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 Scoring change

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Darth Clay
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PostSubject: Scoring change   Scoring change Empty11/28/2008, 3:34 am

I was thinking of modifying the scoring system set up by Pato before his exit. The match scoring will remain intact (with a possible update to how tag teams and special matches are scored) and I wanted y'all's input:

I have a spreadsheet set up that keeps track of the wrestler score, popularity, and fans, as well as (just recently updated) the match scores for each week. I would like to score the whole package, rather than just the match results.

Now pay attention, here's where it gets complicated: The wrestler score will be worth anywhere from -2.5 to 2.5 points based on how far above or below the average score is. The popularity and fans will be scored based on how much it contributes to the total (based on a complex formula that I won't bore you with here. If you want more info, please let me know).

In addition to this, I am planning to add a "RP factor" to the score, based on how active the character (not necessarily the player) is in RP's. Exactly how is a ? (a huge question mark) right now. Suggestions are weclome.

Am I off base entirely? Is this a good idea? Any suggestions? Post below, please.

This is in the XFW folder since I plan on only scoring XFW wrestlers.
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Darth Clay
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Darth Clay

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PostSubject: Re: Scoring change   Scoring change Empty11/28/2008, 4:58 am

I have ideas but since I am not on XFW I will not give then to you....HAHA
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XFE Hall of Famer

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PostSubject: Re: Scoring change   Scoring change Empty11/28/2008, 5:13 am

Unlike some people I will contribute constructively to this topic...

I like it, but for the rp value, I'd say give it a set value. Like for No=0 points, Yes=5 points.

So if they did or did not rp is all it would have a bearing on as scoring rps any other way could be viewed different by all parties involved because like 95% of people do not make a rp as long as mine, but the ones that do rp, rp good because they a) tried, and b) get their point across alot faster than I do since I like to be descriptive about my rps.

I tried to do something like this before you joined in, but because I basically suck at long equation math it didn't even turn out good (as it was going to be used to determine like the power 15 for the fed)
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Number of posts : 1152
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Scoring change Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scoring change   Scoring change Empty11/28/2008, 11:03 am

That's why I'm using Excel. I'm open to the idea of a flat amount for RP/no RP, and 5 seems weighted about right. I'm thinking, though, that a more open award for RPing (scale from 5 (for the most detailed and immersive, not necessarily long, RP's, especially if involved in a major plotline) down to 0 (for no RP at all) with 4-1 reserved for those who made an effort, variable based on amount of said effort) would be appropriate to encourage more activity.

I understand that such a scale would be completely subjective, so I may end up conferencing with Sentinel and whoever the new VGM of XFW is going to be, and maybe one or two of the more active RP'ers to rate them on the aforementioned scale and take the average, rounded to the nearest .5.

Regarding popularity and fans, the score there is weighted based on how they're contributing toward our total (Entrances, people!). The actual calculation is still up in the air. I may do a dry run based on this past season's shows and the current numbers to see if what I have makes any sense at all.

I'll have to do this all after work, of course. Mad
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PostSubject: Re: Scoring change   Scoring change Empty11/28/2008, 11:53 am

Also, any suggestions on how to score Tag Team matches and special matches is welcomed. Since last blood matches require making the opponent bleed out, blood conditions will be scored at half value, as indicated in the match summaries I posted previously. I am thinking of doing something similar for submission and 2/3 submission matches for injury conditions. And how would everyone feel about something like that for matches that can't be won by pinfall or submission (basically every other match in existence).

Tag Team matches are a pain. One time during last season, both members of one team were in orange, and on the other team, one was red and the other yellow. One above, and one below.

One idea I thought of (and this is quickly turning into a free association session; I'll bring it to a close soon, I promise) is that instead of being scored as a difference between the condition monitors, we assign a point value to each condition (red = 0 up to black = 6) and subtract the numbers; the winners would gain that many points, and the loser would lose that many, plus any bonus points for bleed or injury conditions inflicted.

In singles matches, the result would be basically unchanged. With tag matches, however, the numbers would be averaged for each team, like the bleed/injury conditions are already, and subtracted like in singles matches.

