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 10/8 Finding my roots...

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XFE Hall of Famer

Number of posts : 1356
Registration date : 2008-05-01

10/8 Finding my roots... Empty
PostSubject: 10/8 Finding my roots...   10/8 Finding my roots... Empty10/4/2008, 6:02 pm

~The scene opens up inside the Estadio Mateo Flores in Guatemala City, Guatemala. The audible clicking of heels can be heard through the otherwise empty backstage area. A silhouette of a slender figure can be seen indicating that it is a female as the figure walks towards the camera. The figure then walks into the light as the entire arena erupts into cheers as it shows it is Jade. She is wearing what appears is going to be her in ring attire consisting of her newest baby tee in white and pink that hugs her upper body, black with pink trim Adidas Adilibria Gym Kick Pants, her custom D&G black mesh wrestling shoes, and her 2003 trademark Triton black hat. She continues to walk down the hall as Jill Wagner walks up to her…~

Jill Wagner: “ Jade. Jade!!”

Jade: “ (she turns around) Hi Jill, I haven’t seen you in a while.”

Jill Wagner: “ Well, it’s understandable after all you have gone through.”

Jade: “ And it will all come to a halt tonight. I am currently trying to ‘get in the zone’ as they say.”

Jill Wagner: “ Well tonight, for the sake of everybody, you get your hands on Jack Power, what do you think will happen.”

Jade: “ I am unsure. Trust me, I do want to attempt to cause him the pain that he has caused me, but it’s not really in my nature to dish out this kind of pain on anyone, no matter what they have done to me.”

Jill Wagner: “ But if you fail to try and use everything to your advantage, you will be annihilated in that environment.”

Jade: “ True, the environment he has chosen is much different than I am accustomed to. But that really won’t matter because the different environment or not, it will not stop me from accomplishing what I need to do, and that Jill, is to cause Jack Power great physical anguish, more so than the mental anguish he has caused me.”

Jill Wagner: “ (she presses the earpiece she has on) I am being told that the bus to the House of Blood as arrived and all staff that will be participating in it to make their way to the south entrance.”

Jade: “ Thank you Jill.”

Jill Wagner: “ You be careful now Jade.”

~Jade and Jill hug before Jade starts to walk towards the south entrance. She makes a pit stop by stopping off at the women’s locker room. She opens the door; walks in, and goes to an unmarked locker. She opens the locker takes a bag out, and walks over to the large mirror that overhangs the porcelain sink. She opens the bag, takes out a silver container; opens it, and takes out what appears to be a swab…~

Jade: “ (she applies a coat of clear lip gloss on her lips before dropping the swab) Jada?”

Jada: “ (she takes out a silver container from the bag and applies cherry red lipstick over the lip gloss) It’s been a while Jade.”

Jade: “ But, but, you are not real.”

Jada: “ Oh, but I am. In your mind, your now shallow, broken mind.”

Jade: “ But nothing has changed since….”

Jada: “ Shut up, that’s why I am here. You are too repressed, too passive, holding everything in. Well, now that you have reached your internal boiling point, you are unable to keep me suppressed.”

Jade: “ The only one that…”

Jada: “ Yes, it’s true, I have to give thanks to Jack Power for letting me escape your feeble, fragile mind. But unfortunately for him, I had to stand by idly while he tormented you. But that will all change because tonight, whether you like it or not, I will help you with this match. A house of blood is it?”

Jade: “ Yes, a house of blood, but how…”

Jada: “ Blah blah blah, don’t you ever quit stating the obvious? It’s clear you don’t possess the traits to go through with this match. At least not enough traits to show all these wonderful people here a match that they have never dreamed of. Let’s face it, like you have needed me before, you need me now.”

Jade: “ I don’t need you, all you are about are joys and pleasures in life.”

Jada: “ (laughing) Is there anything else? Why live a life of sadness, a life of regret?”

Jade: “ Yes, there is compassion, the feeling of…”

Jada: “ (imitates sleeping) Wake me up with it’s over sister. That sounds like a whole lot of crap you are speaking. Just because I enjoy inflicting pain doesn’t mean I don’t feel bad for doing it.”

Jade: “ Really?”

Jada: “ Yeah, really. I feel bad if I don’t twist hard enough to hear some ligaments pop, or to hear the recipient scream out my name with their face full of tears from the astronomical amount of pain they are in. I feel bad if I don’t send them to the emergency room, I feel bad if they have full motor skills after the end of the match. So your theory is incorrect.”

Jade: “ That is not what I meant and you know it.”

Jada: “ Face the facts, you know you like it when I inflict pain on people. It gives you that rush, that excitement of hearing people beg for mercy (she shivers) that delightful feeling that runs up your spine after really injuring someone.”

Jade: “ I hate that feeling. Wrestling is supposed to be entertainment for the fans.”

Jada: “ Oh, I do provide entertainment for the fans, but why not have some of my own while I am at it? Am I to hold back my enjoyment, if my enjoyment also brings happiness to others?

Jade: “ Well, it is still not right trying to intentionally trying to hurt someone.”

Jada: “ You will find out tonight just how enjoyable it can be. We both know you won’t be able to finish this match without me so tonight, I will do something that even sickens me to the core, and that is to help you since you are unable to help yourself. You can thank me later after I show Jack Power what pain really is, what being one of the top XFW stars is. You have held us back too long, sticking to your VGM duties. The Sentinel has it right; rule with an iron fist Genghis Khan style and you will get the respect of the wrestlers in the back one way or another. Your little open door policy allows you to be walked all over, but not anymore. From now on, when it comes to the tough decisions, I will give you a nudge in the right direction. Who says you can’t have the love of the fans and the fear from all the wrestlers in the back all at the same time?”

Jade: “ But my open door policy….”

Jada: “ Are you deaf? It doesn’t work, which is why jackoff’s like Jack Power is able to get over on you and play you like a puppet. He says dance, and you dance, he says jump and you jump; well that is all over. He wants to play games? I got one for him tonight. It will be: How Loud Can I Scream For Jada Before She Show’s Mercy.”

Jade: “ I will handle Jack Power in my own way.”

Jada: “ (she puts her index finger to her nose) How do I put this, no you won’t. I’ll handle Jack Power in a way he understands. Now, why don’t you get us to the bus, I would hate to be late for the party of the century.”

Jade: “ Whatever, you just stay out of it, and I will show you that I can handle Jack Power without doing your straight ahead full on violence style.”

~She zips up the bag and walks over to the unmarked locker where she puts the bag away. Jade then leaves the women’s locker room and exits the arena in the south side entrance. She enters a bus that has ‘House of Blood’ written on the front as the destination and walks past various staff members holding camera’s, microphone, and other devices before taking a seat near the back as the camera fades to black…~
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