jeremy: "Well he pretty much annoys everyone so I can understand that. On another note. Why have you fired your own Tag Team Partner?"

The Sentinel starts to smirk.

Sentinel: "DarkShadow out lived his usefulness. And that message goes out to all XFW employees. Make yourself useful or you won‘t have a job."

Jeremy: "Now that is a stern message. Now last of all Dante. The General Manager of XFA. You‘ve heard his plans for the Universal-X Championship and how it is gonna be decided. How to plan to top a match a sgood as that?"

Sentinel: "Yeah, I‘ve heard about Dante‘s little Main Event. As to how I plan to out do him, well I guess you‘re just going to have to wait and see."

Jeremy: "Not even a clue?"

Sentinel: "Not even a clue."

Jeremy: "Ok then. Well Sentinel, I would like to thank you for coming onto “The Iconic Status” and all the best for your match against……"

Sentinel: "Travo. And when I beat him tonight, my message will be clear
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Darth Clay
XFE Hall of Famer
Darth Clay

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Jeremy Alsop....... The Return Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jeremy Alsop....... The Return   Jeremy Alsop....... The Return Empty1/9/2009, 1:10 am

Jeremy Alsop has just arrived at XFW GM The Sentinel's Office when he stops cause Travo is in the way. Travo is blocking the doorway, not allowing Jeremy to get in

Jeremy Alsop: "OK Travo. What are you doing?"

Travo: "Well, I was just thinking about a couple of weeks ago when I planted this very steel chair into your forehead."

Alsop: "That‘s right. Cause I called you a retarded Canadian after you claimed that Canada was the best. I spoke the truth when I said that. Canada can‘t even start to compete with New Zealand. I mean lets face it. New Zealand is..."

Travo: "Don‘t make me laugh. Canada can beat New Zealand at anything. I proved it the other week."

Alsop: "Is that so? Well then how about a…"

GP Pato: "You know I couldn‘t help but overhear that you two are claiming your respective countries are better and I think, out of New Zealand and Canada, Australia is best."

Alsop: "Ok then... There is only one way to prove this and that is a..."

Travo hits Jeremy over the back of the head with his steel chair knocking Jeremy down to the ground

Travo: "I told you Kiwi Boy. Canada is the best!!!!!"

Travo takes a swing at GP Pato who dodges the shot and opens Travo's legs and kicking him with a strong Kick to Groin

GP Pato: "And I told you Canuck. Australia is best!!!!!"

After hearing all the noise outside, the XFW GM The Sentinel steps out of his office

The Sentinel: "BREAK IT UP!!!"

The Sentinel helps Alsop up from the floor

The Sentinel: "As Alsop was trying to say, there's one way to prove which country is best... a Commonwealth Rumble!!!"

Cuts to the commentary team

David: "A Commonwealth Rumble!!! What's that?"

Matt: "Whatever it is, all three are going to be carrying their country's pride!!!"

Travo: "Also, I don't think you wanna mess with me, look behind you."

*Y2K steps out of The Sentinel's office as the two were discussing the XFW vs. XFA match this Saturday*

GP Pato: "Hey Y2K, what you gave your signature chair to Travo?"

*Y2K lifts one eyebrow up, then lifts up his right fist completely wrapped in barbed wire, as GP Pato and Jeremy Alsop take off to there locker rooms*

Y2K: "Punks should've realised it was a prop, ha, the real Barbed Wire is in the locker room, anyways, Travo, I got your back, represent Canada for the country that is. Also, don't get injured, for our match this Saturday at XFA, against Dark Forces, think about it, we represent our entire brand, the number one brand, XFW vs. XFA, as we rise victorious."

Travo: "Y2K, don't worry about it, I got a few tricks up my sleeve."

Y2K: "Well I'll be watching your match, good luck man. Lets go give bleeding face support now for his match against Jade."

