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*'Mr. Wednesday Night'*
Darth Clay
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Darth Clay
XFE Hall of Famer
Darth Clay

Number of posts : 724
Age : 55
Registration date : 2008-04-27

Leader of X-Force Empty
PostSubject: Leader of X-Force   Leader of X-Force Empty6/6/2008, 11:34 pm

I know that everyone has to make so many appearances to fulfill their contracts. However, I do have 1 suggestion. LEGION..... He is our current champion and therefore the current "face" of the federation. I personally feel that he needs to be utilized a little more often. He does not need to be defending his title to be on the shows. He can do nontitle matches and tag matches. But since he is the champ, or whoever is te champ at the time, should be shown a little more. He is also the wrestler with the most fans, wouldn't his appearance help raise our scores as a federation? Again, just 1 persons thoughts anyone else?
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Leader of X-Force Empty
PostSubject: Re: Leader of X-Force   Leader of X-Force Empty6/6/2008, 11:44 pm

yea i have not really seen him since he beat me for the belt yes he did beat me only becuz my nightstick was off that night he cant beat me twice and he knows it........jk
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*'Mr. Wednesday Night'*
XFE Hall of Famer
*'Mr. Wednesday Night'*

Number of posts : 446
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Leader of X-Force Empty
PostSubject: Re: Leader of X-Force   Leader of X-Force Empty6/6/2008, 11:48 pm

I find it a little disappointing that our 'Superman' Champion is not an active role player. confused
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Darth Clay
XFE Hall of Famer
Darth Clay

Number of posts : 724
Age : 55
Registration date : 2008-04-27

Leader of X-Force Empty
PostSubject: Re: Leader of X-Force   Leader of X-Force Empty6/6/2008, 11:53 pm

JD Allgood wrote:
I find it a little disappointing that our 'Superman' Champion is not an active role player. confused

Hold on, I am not complaining about Legion and his roleplaying. I am saying that watching wrestling, the champ is shown as often as possible to promote the federation, but just because he is on, does not mean his title has to be up for grabs. Sometimes, the person he is going against is getting a push for a different title or is brand new and is getting face time for the newcomer.
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Leader of X-Force Empty
PostSubject: Re: Leader of X-Force   Leader of X-Force Empty6/6/2008, 11:54 pm

very true we are getting ideas and all he has to do is beat who ever he wants what a chump
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XFE Hall of Famer

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Registration date : 2008-05-01

Leader of X-Force Empty
PostSubject: Re: Leader of X-Force   Leader of X-Force Empty6/7/2008, 12:30 am

Personally I think it's because there is nobody to actually challenge him. I believe he is our only level 13 on the roster, and by the looks of things people at the level are far and few between. Heck, the best Tech in the game to me Valdor isn't even level 13. Unless someone wants to vote in to be his beat down person lol, I don't know. (he's a resist so that leave me out Wink ) It would start to look like the WcW when Goldberg went on his like 300 undefeated streak but I am confident that management has something planned for the future Smile
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Darth Clay
XFE Hall of Famer
Darth Clay

Number of posts : 724
Age : 55
Registration date : 2008-04-27

Leader of X-Force Empty
PostSubject: Legion   Leader of X-Force Empty6/7/2008, 12:39 am

Win, Lose, or Draw, the CHAMP should be one of the focal points of the federation. Showcase him or her. If he goes 500-0 to bad. There are other titles to win. Maybe if we get him out there and grow enough then someone from a different fed may want to come here that can give him a challenge. If not, so we have the next Goldberg.
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Leader of X-Force Empty
PostSubject: Re: Leader of X-Force   Leader of X-Force Empty6/7/2008, 12:42 am

yea i found out first hand that he is not going to be easy to get that belt frojm him so if he goes 500 and 0 then so be it someone is going to take it from him eventually
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 1356
Registration date : 2008-05-01

Leader of X-Force Empty
PostSubject: Re: Leader of X-Force   Leader of X-Force Empty6/7/2008, 1:09 am

You guys do know that whoever faces him eventually will start to lose fans right? Overall if it's not a good matchup, the loser and the winner can lose fans, which will equal to the federation losing fans, which means less fan gains for everybody in it. It is a huge cascade effect. I agree maybe a few promo's here and there, but as far as doing the match up thing, it can hurt a federation in the long run according to the mechanics of the game. Plus for all the voters who watch our show nobody wants to see someone finish the match in light green / black especially when it's our champion since they might think we are doing an intentional push to our champion even if that's not the plan we had in mind.
Hence if you look at some of the people with their fans and popularity, they have pretty decent match-ups; but if say the top two people that have the most fans currently go head to head, they would both lose fans since Aaron Rehab can beat Chikara while he is still in light green yet Chikara is rated #1 in fans total on TWG and Rehab is #2.
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XFE Hall of Famer

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Leader of X-Force Empty
PostSubject: Re: Leader of X-Force   Leader of X-Force Empty6/7/2008, 1:18 am

after i just read Jades recent post... i cant speak personaly she has the facts all right there... this girl has odviously done her homework... theres only one thing i am able to say but i feel i cant....

and so i quote it...

