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 Worthy The Dark Jester

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2 posters
XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 2682
Age : 39
Location : Manchester, England
Registration date : 2008-04-23

Worthy The Dark Jester Empty
PostSubject: Worthy The Dark Jester   Worthy The Dark Jester Empty4/23/2008, 3:01 am

Wrestlers Name: Worthy

Face or Heel:

Background Story:
Worthy was at one time a respected fan favourite on the XFE roster, then he slowly decended into madness which has made him became mentally insane and as a result Worthy is now an unstable, psychotic maniac that see's everything as a joke and likes to play sick games and cruel tricks on his victims because he believes that the world is a joke and so he will treat the world and everyone within it as one big joke, but while Worthy comes across as though he is doing no harm and it's all in fun, Worthy has a dark side and a vicious temper.

Titles so far in XFE:
XFE Heavyweight title x1
XFE Tag-team title x1

Worthy The Dark Jester 10-8


Entrance Video:

Last edited by Worthy on 9/3/2009, 7:42 am; edited 26 times in total
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 2682
Age : 39
Location : Manchester, England
Registration date : 2008-04-23

Worthy The Dark Jester Empty
PostSubject: Re: Worthy The Dark Jester   Worthy The Dark Jester Empty10/10/2008, 8:42 am

My new finishers and trade marks:

WORTHY COMBINATION - Worthy puts his leg and arm around [nome] legs
then slams [nome] foward to his knee then backwards like a DDT executing a devastating Worthy Combination

Worthy Climbs to the top rope
and dives off doing a triple backflip flip splash executing a devastating Death From Above

Worthy dives into a forward roll
then dives into the stomach of [nome] executing a devastating Rogue Spear

Chaos Moonsault:
Worthy bounces off the top rope with gp pato lying face up on the mat
and lands on him performing a
Chaos Moonsault!!

Worthy bounces off, using the top rope
and jumps on the shoulders of the charging opponent performs a backflip, using his momentum to throw gp pato over him, setting him for a pinfall with a
devastating Nightmarecarana!!

Shadow Suplex:
Worthy hooks both of his opponent's arms standing behind his opponent,
then he lifts gp pato up and falls backwards, arching his back and legs, having his opponent collide with his neck and shoulder on the mat performing a
devastating Shadow Suplex!!

Last edited by Worthy on 12/26/2008, 4:28 am; edited 1 time in total
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 2682
Age : 39
Location : Manchester, England
Registration date : 2008-04-23

Worthy The Dark Jester Empty
PostSubject: Re: Worthy The Dark Jester   Worthy The Dark Jester Empty11/24/2008, 4:25 am

Worthy Mimes (were Worthy wraiths).

Worthy The Dark Jester 05-tuts-mimes-rope

Last edited by Worthy on 9/3/2009, 7:46 am; edited 9 times in total
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Darth Clay
XFE Hall of Famer
Darth Clay

Number of posts : 724
Age : 55
Registration date : 2008-04-27

Worthy The Dark Jester Empty
PostSubject: Re: Worthy The Dark Jester   Worthy The Dark Jester Empty12/20/2008, 3:12 am

Worthy: "Last week I hit the referee after the match which resulted in me getting suspended and in the process I ended up missing out on the PPV which is why I am speaking to you via a satellite link.
I am sick of puny mortals getting in my way and I am so full of hate that I want to unleash the apocalypse known as Worthy's wrath on everyone in XFW and for this reason alone I want the extreme fight title so that I can destroy every puny mortal who stands in my way legally!!
Until I get my title shot, I will continue to annihilate all who stand before me because I am Worthy by name, worthy by nature and my voice will be heard!!"
*Titantron switches off and crowd boo*
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Darth Clay
XFE Hall of Famer
Darth Clay

Number of posts : 724
Age : 55
Registration date : 2008-04-27

Worthy The Dark Jester Empty
PostSubject: Re: Worthy The Dark Jester   Worthy The Dark Jester Empty12/20/2008, 3:18 am

Worthy: "Yes it is true what you have been hearing in the rumour mill, GM Sentinel has lifted my suspension because he realises that this show is nothing without me because I am XFW's MVP, infact they should rename this show X-Force Worthy because everyone here has paid to see me!!"
*the crowd boo, then the crowd cheer as Sentinel makes his way to the entrance way and Erica steals her microphone back from Worthy to introduce Sentinel*