I think that sounds about right.
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Number of posts : 341
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PostSubject: Re: Scoring change   Scoring change Empty11/28/2008, 1:11 pm

Agree with Jade:

5 Points if RP, 0 Points if not RP

For the WP difference you can put something as: +1000 Points = +1 Point, -3000 Points = -3 Points

And for popularity you can try something as +1 Point each 4 or 5 stars.
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XFE Hall of Famer

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PostSubject: Re: Scoring change   Scoring change Empty11/28/2008, 4:35 pm

Well, I agree on the last blood as you *have* to go through the bleed sequence to win, but any other match it's purely based on ability. 2/3 subs doesn't force you to win by injury and with the auto fist lock (grrr...) that they have included, techs vs. anybody else won't get nearly the amount of injuries required since a big time finisher + fist lock = win (just like regular sub matches).

Tag-team matches are now scored under the same system as single matches so it's possible to get bleeding moves and such. The only thing is maybe give a point to *both* wrestlers if they cut, bleed, etc the opposition doing a double team move. But I do like it if it's an average because let's face it, if one partner is in the whole match and the other partner is there for a little, of course the colors are going to be way different, and I highlight the NLO vs. PAC match that just happened when Malkyto was in the ring significantly longer than Ultimo and Malkyto was like yellow but Ultimo was green. Doing the average is great because in a tag-team match, you win as a team, lose as a team.

I like Plin's idea about using the star count because if you do it trying to calculate entrances yourself, then you'd have to know exactly the entrance count someone had when the match was simmed, and sometimes (I've noticed personally) that I used to add entrances after the match was simulated so I might show like 130 entrances, but when the match was simulated I had 124, those 6 entrances is 3 yellow stars which on a show is 6 yellow stars. Not saying this will happen alot, but its a possibility.

So the total to this could be: [ (overall match star count) / (wrestler's star count)] / (overall card match count)

The math itself might be in all the wrong places, but basically take the % of the wrestler and their average of their own match, and put it against the overall star count for the card to see how much they actually contributed. Tag-team matches would just add teams together (i.e. Malky & Ultimo's count added would give NLO's score). Now with this tag-team's would be higher, but you can chalk it up to as in theory, you don't see a ton of knocked out colds or full injury sequences; so it's their way of making it 'even'.

*whew* takes a breath
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Number of posts : 1152
Age : 49
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Registration date : 2008-06-27

Scoring change Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scoring change   Scoring change Empty11/28/2008, 7:55 pm

Lemme clear a couple things up:

Scoring bleeds/injuries on tag matches isn't a problem; Pato had that already figured out. I'm more worried about the damage indicators, like if you had one team with one guy in red and one guy in dark green and on the other time had one guy in yellow and one in orange (which isn't impossible, BION). I think assigning points to each damage level will likely solve that problem.

Regarding points (this is for Plin) I've got a system in mind already: I take the average WS for the fed compared to the highest score, and assign .25 to 0 points depending on where each person's score that's at or above the averahe falls in that line. Same is true for those below the average and where they lie between the average and lowest score. It's pretty elegant, IMHO.

As for entrances and stars, I wasn't planning on introducing those into the scoring system, just the hard numbers of popularity and fans. Should I include stars in my calculations instead of popularity and fans? On the one hand, it would be easier to calculate per show, but on the other, the stars really only measure individual performance and don't contribute to the fed as a whole.

Or am I wrong on that. Can you experts (Jade) on how the system works edjimacate me on that?
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 1356
Registration date : 2008-05-01

Scoring change Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scoring change   Scoring change Empty11/28/2008, 8:44 pm

Well, to start off fans is some what equal to popularity. Your popularity goes up at certain levels depending on your fans so it's technically one in the same, or dependent on one another. Like to get 500 popularity, you need 1k fans, if you have 998 fans, you'll be at like 499 popularity (mathematically it rounds and at 999 fans, you'll have 500 pop because of the equation they use)

The game itself to check for fans for the fed as a whole has something to do with individual fans, fans totaled on the card, fans provided by both wrestlers in their match, star count for individual people, star count for match, and star count for the federation as a whole to determine how much popularity and fans the show itself will get.

In theory one way or another someone is going to be screwed no matter which way you do it. As people who don't have as many fans as others, and people that don't have as many entrances as others will get the shaft depending on which system you use, unless you incorporate both (and that's a hell alot of work as you will have to find out their fans before the show airs, or even better right before the match is simulated as gaining a stat level will automatically give you 'X' amount of fans).

For example purposes, I am going to use both Legion and Myself.

Now I have less fans than Legion, like 700 less and if we are on the same show, is that saying I contribute less than he does simply because he's been around longer than I have? On the other side of the bar he has 63 entrances, and I have 160 entrances which means in the star count side, I will have way more than him on a show than he will be compared to me, does that make me have more of a contribution?

