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 11/12 Operation: Hostile Takeover

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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 1356
Registration date : 2008-05-01

11/12 Operation: Hostile Takeover Empty
PostSubject: 11/12 Operation: Hostile Takeover   11/12 Operation: Hostile Takeover Empty11/9/2008, 10:19 pm

~The scene opens up inside the Quicken Loans' backstage area. The echoing sounds of someone talking in the background can be heard as the camera turns the corner...~

Jada: " (talking on her phone) Yeah (pauses) Mmm hum (pauses again) No, it's that former XFA guy (pauses) His name? Not sure, if he's coming from XFA then this should be an easy match (she notices the camera) I'll call you back, apparently the thing called privacy is a thing of the past around here with these camera people who pester me as soon as I step foot in the arena."

~She hangs up her iPhone and rolls her eyes~

Jada: " And...your business here is?"

~The Camera looks around~

Jada: " Yes, I'm talking to you dork. What do you want?"

~The camera then aims at a a female who is bumbling trying to put in her earpiece in and looking around for her microphone~

Jada: " Oh, great, another interviewer who thinks they have (she makes quotes) 'it'."

Female Interviewer: " (she makes her way to where the cameraman is) Hi Jade!"

Jada: " What the hell? Who are you, and why do you call me that?"

Female Interviewer: " It's me! Susan? And that's your name isn't it?"

Jada: " Oh, you are talking about that poor excuse for a wrestler who also lives in this (she points to herself) body."

Susan: " Oookay. I was just coming to ask you what you think of The Dominator."

Jada: " Who?"

Susan: " ...your opponent this week?"

Jada: " (she thinks) Oh, so I guess XFA reject has a name? And a piss poor one at that. The Dominator? Seriously? What has he done?"

Susan: " Well, he was the longest reigning Aggression Champion..."

Jada: " Something of interest please. That's like saying you graduated when we went from elementary school to middle school. You know, that little ceremony they give you for passing the 5th grade? It means absolutely nothing."

Susan: " Well, he..."

Jada: " I can see you are struggling with this concept also. I mean, it is hard talking great about someone when they have accomplished nothing."

Susan: " (with more confidence) He was also one of the biggest faces in XFA."

Jada: " (softly claps) Congratulations on finding your backbone, too bad that still means nothing to me. So what if he was one of the biggest faces in XFA, tonight, he gets to fight me, The Disillusioned Angel, The American Princess, and a variety of other nicknames I have. If he thinks that he can even hold a candle to me, I dare him to try, I dare him to even roll my name off that Butt kissing tongue of his. Because quite frankly, it's the only way I can see him even getting shipped over here, unless he was just so bad that even Dante didn't want to deal with him. I saw him in matches, botching moves, he's lucky he was on that show, and now he thinks he has what it takes to come over here and take a title?"

Susan: " Well, The Sentinel..."

Jada: " Oh, well, that says it all, is he sending The Dominator to try and get rid of me? (she laughs a little) The last hitman he sent after me ended up in the hospital; which reminds me, I still need to finish that business, since The Sentinel and all his lackey's are dodging me, and Worthy reincarnated thinks he can finish my kill, which I do not appreciate."

Susan: " well, there is talk about the former XFW heavyweight champion Malkyto..."

Jada: " Yeah yeah, I know, teaming with Ultimo Guerrero to take back the XFW tag-team titles, which is great. Out of anybody around here, he is one wrestler I do respect as he lives within his own mind. He knows the euphoric feeling of beating someone to a bloody carcass, and then, to continue to beat them just because it's fun. I hope him and Ultimo go to XFA and take the tag-team titles from those rejects known as PAC. Now I might be sadistic, but every time I tune into XFA I see (she turns her hand so her 4 fingers are above her thumb and starts to imitate a chomping motion) blah blah blah, from them, calling themselves great because they fight a bunch of nobodies like I am doing tonight."

Susan: " Is there any of the champions you do see fit to hold a title?"

Jada: " (thinks for a second) Um, yes, only Krusher Kayls is the only fit champion I can think of. (she holds up one finger) Aggression Champion, what idiot did they slap the belt on this time, (holds up two fingers) tag-team champions, I don't really need to go any further (holds up three fingers) Extreme Fight Champion, I held it, and it's went down hill afterwords (holds up four fingers) World heavyweight champion, well, I hope he's keeping the belt warm for me, he's only holding that title on borrowed time, after I wipe the mat with The Dummy, I am going to embarrass him in front of the world by taking his title and becoming the first XX chromosome World Heavyweight Champion of XFW."