The Sentinel: "Very Funny, Worthy, very funny. The real reason I have lifted your suspension is because I want to make an example out of you. You can beat up a referee, but lets see how you fair against someone who can fight back."
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 2682
Age : 39
Location : Manchester, England
Registration date : 2008-04-23

Worthy The Dark Jester Empty
PostSubject: Re: Worthy The Dark Jester   Worthy The Dark Jester Empty12/20/2008, 4:41 am

Oh the memories, Worthy back when he was at his best, lol!!
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Darth Clay
XFE Hall of Famer
Darth Clay

Number of posts : 724
Age : 55
Registration date : 2008-04-27

Worthy The Dark Jester Empty
PostSubject: Re: Worthy The Dark Jester   Worthy The Dark Jester Empty12/27/2008, 2:55 am

*The camera cuts to a pitch black cellar.*
Worthy The Dark Jester Jd_all10
JD Allgood: "Hello anyone there?"
Worthy The Dark Jester Jeremy10
Jeremy Aslop: "Is that you JD?"
JD Allgood: "Yes, so I guess i'm not the only one to get an invitation into Worthy's lair?"
Worthy The Dark Jester Paul_a10
Playboy: "No because I got one too."
JD Allgood: "Hey Playboy, did he invite you too? oh wait it is too dark to see, Afolston switch on the lights, chop chop!!"
*Afolston switches on the lights and when he does the swivel chair spins round and Worthy appears.*
Worthy The Dark Jester Worthy12
Worthy: "Gentlemen, what took you so long?"
Playboy: "What do you want Worthy, I got babes waiting out there."
Worthy: "The reason I have invited you three to my humble abode is because you all have been victims of misjustice here in XFW, just like I have."
*Worthy walks over to JD Allgood.*
Worthy: "JD on Wednesday you had the match won but the referee claimed you tapped out when infact you was reaching for the ropes and you missed it causing your hands to hit the mat, AM I CORRECT?"
JD Allgood: "Yes your are spot on Worthy."
*Worthy then walks over to Jeremy Aslop.*

Worthy: "...and what about you Jeremy, did you not think that the referee counted a little fast during your match on Wednesday?"
Jeremy Alsop: "You're right, he was counting fast and he knew what he was doing as well."
*Worthy walks over to Paul Playboy Andrews.*
Playboy: "Before you say it yes I know the referee declared the match a draw for no apperant reason and in the process, stopped me from getting my title back... yes I know Worthy, please don't bring it up again!!"
Worthy: "I know how that feels as I was entered into the tag tournament, but management did all they can to stop me from wearing gold around my waist by teaming me up with my arch nemesis the dominator and then getting that pathetic mortal ref to screw me out of the victory."
*Worthy sits back on his chair.*
Worthy: "You see we are all victims of the number crunching management here in XFW and I don't know about you guys but I for one is starting to get sick of the likes of Sentinel and Dante getting in our way and I think the time has come to do something about it, so what do you say?"
Jeremy Aslop: "Let me think..."
*Just as Jeremy Alsop was about to answer yes or no, Worthy interupts.*
Worthy: "Sorry to interupt but it seems our meeting is no longer private, so hold on a second."
*Worthy gets out of the chair and beats up the camera man which results in the footage cutting off. The camera then shifts back to commentators table.*
David: "What did we just see Matt? I smell trouble."
Matt: "It looks like a problem is brewing up in XFW!"
David: "This doesn't look too good. Our Vice GM DANTE can't be too happy about this."
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Darth Clay
XFE Hall of Famer
Darth Clay

Number of posts : 724
Age : 55
Registration date : 2008-04-27

Worthy The Dark Jester Empty
PostSubject: Re: Worthy The Dark Jester   Worthy The Dark Jester Empty1/7/2009, 2:46 am

David Hood: "Well what a show it has been so far, I wonder what is next on the card?"
Matt Scott: "According to my head set it's an interview segment by Worthy?"
David Hood: "Whats it called?"
Matt Scott: "It is called Worthy's Wrath apparently."
David Hood: "I've never had Worthy down as the talk show type, but as I look in the ring and see XFW staff putting a black carpet down and an office desk with the office chairs, I must take my hat off too him as this is a great idea."
Matt Scott: "Hopefully we might get some answers to strange behaviour of Worthy."
*Worthy's entrance music plays and he makes his way to the ring whilst the crowd boo*