My point really is that if you include one, you'll have to include the other because combined Legion and I both help the fed the same but in different ways, Legion provides a lot of a fans for the show, and I provide a boost in the star count that all goes into the final equation to determine the show's popularity.

It will just seem like a ton of work (unless you want it Razz), but if you are up to it then yes it can work this way, as the star count after the show is easy, but you'll just have to take that extra work scrolling on the roster and updating the fans at the time that the card was simulated so there aren't too many outliers (not that 4 fans from a stat boost is going to make a significant change unless everybody has a stat boost in that period of time lol)
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Number of posts : 1410
Registration date : 2008-04-24

Scoring change Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scoring change   Scoring change Empty11/28/2008, 9:05 pm

Jade, does that mean I'm the best of both worlds as I have a pretty high fan base and pretty high entrance?
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Number of posts : 1152
Age : 49
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PostSubject: Re: Scoring change   Scoring change Empty11/28/2008, 9:06 pm

I see where you're coming from. It pays to have an "in" on these internal calculations.

The cool thing is Excel does the calculations for me (once I came up with the formula) so it's not a big deal. And updating the pop/fans after each show isn't a big deal; it's just time-consuming. I was wanting to do it anyway for my own benefit, but so much the better.

I'ma do a dry run, like I suggested before using this past season's numbers and post the results. Once I do, feel free to descend upon me like piranha on a porkchop.
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 1356
Registration date : 2008-05-01

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PostSubject: Re: Scoring change   Scoring change Empty11/28/2008, 9:53 pm

lol, yes, the higher you have both, the better. But it's easier to have high entrances and the fans will follow than vice versa. Like me, I gained an average of 65 fans last season on the 4 shows I was on, lowest was like 56, highest was 73.

Jack - I'm sure it will be fine lol, I tried it and it didnt' work out for me as I suck at long equations, I know all the info, but couldn't correlate it into a working mathematical equation which is what I am sure you have going on. But the rest of the stuff is looking good (thanks for clarifying on the tag-team, I totally misunderstood)

The exactly equation (with numbers) is unknown to basically everybody as Tullo doesn't give out full equations Sad, but what I provided is what goes into determining 1/3 of the show's votes (i.e. the ridiculously long equation that hurts your head lol)
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Number of posts : 1152
Age : 49
Location : Unreality
Registration date : 2008-06-27

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PostSubject: Re: Scoring change   Scoring change Empty11/28/2008, 11:17 pm

Okay. Thanks for all the feedback. I decided to ignore all of it... (psyche!)

No, seriously. I put it through its paces and this is what I came up with. I will post the "Power 15" based on my calculations. Here is a cross-section of how I came up with each number:
Point factor: explained previously
Fans/Entrances: I gave a weighted score based on the percentages of each contribute to the overall total for both entrances and fans
Match Scores: As before
Stars: Went through each match and totalled the stars as X.Y, where X is the number of orange (10) stars and Y is the number of yellow (1) stars, then weighted them against the total like with Fans and Entrances
RP: Each week, I gave 5 points if the character roleplays, then I average over the month.

Okay, without further ado:

1: Jade: Points 2.5 + Pop/Fans 2.5 + Match 17 + Stars 5.5 + RP 5 = 32.5
2: Jack Power: Points 1.5 + Pop/Fans 3 + Match 13 + Stars 12.5 + RP 5 = 23.5
3: Malktyo: Points 2 + Pop/Fans 4 + Match 8 + Stars 4.5 + RP 3.75 = 22.25
4: Dark Ryder: Points .5 + Pop/Fans 2 + Match 8.5 + Stars 2.5 + RP 2.5 = 16
5: Agnobilis Ares: Points 2 + Pop/Fans 2.5 + Match 7 + Stars 2.5 + RP 1.25 = 15.25
6: Ultimo Guerrero: Points .5 + Pop/Fans 3.5 + Match 4 + Stars 2 + RP 3.75 = 13.75
7: GodsBlooD: Points 0 + Pop/Fans 2.5 + Match 5 + Stars 2 + RP 3.75 = 13.25
8: Kangjagal: Points 1 + Pop/Fans 2 + Match 6 + Stars 2 + RP 0 = 11
9: Plin: Points 0 + Pop/Fans 2 + Match 0 + Stars 4 + RP 3.75 = 9.75
10: Legion: Points 1.5 + Pop/Fans 4 + Match .5 + Stars 3 + RP 0 = 9
11: TheDominator: Points .5 + Pop/Fans 3 + Match 2 + Stars 1.5 + RP 1.25 = 8.25
12: Sukkeljte: Points -2.5 + Pop/Fans 1 + Match 4.5 + Stars 1 + RP 3.75 = 7.75
13(t): Axl: Points -2 + Pop/Fans 1 + Match 8 + Stars .5 + RP 0 = 7.5
13(t): The Sentinel: Points -1.5 + Pop/Fans 2.5 + Match 0 + Stars 1.5 + RP 5 = 7.5
13(t): Black Worthy: Points 0 + Pop/Fans 4 + Match -3 + Stars 1.5 + RP 5 = 7.5