Ron Simmons wrote:
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Number of posts : 1410
Registration date : 2008-04-24

Leader of X-Force Empty
PostSubject: Re: Leader of X-Force   Leader of X-Force Empty6/7/2008, 1:23 am

Sentinel and I will take it into consideration. I have been thinking of a storyline for him, the problem is I don't really want to throw people at him just to lose. We have to limit it to the higher leveled wrestlers in the fed but most of those wrestlers already has a RP planned out and storyline going on.

It is also hard to put words in his wrestlers mouth and make actions for him so that also limits his showtime here. I know he is lurking around in this forum though.

Plus this is our second week of the new season, please bare with us. Sentinel and I have some plans that might pan out soon enough or after the next PPV. Wink But since you guys requested it, I'll go ahead and feature him in a storyline. When Sentinel get's back, I'll see what he thinks of things as well.

That is also a good point Jade. However, I think if we can keep putting up a great show with others contributing, we can counter that effect. For tomorrow's show, I tried my best to put two wrestlers that are evenly matched against each other. Not to be cocky, but I think I am the best wreslter to go against him at the moment, followed by Ultimo, Malkyto and Badjojo. I think I can still rack up high enough votes/exp. against him, maybe around 6-7. The only problem I see with that is the only storyline I could think of when going against him would require me to turn heel, which we have too much already in this fed. I'll see with what I can come up with. I just wish I could challenge him in the TWG to see a result. I still have some things up my sleeves that would help me even out against him though.

Ok, I'll stop there since this is starting to look like a thread against Legion and a plan to beat him. Laughing

Keep coming up with suggestions, concerns and comments though, Sentinel and I are listening. Twisted Evil
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 1356
Registration date : 2008-05-01

Leader of X-Force Empty
PostSubject: Re: Leader of X-Force   Leader of X-Force Empty6/7/2008, 1:33 am

LoL, I only know so much about the game since I talk with Viktorjia, Elistara, Arletta etc. on a regular basis through PM in TWG. And of course Vik is the Vice Admin, Eli just gave up her mod. spot to Letty so she can focus more on the game, and Letty came from modding in HWG to TWG again. But I do agree with you Dante since you and Legion have the two highest Wrestler's Scores at the moment. The only problem I've heard with that from other feds is that it looks "bad" when like the GM /or Vice GM have high powered match (not saying it's bad, just on paper) since that is currently why I strongly believe we will be moving to 2nd place in our federation with the gossip I have gotten with a certain other federation in our league doing very naughty things (and no I won't name names Smile ).

LoL, I'm like the unofficial helper here like on the game itself Wink
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Number of posts : 1410
Registration date : 2008-04-24

Leader of X-Force Empty
PostSubject: Re: Leader of X-Force   Leader of X-Force Empty6/7/2008, 1:39 am

What a tease! You can't leave us hanging like that. The dirt has been seen, it's time to spill it. Twisted Evil J/K.

That isn't a good news then if it spells bad news when I challenge our champ. I guess I will just have to be more creative when dealing with storylines involving Legion.
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Darth Clay
XFE Hall of Famer
Darth Clay

Number of posts : 724
Age : 55
Registration date : 2008-04-27

Leader of X-Force Empty
PostSubject: comments   Leader of X-Force Empty6/7/2008, 1:46 am

I am almost sorry I started this up. I in no way meant it as an attack towards Legion. Just thought that since he has more fans then anyone else, that his appearance more often would attract more fans to us as a Fed. That was my thoughts on the thread not, where is Legion, why does he not role play more.
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Number of posts : 1410
Registration date : 2008-04-24

Leader of X-Force Empty
PostSubject: Re: Leader of X-Force   Leader of X-Force Empty6/7/2008, 1:51 am

I don't think his offended. Like I said, I know he is lurking around. Wink
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Darth Clay
XFE Hall of Famer
Darth Clay

Number of posts : 724
Age : 55
Registration date : 2008-04-27

Leader of X-Force Empty
PostSubject: lurking   Leader of X-Force Empty6/7/2008, 1:57 am

Like right now he is sitting there reading all of this and just watching what we have to say quietly stewing. Cat got your tongue Legion? Razz Cool
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 1356
Registration date : 2008-05-01

Leader of X-Force Empty
PostSubject: Re: Leader of X-Force   Leader of X-Force Empty6/7/2008, 2:00 am

That's what i'm supposed to do..tease! Wink

There was just a string of problems with people wanting to be GM's simply for the fact to gain the money and gain massive fans before being caught (i.e. a show had a GM put himself in like 3 matches to gain a ton of fans). I wouldn't say it's a bad storyline though Dante just don't use it as a first option, but if it comes to it; you could just do something along the lines of (and now I am going to put words into Legion's mouth which I didn't want to but I don't know his character style) of him challenging the upper management to stop throwing him peons and to face him like a man or something (thus making him a heel, which I don't think he is). Honestly all we really need is someone high enough level (which I have been scouting for us to no avail) but everyone in that range almost always already has a federation and if they don't there must be some reason as to why, but I can tell you this (without putting the federation at risk of course), there are a lot of disgruntled high leveled wrestlers looking to get out of a contract since they are unhappy.