Worthy The Dark Jester Worthy_0
Worthy: "Welcome puny mortals to Worthy's Wrath, a show which I created because XFW management wanted to censor me, but my voice shall be heard and tonight you worthless beings in the audience will have no choice but to listen to the Worthy one!!"
*The crowd boo after that last comment*
Worthy: "So on the debut of Worthy's wrath I have got a guest who has a problem with me and is slowly ruining XFW with his dodgy decisions.."
Matt Scott: "He must be talking about Dante who he has had problems with as of late and for the record is doing a marvelous job by holding the fort whilst our GM is away."
David Hood: "I agee Matt our vice Gm is doing a grand job, but if it is Vice GM Dante then Worthy must have some guts after what we have seen him do to Dante and lets not forget the threat Dante made after that brutal attack at the hands of Worthy."
Worthy: "Silence commentator scum and let me introduce the man who abuses his power and makes awful decisions around here..."

Matt Scott: "It sounds like it's Dante..."
Worthy: "My guest tonight is............................................... SENIOR REFEREE TOM Jones!"

David Hood: "I knew he wouldn't have the guts to call out Dante."
*Senior referee Tom Jones makes his way to the ring and grabs a microphone*
Tom Jones: "What do you want Worthy I'm a busy man?"
Worthy: "Please sit down and make yourself at home..."
Tom Jones: "I have no time for this as I'm the referee for the next match, just tell me what you want?"
Worthy: "Firstly lets get one thing straight, I'm the one asking the questions around here and my first question is why are you such a rubbish referee?"
Tom Jones: "I've got no time for this Worthy, I'm off!!"
*Tom Jones walks out of the ring and up the ramp way*
Worthy: "I'm sorry Tom did I offend you?"
*Tom Jones stops and turns around looking at Worthy*
Tom Jones: "I wouldn't be threatening a referee if I was you?"
Worthy: "Why what are you gonna do? have a fight with me and declare it a draw like you have done with every match that you have been the referee of?"
Tom Jones: "Your forgetting that you got suspended once for attacking a referee and with your problems with management I'm sure they won't take kindly to you threatening a referee now would they?"
Worthy: "Hey calm down zebra shirt, I was just going to have a nice conversation and discuss your officiating like civilized human beings."
*Just as Worthy said that 4 men in balaclarvas come down the entrance ramp and attack Senior referee Tom Jones then they quickly run off when security comes*
Worthy: "That had nothing to do with me..."

David Hood: "Yeah right!!"
*Worthy steps out of the ring and walks up the ramp to the fallen Tom Thompson who is surrounded by EMT's*
Worthy: "I have no idea what happened to you, but I declare it a draw anyway, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!"
*Worthy walks out of the arena still laughing*
Matt Scott: "What a sick human being!!"

David Hood: "I agree, but Worthy is acting as though he doesn't know them four men who attacked Senior official Tom Jones."
Matt Scott: "If that is true then who were they and why did they attack him?"
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Darth Clay
XFE Hall of Famer
Darth Clay

Number of posts : 724
Age : 55
Registration date : 2008-04-27

Worthy The Dark Jester Empty
PostSubject: Re: Worthy The Dark Jester   Worthy The Dark Jester Empty1/7/2009, 3:01 am

*Worthy's entrance music plays and Worthy is stood in the middle of the ring with a microphone*

Worthy: "Last week you witnessed the dawning of a new era and as I told that bimbo on http://www.myspace.com/x_force_wrestling in her post X-Force Aggression interview, we are the X-Force Rebels and XFW Management will witness a hostile takeover at our hands because we are the future of this business and XFW management have been over looking us for too long now!!"

*the crowd start chanting "your not worthy!! your not worthy!!"

Worthy: "Silence puny mortals!! When will you realize that it's XFW management brainwashing you into cheering for worthless beings like Dominator and Diamond Troy Justice, but you fools are too gullible to realize this, so I am not wasting any more breath on you so I would like to introduce you too..... The next XFW Champion, Paul Playboy Andrews."