Susan: " And we..."

Jada: " What? Will be rooting for me? (she laughs) It's not about empowerment or all that Stuff that Jade preaches, it's about me getting what's mine, and that's the biggest prize in XFW."

(((dom, if you want, you can enter here, or anyone else, otherwise i'll just make an ending for it as I got tired of waiting for us to collaborate, as usual, sorry for the color, just making it easier to fit the show)))
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 1748
Age : 30
Location : New South Wales, Australia
Registration date : 2008-04-21

11/12 Operation: Hostile Takeover Empty
PostSubject: Re: 11/12 Operation: Hostile Takeover   11/12 Operation: Hostile Takeover Empty11/10/2008, 3:43 am

*The Dominator walks in seeing Susan and Jada but thinking it is Jade*

The Dominator: Hey Jade its good to...

Jada: Its Jada not Jade

(The Dominator raises his right eyebrow and looks really confused)

The Dominator: Jada?? What does Jade happen to have some twin sister??

Jada: I guess you could say that but really we just share the same body.

The Dominator: The same what?? Ok first I get covered in black paint by some weird guys in black robes and apparently Jade has split personalities?? Wow this show is quite strange....
Oh just a question "Jada" lets just say Jade is in...that body and she looked into a mirror and if she was talking to her reflection would she be talking to you?? You know like "Golum from Lord of The Rings"

(Jada looks at The Dominator weirdly and confused then turns to Susan)

Jada: So how long did he hold the Aggression Title for?? 2 Weeks, 3 Weeks??

The Dominator: Um...almost 3 seasons I think. Well........anyways I will see you later Jade, Jada or whatever the hell it is.
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 1748
Age : 30
Location : New South Wales, Australia
Registration date : 2008-04-21

11/12 Operation: Hostile Takeover Empty
PostSubject: Re: 11/12 Operation: Hostile Takeover   11/12 Operation: Hostile Takeover Empty11/10/2008, 3:44 am

Hey if there is anything you want to change to it or add then go ahead I don't mind.
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 1356
Registration date : 2008-05-01

11/12 Operation: Hostile Takeover Empty
PostSubject: Re: 11/12 Operation: Hostile Takeover   11/12 Operation: Hostile Takeover Empty11/10/2008, 9:55 am

~Jada then pushes TheDominator against the wall and stands right in his face...~

Jada: " Finally, it's nice to see someone around here has some (she punches the wall right in between TheDominator's legs drawing a wide-eyed response from him) testicular fortitude around here. That's good, it will be that much sweeter when I break you in the ring. For all your cockyness you don't know what it's like to truly get beaten, and tonight, I am glad to have that honor. So you, and your pathetic little wrestling abilities that have won you so many XFA matches, will be nothing more than a blip on the radar screen here in XFW."

~She then releases him~

Jada: " You say our show is strange here? Well maybe you are not accustomed to being in the face of greatness. You better realize something, in XFW it's kill or be killed, you can either be a shark, or you can be the cow, but whatever it is, you better choose your place quick, because (she leans in and smells on his neck before exhaling onto his neck and starts to whisper into his ear) tonight, you get to be the cow and you will see what a true shark does when she needs to break someone like yourself."

~She then makes a hand gesture for him to leave~

Jada: " Now you may leave, and don't worry, as around, the XFW medical staff has great response time after I shatter your bones, and hopefully your cartilage in the ring tonight, take care in these few moments you have left in all your joints, because after I am done, (she nods to a staffer who gives TheDominator a cane with a bow-tie on it) you will need your new present."

~She smiles at him that gives a tingle down his spine before he starts to back away as the scene ends...~
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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 1748
Age : 30
Location : New South Wales, Australia
Registration date : 2008-04-21

11/12 Operation: Hostile Takeover Empty
PostSubject: Re: 11/12 Operation: Hostile Takeover   11/12 Operation: Hostile Takeover Empty11/11/2008, 3:27 am

Yea seems fine at that.
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11/12 Operation: Hostile Takeover Empty
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