But don't take it to heart Dante lol, since looking over the roster everyone does have a feud / storyline of sorts going so the spots are limited; and since that's the case I would say roll with it, just don't give it a Brock Lesnar push!! (and I do see how difficult it is to think of something for him :p )

And Darth it's okay, it is a very valid point that i'm sure most have had on their minds. And since Legion is indeed lurking he knows that management is trying really hard to include him in a storyline of sorts that fits his personality and individual character Smile Ideas is what makes a federation go you know (I rhymed!) plus maybe I brought some information that people didn't know and I wouldn't have thought to say anything since it would never have crossed my mind.
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 12
Registration date : 2008-04-20

Leader of X-Force Empty
PostSubject: Re: Leader of X-Force   Leader of X-Force Empty6/7/2008, 2:05 am

Hello all,
I do realize that i am the heaviest hitter here, and that makes it hard to use me fairly. I've understood that from the start and not at all upset. I'm not really sure how to fix the issue though. I am open to ideas. I would hate to see the belt taken out of consideration because no one can beat me yet. It's kinda humbling.
I also know I have really been active, lots of stuff going on in life. But yes, I have been checking the boards regularly. Once my next match was announced, there was going to be a an interview between me and Darthclay. And there still is. My biggest problem is I'm not a good writer. And I'm still trying to figure out WHO Legion really is. How he talks, Etc. He kinda started out as a Heel. But it seems this fed is filled with heels. I also kinda pictured him as a masked monster, kinda like Kane, but that doesn't lend itself to good interviews. So bear with me.
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Darth Clay
XFE Hall of Famer
Darth Clay

Number of posts : 724
Age : 55
Registration date : 2008-04-27

Leader of X-Force Empty
PostSubject: Legion   Leader of X-Force Empty6/7/2008, 2:08 am

Yeah the great man speaks!!! All bow down to the conquering hero.. Laughing Lets hear it
" Legion... Legion...LEGION..." the crowd goes wild... Sorry I am just a little bored sitting here at work with noone else around..
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 1356
Registration date : 2008-05-01

Leader of X-Force Empty
PostSubject: Re: Leader of X-Force   Leader of X-Force Empty6/7/2008, 2:10 am

LoL, I am looking for a bodyguard Legion *wink wink*

And I like to talk alot (hush with the girls talking too much jokes tongue )
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Number of posts : 1410
Registration date : 2008-04-24

Leader of X-Force Empty
PostSubject: Re: Leader of X-Force   Leader of X-Force Empty6/7/2008, 2:14 am

There he is, Legion. hehe. It's all good though. This fed is lucky to have you in our roster. I know things in life will get in the way and I remember you being somewhat active in the last fed so I know you are capable of it. It's cool though, take your time and discover your wrestler. It will come to you sooner or later.

I am trying my hardest to think of something that might work with you, it might take time to set-up and stuff. If I do come up with something, since you check the forum once in a while, I will PM it to you to get your approval and if you want to make changes to it, you are open to that as well. Hopefully, that will help you discover your character and open up opportunities for future role-playing.

It might take a while to come up and write up an idea but I will come up with something when I have extra free time. I haven't even had much time to come up with my own RP lately. Laughing

I'm glad to see you make your first post though. Very Happy cheers
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XFE Hall of Famer

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Leader of X-Force Empty
PostSubject: Re: Leader of X-Force   Leader of X-Force Empty6/7/2008, 8:28 am

champs gota hav character

especialy one with most fans and popularity

If no one has noticed legion is in the top 100 ranked in TWG i doubt any of us can beat him, it looks like his gona be champ for qutie awhile, the bruno samartino of XFW (his a guy that held the wwe championship for 8 years yes thats rite 8 years)

oh and legion isnt your character ment to think his a roman legionair or something from what i remember back in WCWA and also maybe you could lose your title same way batista did. You know lose it cos of injury yet still have your dignity as an unstoppable machine.
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XFE Hall of Famer

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Leader of X-Force Empty
PostSubject: Re: Leader of X-Force   Leader of X-Force Empty6/7/2008, 10:46 am

Legion seems unstoppable so there is very little you can do to get that title away from him, the only way you could get the title away from him is in a triple threat match where he doesn't have to be pinned to lose the title (if you go with that I suggest pitting him against the 2 closest to him and thats dante and malkyto).
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Leader of X-Force Empty
PostSubject: Re: Leader of X-Force   Leader of X-Force Empty6/7/2008, 12:03 pm

oh all right well that is true that it would be unfair. THats all right some tzg matches and elemination chamber should do the trick.
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*'Mr. Wednesday Night'*
XFE Hall of Famer
*'Mr. Wednesday Night'*

Number of posts : 446
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Registration date : 2008-04-27

Leader of X-Force Empty
PostSubject: Re: Leader of X-Force   Leader of X-Force Empty6/8/2008, 12:35 am

I vote myself to challenge Legion, defeat him, and carry this fed to the top.

Given my sterling record in XFW so far, I feel I deserve it.

Plus, a title belt will provide something else for Afolston to clean, as he grows weary of buffing my ring.
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Leader of X-Force Empty
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