Playboy : "Yes... I have accepted Worthy's offer and joined the Rebels. Why??? Well, The Playboy is sick and tired of getting screwed around here in regards to the Aggression Championship. First, Dark Union comes out to the ring to distract my match with Dark Ryder.... do Sentinel and DANTE do anything about that???? NO!!! Then, the referee stops the rematch for no damn reason??? Do Sentinel and DANTE do anything about that??? NO!!!

Why is that??? It's quite simple really - my being Aggression Champion takes the attention off them, that's why. I have no doubt in my mind that they told that referee to stop the match when it looks like I'm going to win my belt back... I have no doubt in my mind that they were working together with Dark Union to take my belt away from me. And now they are doing everything they can to prevent me from getting a fair match I justly deserve to get my title back.

Worthy has assured me that I WILL get my match, and that there will be no excuses for me not getting my belt back. Dark Ryder may have Dark Union covering his back, but now I have the X-Force Rebels watching mine. Game on now, Dark Ryder... unfortunately for you, this game is WAR.

DANTE... I told you to do what was right, or it would get very.. very... bad for you. This is just the start of a very rough ride for XFW management, and the start of a new generation for XFW. The Rebels are here... and here to stay.... everyone else best stay the hell out of the way."

(The Playboy drops the microphone and walks away)

JD Allgood's man servant, Afolston, picks up the microphone, takes out a cloth and cleans the handle before passing it on to JD Allgood. JD smirks, waiting as the crowd start to chant "YOUR AN ASSHOLE!"

JD Allgood: "Sorry to disappoint all my fans here in XFW (he laughs to himself before turning deadly serious) But, I WARNED YOU ALL!!! (crowd boo)

You see, it wasn't one month ago since our first pay per view, Guilty Conscience, where I told the world about the problems here in XFW, and that if something wasn't done, then I'd be taking matters into my own hands!
In XFW all I see is a bunch of dirty latin thugs stinking up the hallways, when they should be working in my vast garden in Greenwich! A bunch of goth, cape wearing weirdo's who spend most of their time here playing fancy dress! An annoying little skank who when she isn't offering her unwanted girly opinions as a guest commentator, she's down the docks offering something else to keep her in Dolce & Gabbana ring wear to prance around the ring in."

(the crowd are booing wildly)

Matt Scott: "Someone turn his mic off! He has no right to say that about her! NO RIGHT!"

JD: "SENTINEL! DANTE! You two are the biggest jokers in the pack! And instead of dealing with one extremely pissed off wrestling god (he turns to look at the rest of the Rebels), you've now got to deal with four! So if you two can't run this asylum, then we intend to run it ourselves. And it's gonna be good . . . it's gonna be ALLLLLLLLGOOOOOOOD!!!"

Jeremy Alsop takes the mic from JD Allgood as the crowd starts booing again
Jeremy Alsop: "You know JD but for once I agree with you.
Crowd starts chanting
Crowd: You're a Sellout! You're a Sellout!
Jeremy: Completely ignoring the chants You see it wasn't to long ago that you fans loved me. I was out and about giving JD all sorts of grief and you fans loved it. Unfortunately someone didn't. That someone refused to put me in matches. And eventually something snapped inside "The Kiwi Icon". You see Sentinel you amuse a lot. You only seem to care about a few of your wrestlers. One you seem to protect more often and not seems to be Legion.Crowd Starts Cheering Well look what I did to your champ the other night. I knocked him out cold for the whole world to see. Crowd boos And guess what Sentinel. That is only the start cause whatever damage that I and the Rebels do will be on yours and Dante's conscience. Crowd Boos again And Why? Cause I am "The Kiwi Icon" Jeremy Alsop and what I say GOES!!"

Jeremy hands the mic back to Worthy

Worthy: "Silence ignorant fools in the crowd as what you are witnessing here is the birth of greatness and there is one more member yet to be announced, but all will be revealed in due time... "
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Darth Clay
XFE Hall of Famer
Darth Clay

Number of posts : 724
Age : 55
Registration date : 2008-04-27

Worthy The Dark Jester Empty
PostSubject: Re: Worthy The Dark Jester   Worthy The Dark Jester Empty1/7/2009, 3:07 am

Worthy: Hello Puny Mortals in the arena, today the Worthy one speaks to you via live satellite link as XFW management has given me the day off today and so they should as I work my butt off in this company and I am the reason XFW is where it is today although I doubt thats why management has given me the day off as it is probably to stop me giving out another beating to GM Sentinel and Vice GM Dante as them ignorant fools are no match for me and the X-Force rebels!!