Note: I did not include XFA matches in these results (otherwise Ares's score would have been somewhat higher).

Well, there's the list as of the end of last season. It's not by any means an official list until all the details are hammered out, so don't gripe yet. save it for later.

I'm looking for constructive criticism and suggestions, and maybe some errors that I may have missed.

That said (dons flame retardant suit) begin!
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XFE Hall of Famer

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Registration date : 2008-05-01

Scoring change Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scoring change   Scoring change Empty11/29/2008, 12:21 am

*no comment*

That seriously is the most intricate scoring system i've seen aside from the game system lol (and that's a good thing!)
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Number of posts : 1152
Age : 49
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Registration date : 2008-06-27

Scoring change Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scoring change   Scoring change Empty12/11/2008, 8:13 pm

Sorry to resurrect this topic, but I have a couple ideas, but I wanted to get an idea of what you all think:

1) I was thinking about averaging the Match score part of the calculations instead of a running total. It will even things out a bit more, and will lessen the impact of "squash" matches on the score.

2) What does everyone think about leaving off the calculation part of the power 15 rankings for everyone but the top 5? Because I can add them back in if someone wants to check my math.

3) Should I give some kind of bonus to champions? Because Jade being the HWC and not being ranked #1 (even down to #3 week 1) might seem a little wrong (correct me if I'm wrong)

What does everyone think?
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Dark Ryder
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Dark Ryder

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PostSubject: Re: Scoring change   Scoring change Empty12/11/2008, 10:13 pm

i think it should be exactly how you have it.

-the top 5 description i feel adds to the power 15. not only is it a goal to get into the 15... oh no, its an accomplishment to get into the top 5. Making it more personal and descripitive. Just a personal opinion but i like that part of the power 15

-alright now for the championship bonus. I believe you're right...and i'm beginning to feel like an echo now. The championship titles should add a little kick, making them the representitive of the best, to be the top you have to beat the best and the best are currently holding the titles. So as for the added kick i believe a championship bonus would make the power 15 better

- as for the averaging the match score out, i'm not exactly sure what you mean.... is it like add all the points of each match and then divide the matches to get the average? so to have a seasonal average? or is it going to be a total fed average where it counts every match you've been in? sry but to me this question was kind of unclear
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 1356
Registration date : 2008-05-01

Scoring change Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scoring change   Scoring change Empty12/11/2008, 11:57 pm

Dark Ryder wrote:

- as for the averaging the match score out, i'm not exactly sure what you mean.... is it like add all the points of each match and then divide the matches to get the average? so to have a seasonal average? or is it going to be a total fed average where it counts every match you've been in? sry but to me this question was kind of unclear

I also got confuzzled on this.

As for the champion bonus I have no opinion as it will look biased as I am a current champion Wink

I pretty much agree with dark as I do like the top 5 descriptions.
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Number of posts : 1152
Age : 49
Location : Unreality
Registration date : 2008-06-27

Scoring change Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scoring change   Scoring change Empty12/12/2008, 5:31 am

What I mean by averaging is to take the match scores for each week and average them for the month as opposed to using a running total for the month.

ex: Our midget wrestler Little Chief Running Gag in his 4 matches for the week get a +5, -2, 0, and +1. If we go with a running total, he would have a +4 for the week. If we average it out, he'll be at a +1 (4 score / 4 weeks)


The average system would lessen the impact on both players' scores from "squash" matches, where the opponent is severely overmatched and loses in, like, dark green, or even light green with cuts and injuries l, r, & c.


It most severely affects those who don't have matches for a week

Anything I'm missing?
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