~The room is lit red and the sound of howling wolves are heard. A flickering light is seen and Cryl sitting in front of a TV~
Voice: "Cryl what are you doing my friend, you have a match against Tick and should be concentrating."
~Cryl waves to the side and says in an aggravated voice~
Cryl: "Not now the good part is coming...."
~As you hear flesh tearing away from bone Cryl leans back satisfied~
Girl: "Cryl the wolves just tore into that deer....the pain...the blood..."
~Cryl get's up and turns the TV off, walking back to his desk he holds his doll~
Voice: "Cryl are you preparing this way to decimate Tick..."
~Cryl sits down looks up to the mirror and reply's~
Cryl: "One of us will be bleeding tonight and the pain will be relieve both of us."
~As Cryl looks into the mirror the red glow lightens his mask up and as the cameras fade, blood drools down the mirror until his mask is concealed in a redness that only a vampire could appreciate~