*the crowd start chanting "worthless!! worthless!!" very loudly*

Worthy: You want to talk about Worthless then lets talk about the Justice Force and there sad pathetic excuse of a leader Diamond Troy Justice, them fools actually think they can stand before the X-Force rebels, DON'T MAKE ME LAUGH!! They will fall victim to the rebellion at the stablewars PPV just like all those who have stood in the presence of the Worthy one have so far!!

*the crowd start booing loudly*

Worthy: Now if you puny mortals don't mind I am enjoying my day off, so this little chat is over!!

*wraps a steel chain around his fist and punches the camera executing MORTAL Worthy Knockout Punch!! smashing the camera causing the titantron to go black*

(Now if you want you can have me interfere in a match as nobody will see it coming)
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Darth Clay
XFE Hall of Famer
Darth Clay

Number of posts : 724
Age : 55
Registration date : 2008-04-27

Worthy The Dark Jester Empty
PostSubject: Re: Worthy The Dark Jester   Worthy The Dark Jester Empty1/8/2009, 1:29 am

*Worthy stands in the middle of the ring with a microphone in hand*

Worthy: "I've been backstage and I couldn't help but hear Legion say in an interview that he could beat anyone in XFW and I've said right from the start that nobody could beat me in singles competition, so listen up puny mortal as the worthy one is issuing you a challenge for your title, but with a twist..."

*the crowd start booing after he says with a twist*

Worthy: "You parasites in the audience need to shut up and recognize greatest when you see it because ever since I've joined XFW right from the beginning I have only lost 2 matches and both of them have been in tag team action, which brings me to the twist I am adding to my challenge because you said you can beat anyone in XFW and I say no one can beat me in singles competition so I challenge you for that title and you must beat me to retain that title, but any other result such as a DQ, No Contest, A draw, etc... will result in me winning the title, so what do you say Legion?"

"It's all about this Legion..."
Worthy The Dark Jester Worthy%20champ
Legions video plays on the titantron as he enters out onto the top of the stage, mic in hand.
"Worthy, why am I not surprised at your lack of courage. Why does it not shock me that you need special stipulations to even have a minor chance of winning my belt. And it is MY belt. I was the first to get it, and I plan on keeping it for some time. And even if I should lose it to someone through a bad call or a random fluke, it shall always be MY belt."

"But I'll tell you what. I'll accept your challenge. It's probably the only way to show you who the real champion is. To show you what a REAL fight is. And as you lay there broken and bleeding on the mat, you may even come to thank me for such a valuable lesson."

Legion turns to walk away, but pauses.

"Oh, and one more thing. I fight a clean fight. That being said, I fully expect you to use every dirty trick your mama taught you. Bring it. But know this, unless you actually pin me, I shall still be undefeated. Which is fine. It means the week after I will just get the belt back in a rematch. And you will get to live with the knowledge that you briefly held my belt, won through treachery and villainy. In the end, my faithful legionaries will know who their champion is."

The Sentinel appears on the Screen behind Legion
The Sentinel: "I'm happy you two are having fun, but last time I checked...and I'm absolutely sure this time...I'm the boss around here. So Worthy if you want a title shot, I'll allow it. But, I'll decide when the match takes place."
The crowd boos.
The Sentinel: "But don't worry, I'll keep you two busy tonight. Worthy, tonight you will take on the Former 1# Contender, Badjojo."
The crowd cheers.
The Sentinel: "And we can't have our Champ getting rusty. So tonight you will take on a former opponent, Sisky. Only this time, your match, will be an Extreme Fight!"
David: "Wow what big announcements from our GM!"
Matt: "Yeah, Worthy is now the 1# contender? Never saw that coming."
David: "The match between those two is going to be massive."
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Darth Clay
XFE Hall of Famer
Darth Clay

Number of posts : 724
Age : 55
Registration date : 2008-04-27

Worthy The Dark Jester Empty
PostSubject: Re: Worthy The Dark Jester   Worthy The Dark Jester Empty1/8/2009, 2:06 am

*Worthy is backstage with Jill wagner*

Jill: "Worthy after the pathetic display that you show last Wednesday do you actually think for a second that you have a chance at winning the XFW championship?"