*The two leave the GM's Office to bleeding faces locker room*
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Darth Clay
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Darth Clay

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Jeremy Alsop....... The Return Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jeremy Alsop....... The Return   Jeremy Alsop....... The Return Empty1/10/2009, 2:19 am

~Matt Scott is standing in the middle of the ring with a mic in hand.~
Matt Scott: "Ladies and Gentlemen I hope you are enjoying the show tonight!"
~Crowd Cheers~
Matt Scott: "Allow me to introduce the man I am about to interview, “The Kiwi Icon“ Jeremy Alsop!"
~The Sound of Not Many by Scribe is heard though out the stadium as Jeremy makes his appearance on stage. The Crowd has gone berserk. Jeremy steps into the ring as Matt hands him another mic.~
Matt Scott: "Jeremy, lets not waste anytime here. Tonight you are going one on one with Kangjagal for the right to face The Extreme Fight Champion Dark Ryder. How are you feeling right now?"
Jeremy: "Well Matt its like this." (thinks to himself) "I’m going up against a Musical Instrument?"
~Crowd Cheers~
Matt Scott: "No, no the wrestler."
Jeremy: "Oh. That’s right. Sorry Matt. I am thinking this is gonna be one of the hardest matches of my career. I’ve faced Kangjagal several times on the independent circuit and he has never lost. Going to be quite hard I say. "
Matt Scott: "Well maybe and I wish you all the best for your match tonight. Thank You."
~Matt goes back to his commentary seat. Jeremy stays in the ring.~
Jeremy: "While I am still here I’m gonna make this simple. There is a certain bounty on a certain someones head that I am interested in." (Crowd starts to boo) "Please don’t get me wrong. My interest in this certain bounty is to make sure that no one can cash in that bounty and if any one does……then they have a problem. They have an “iconic” problem. And why? Cause I am “The Kiwi Icon” Jeremy Alsop and what I say….."
~Jeremy holds the mic in the air~
Crowd: "GOES!!!!!"
~Jeremy drops the mic and leaves the ring. He is halfway up the ramp when Tranquilize by the killers plays.~
~The lights start to flicker and fog rushes and surrounds the ring. As it fades away...~
Matt Scott: "Thats Dark Ryder's Music.....and that's usually how Dark Ryder appears....it sends shivers up my spine every time because you never know when he is about to appear...but this is just strange."
David Hood: "The man is not to be messed with...but where the hell is he? The fog is gone, the music is still playing but Dark Ryder is nowhere to be found."
~Jeremy spins on the spot, his eyes frantically looking for the dark one himself. His eyes darting from the ring and threw all of the audience.~
~All of a sudden on the tron goes all smokey and Dark Ryder lifts his head up. His white eyes glaring down on a frantic Jeremy who continues to try and search for The Dark One.~
Dark Ryder:"Jeremy...."
~Jeremy spins toward the tron and is startled by the sudden presence of Dark Ryder.~
Dark Ryder: "...your going to learn to dread the words....that are going to end up trading your life in....and all for nothing....Jeremy.....the self-proclaimed "Icon"...."
~Jeremy gets a big smile on his face as Dark Ryder growls his name "icon"~
Dark Ryder: "....prepare....for the ride of your life..."
~The Lights stop flickering and the tron turns black once again....~

~Jeremy starts to laugh a little to himself~
Jeremy: "(yelling at tron)I'm not "The Icon" Dark Ryder! I'm "The Kiwi Icon". Your buddy GP Pato should have told you that!!"
~Crowd Cheers as Jeremy leaves the stage~
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XFE Hall of Famer

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Jeremy Alsop....... The Return Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jeremy Alsop....... The Return   Jeremy Alsop....... The Return Empty1/25/2009, 12:30 am

updated slightly
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Dark Ryder
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Dark Ryder

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Jeremy Alsop....... The Return Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jeremy Alsop....... The Return   Jeremy Alsop....... The Return Empty1/25/2009, 4:02 am

aah.... twas a good fued we had
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XFE Hall of Famer

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Jeremy Alsop....... The Return Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jeremy Alsop....... The Return   Jeremy Alsop....... The Return Empty1/25/2009, 5:22 am

Yes it was Dark.....Yes it was......
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XFE Hall of Famer

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Jeremy Alsop....... The Return Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jeremy Alsop....... The Return   Jeremy Alsop....... The Return Empty7/29/2009, 5:18 am

Updated again.....Just cause I can and there were a lot of things left out.....
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Jeremy Alsop....... The Return Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jeremy Alsop....... The Return   Jeremy Alsop....... The Return Empty

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Jeremy Alsop....... The Return
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