Worthy: "You know what I think?"

Jill: "No but your going to tell me anyway."

Worthy: "I think you should shut the hell up as I'm sick of these bimbos getting in my way because if it's not you then it's that Jade woman and lets get one thing straight right now, the only reason Legion and Jade won that tag match was because of that cheap perfume that Jade wore!!"

Jill: "Out of all your excuses for losing such as dodgey referee's and the GM match fixing, this has got to be the most ridiculous excuse you have ever came out with and besides she wasn't wearing any perfume."

Worthy: "If thats not perfume then she must really stink!!"

*Just as Worthy says that, Legion interrupts and gets right in Worthy's face and then slaps him*

Legion: "I don't know who you think you are but that is no way to speak about a lady."

*Worthy starts laughing and then walks away*

Legion: "Just as I thought, your nothing more than a coward."

*Just as he says that Worthy turns round and Rouge Spears Legion knocking him to the floor, then Worthy repeatedly hits him until security come and drag Worthy off him*

Worthy: "I am no coward and you will realize that in the ring because your name maybe Legion but when your up the Worthy one, it will take a Legion to beat me, MWAHAHAHA!!"
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Darth Clay
XFE Hall of Famer
Darth Clay

Number of posts : 724
Age : 55
Registration date : 2008-04-27

Worthy The Dark Jester Empty
PostSubject: Re: Worthy The Dark Jester   Worthy The Dark Jester Empty1/9/2009, 1:08 am

*Worthy comes to the ring with a microphone*
Worthy: "Tonight I face that puny mortal Legion again because that joke of a senior referee declared another one of my matches a draw, but due to my foresight, I saw it coming which is why when I challenged Legion for his title I made the 'you must pin me stipulation' meaning any other result than a win for Legion means that I win the title and Legion agreed to it, but the one thing I wasn't counting on is our dopey GM changing the match last minute on
http://xforcewrestling.synthasite.com because he claims the XFW Heavyweight title is too good to change hands that way."
*The crowd start cheering after that last comment*
Worthy: "Cheer his stupid decision all you like losers, but whether you like it or not the reality is that I should be wearing the XFW Heavyweight title belt right now due to Senior Referee Tom Jones's incompetence, so I ain't moving until our GM comes out here, strips Legion of the title, calls the main event off and presents me with the belt because Legion agreed with my stipulation and like I said nobody in XFW can beat me in 1 on 1 competition, so come out!! come out!! where ever you are boss as the Worthy one awaits his throne."
*The crowd start to boo*
"Ghost Riders in the Sky" by Spiderbait starts to play as The Sentinel walks out on to the stage.
The Sentinel: "So, you want me to strip Legion of the X-Force Championship? Well you have got to know by now, thats not going to happen."
The Crowd Cheers.
The Sentinel: "But, I'll tell you what I will do. Tonight, in your match. There is going to be a Special Guest Referee to make sure that there are no draws, DQ's, nothing but a finish. And that Referee, is going to be...ME!"
*The crowd start chanting SEN-TIN-EL!! SEN-TIN-EL!!*
Worthy: "Listen here puny mortal, you may have them parasites in the audience fooled but you ain't fooling me as I know you that well and this is nothing more than another one of your patented 'Sentinel Screwjobs' so stop acting like your doing me a favor as your not worthy enough to stand before me let alone referee my match."
The Sentinel: "Well, Worthy, I'm afraid you have no choice. Either I referee your match, or I'm sure I can find someone else...Worthy...of your title match."
Worthy: "Well since you put it that way, go referee my match then, but I'm warning you now that if you are the slightest bit bias towards Legion then his blood will be on your hands and I won't hesitate to brutally assault him until you have no choice but to count his shoulders to the mat, MWAHAHAHAHA!!"
*Worthy exits the ring still manically laughing then passes Sentinel on the entrance ramp and pats him on the shoulders*
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Darth Clay
XFE Hall of Famer
Darth Clay

Number of posts : 724
Age : 55
Registration date : 2008-04-27

Worthy The Dark Jester Empty
PostSubject: Re: Worthy The Dark Jester   Worthy The Dark Jester Empty1/10/2009, 2:02 am

~Worthy comes down to the ring holding a microphone~
Worthy: "Dear puny mortals of XFW as you can see there is a new era in XFW and that is the Worthy era because I am the new XFW champion and to kick off this new era I have made the belt look actually worthy enough to fit around my waist, so here it is..."
David Hood: "What has he done to that belt?"
Matt Scott: "It looks like he has burnt it, added some decorations and if I'm not mistaken carved his name in blood on the title?"
David Hood: "I wasn't looking for an answer Matt as it was a figure of speech."
Worthy: "Silence commentator scum!! This is the Worthy ones moment in glory so shut up and recognize my greatness!!"
~the crowd start to boo~
Worthy: "Boo are you like parasites but my reign will be so long that you fools should start getting used to it because I am Worthy by name and Worthy by nature."
~the crowd start chanting worthless~
Worthy: "Now onto my announcement, you see ever since I won my title all the puny mortals have been saying is that "I'm a paper champion" and "you only have that title due to Sentinels help" which for the record I had no idea he was going to see the light and face up to reality, but back to the announcement, due to everyone saying I'm a paper champion I will prove you all wrong like I did at the PPV by defeating the next challenge in my open challenge, so who will the next victim be?"
~"Roses on my Grave" by Papa Roach starts playing as Bleeding Face
makes his way to the ramp~
Bleeding face: "Worthy, first, congratulations on winning the title at All or Nothing, by our GM screwing Legion in the match, no biggy. Since your having an open challange, hey, I got nothing to loose, YOUR ON!"
~"Ghost Riders in the Sky" by Spiderbait starts to play at The Sentinel walks onto the stage next to Bleeding Face~
The Sentinel: "Well before you guys jump in the ring together, I have a few things to say. First...tonight we will be having a tournament to determine the Number One Contender for the X-Force Championship!"
The Sentinel: "Tonight we will have Malkyto taking on True Nutter in the first match. We will also have Jack Power taking on Sisky in our second match. The winners of both matches tonight will face off next week to determine the Number one Contender!"
~The Crowd Cheers~
The Sentinel: "Whats the matter, Bleeding Face? Sad about not getting a title shot?"
~Bleeding Face has an angry look on his face~
The Sentinel: "Don't worry, you won't get the night off. Tonight you will indeed have your shot at the X-Force Championship. In that very ring tonight, it will be Worthy defending his Championship against Bleeding Face!"
The Sentinel: "But Bleeding Face, if you should not beat Worthy tonight and become the X-Force Champion...well don't be looking to receive another shot anytime soon...like our last PPV, tonight it will be All or Nothing for you!"
~The Crowd Boos~
The Sentinel: "Have a good night."
~The Sentinel's music plays again as Bleeding Face and Worthy stare each other down~
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Darth Clay
XFE Hall of Famer
Darth Clay

Number of posts : 724
Age : 55
Registration date : 2008-04-27

Worthy The Dark Jester Empty
PostSubject: Re: Worthy The Dark Jester   Worthy The Dark Jester Empty1/10/2009, 2:17 am

Worthy: "Hello puny mortals it is time for the return of Worthy's wrath and tonights show is going to be special as a few months back you worthless parasites voted in your thousands on http://www.myspace.com/x_force_wrestling to pick a guest for my show and you all picked our great leader, The Sentinel, However I decided to bring a dwarf dressed as our GM on instead... Yeah sorry about that boss, but now our GM has seen the light and has grown a set, it is time to welcome our great and glorious leader, The Sentinel..."
~The Sentinel comes to the ring whilst fans boo him~
Worthy: "Shut up you bunch of sad inbreds and show this man a bit of respect as he has accomplished more than you fools will ever accomplish."
~The crowd start chanting Worthless as Sentinel enters the ring~
Worthy: "Welcome to Worthy's wrath and my first question I would like to ask you is what do you make of this so called invasion by that B show they call X-Force Aggression because me personally, I believe it is another example of the inferior show riding our coat tails again whilst there not so good, joke of a GM dante takes credit for it, so what do you make of this boss?"
The Sentinel: "Thank you for having me, Worthy. As to what I have to say about this so called 'Invasion', well it's just DANTE's way of trying to get some of the glory of XFW. He knows that we are the B show, and he is hoping by having some of his guys are our show, will help bring some attention to his B Show."
Worthy: "I agree, so what do you plan to do about it?"
The Sentinel: "I'm glad you asked, Worthy. Our upcoming PPV, named Worlds Collide..."
~The Crowd erupts in cheers~
Worthy: "Quiet, puny mortals! The GM is speaking!"
~The Crowd Boos~
The Sentinel: "Thank you, as I was saying, Worlds Collide is going to be our next PPV and the whole purpose of the PPV is the settle the score. It's going to be XFW Wrestlers, versus XFA Wrestlers. It's going to be settling grudges and defending titles. And for the first time ever, it's going to be GM VS GM, The Sentinel vs DANTE, one on one, to prove which GM is truly Supreme."
~The Crowd cheers again~
Worthy: "And we all know that's going to be you, thanks for joining me."
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Darth Clay
XFE Hall of Famer
Darth Clay

Number of posts : 724
Age : 55
Registration date : 2008-04-27

Worthy The Dark Jester Empty
PostSubject: Re: Worthy The Dark Jester   Worthy The Dark Jester Empty1/10/2009, 2:32 am

~Worthy makes his way to the ring holding a microphone.~
Worthy: "Well, well, well, I bet you puny mortals didn't expect to see the worthy one here did you? Come to think about it, there is very little on this show that is worthy of my presence and I will prove that when I dispose of this cretin they call Volgo."
~The crowd starts chanting, "Volgo! Volgo! Volgo!"~
Worthy: "Chant his name all you want fools, but it won't make him feel better after I put the him in hospital, so go ahead chant his name, do your little claps and cheer him, because when tonight is through, XFA will witness Worthy's wrath because I am Worthy by name and worthy by nature and it's time the XFA scum around here realized this fact!!"
~the crowd start to boo~
Worthy: "Now bring out my next victim so we can get this match started!!"
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 2682
Age : 39
Location : Manchester, England
Registration date : 2008-04-23

Worthy The Dark Jester Empty
PostSubject: Re: Worthy The Dark Jester   Worthy The Dark Jester Empty2/7/2009, 11:59 am

*updated with my new entrance video*
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 2682
Age : 39
Location : Manchester, England
Registration date : 2008-04-23

Worthy The Dark Jester Empty
PostSubject: Re: Worthy The Dark Jester   Worthy The Dark Jester Empty6/21/2009, 3:03 pm

Profile bio updated
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 2682
Age : 39
Location : Manchester, England
Registration date : 2008-04-23

Worthy The Dark Jester Empty
PostSubject: Re: Worthy The Dark Jester   Worthy The Dark Jester Empty6/24/2009, 8:47 am

As you can see Youtube banned my account and as a result my entrance video went with it.
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 2682
Age : 39
Location : Manchester, England
Registration date : 2008-04-23

Worthy The Dark Jester Empty
PostSubject: Re: Worthy The Dark Jester   Worthy The Dark Jester Empty6/28/2009, 9:55 am

Done my new entrance video on Dailymotion and I added it to the profile, but DO NOT USE IT UNTIL LATER ON IN THE SEASON as i'm going to do a storyline hyping it up then when Worthy finally see's it, he doesn't like it and thinks the music sucks!!
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 2682
Age : 39
Location : Manchester, England
Registration date : 2008-04-23

Worthy The Dark Jester Empty
PostSubject: Re: Worthy The Dark Jester   Worthy The Dark Jester Empty7/28/2009, 12:48 pm

new look coming soon
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 2682
Age : 39
Location : Manchester, England
Registration date : 2008-04-23

Worthy The Dark Jester Empty
PostSubject: Re: Worthy The Dark Jester   Worthy The Dark Jester Empty9/3/2009, 7:47 am

Profile Updated
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Worthy The Dark Jester Empty
PostSubject: Re: Worthy The Dark Jester   Worthy The Dark Jester Empty

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